Thursday, September 29, 2005


"My own garden is my own garden," said the Giant; "any one can understand that, and I will allow nobody to play in it but myself."

Reflections on the so called selfish GIANT ....

  • The Giant is SELFISH ......... does that mean we are so very different?

  • Hang a label on him and he is that forever. Read the UK based Daily Mail and the same thing happens ...... labellabellabel.
  • "So he built a high wall all round it" ....... what walls do we build? Do we build them to wall ourselves in or others out? Are these walls our home - do we have a walled home - is the sign saying 'keep out'? What are the emotional walls we build? The relational walls? What the results of building walls around us? No walls = vulnerability. Is this good or bad. Are the feelings of vulnerability good for us - or bad? Good for others - or bad?

  • "And the Giant's heart melted as he looked out. "How selfish I have been!" he said; "now I know why the Spring would not come here". ...... Ghandi was asked about the worst experience in his life - a life which included journeying through all sorts of pain on behalf of others ............. he said that the worst thing is;_ "the hard heartedness of the educated" .......... do you give permission to your heart 'to melt'? ............. ...... What would our own 'self analysis' be? ............. Are you keeping spring out?
  • Read the full story and melt .............
  • Read the full story and reflect ........
  • Read the full story and weep ......
  • Read the full story and knock down walls ........

READ the full story HERE
