Sunday, July 13, 2008

hello you blogfriend
(and never leave the 'r' out of 'friend')

We have had an invasion this sunny day in London Town -
but yesterday was not ok - with rain again like so often recently in the UK.
I have just cut the tip of my index finger, is that the first one?
For a two finger typer like me - that is a real pain.
Blood on the keyboard!

I have just washed the final dishes after the invasion.
Joan tripped off to bed,
as usual - she does most of the work
(what a damn fine cheesecake she made wow)
I burned the sausages, and I forgot I eat one -
and I have stopped eating meat!!
Hope my gut is ok tomorrow!!
(alarm alarm)

We have had the Level Five group here, on Saturday,
and on Sunday all the families who could make it.
Yes - some of them were just 16 years when we met
but now some have their very own children.

WOW, that's the second wow, how they have grown
since they last stepped into Wilson Mansions Gardens.

It was just remarkable - both days.
Saturday we just sat around and we all had one hour.
In that hour the BHP talks and we ask questions.
Out flowed cliché, facts, opinions, feelings and (L5)
full on openness to suit what they/we can undertake at this time.

It may strange for you
but we are 28 years old at doing this undressing.
It is beautiful.
I feel honoured that these guys asked me questions
so many
and listened.
And asked for more.
(I felt a twinge of guilt too -
It was such pleasure - I felt guilty!)
It was beautiful ..........

The day ended by us going out for an 'Indian'
and a fine one it was.

Today was a bustling BBQ - me the Chef,
dominated by children as they lived life.
They bounced on the trampoline
eat the food, (I feel so honoured that they eat my food!),
fingered my macs, joined in on the jokes,
exchanged hugs and such mature warmth
(I felt honoured) - that sort of day.

I have some great pix.(always click each one to enlarge)
Only a few here - more to come on this page this week ........

When you see your L5 friends grow up over 28 years
then their kids grow into physical giants,
(and strangely - I, myself, have not aged!
just more experienced!!)
THIS is something special ........

Your friends??
You and your friends ........
Burst the boundaries of comfort zones
to be with them
to look into their eyes
to read those facial muscles
to observe their slumped attention giving frames.
to Love em love em - while you can
make some more friends out of enemies .........