Wednesday, June 06, 2007


....... these are the five words to describe my life at the moment.
Right here right now.

My eMails have been down since 10 am yesterday and only just received them and I have no time/priority to answer them, apology here, because I am up again at 5 am to travel to a residential 2 days in 'the Midlands' .............. middle of England.
47 humans expected.
A bunch of young beautiful humans in day one ............. then followed on day two by a collection of 28 CEO's and Chairs of Boards..... together with the young 'uns ....... a challenge to relish - and stretch me of course.

Have had a great day today with 14 beautiful humans and I may never ever see them again after seven weeks together ............. we have journeyed together and I have facilitated and learned much ................ they have been so generous with me ............ including a box of chocs at the end ........ with the best possible label on it:: 'you are beautiful' ..................

...... so I slip from a v minimal comment about such major evens because I must turn to final prep for the gig, packing and route planning da de da .....

you are beautiful ............ and that chocolates cannot improve on that .............
