Tuesday, September 06, 2011


1 A young woman showing me, and others, her favourite SCAR. I cannot tell you more without her permission.
2 The iPod Show I facilitated for, largely, the Survivors Group on Friday evening. The mix of music and in the process of interview - the stories which flowed. Dynamic. Moving. Deep. Beautiful.
3 Level Five Colliding with individuals and groups in the late night bar. The deepening of relationships. Some connecting for the first time. Strangers. Speakers. Artistes. Beautiful. I love it.
4 Coffee Shop Festival style/just sitting talking to friends, and sometimes strangers. Taste of festival vibe.
5 The talk on Sunday morning when thousands of humans came together to open up to some depth of connection.
6 Humans as warm as a log fire.
7 A collection of Americans who were over to see our Festival following their own call WILD GOOSE.
8 Quiet people. Loved the talking with those on the fringes of groups. Finding out their depth.
9 Mavis Staples doing the last set on Monday night. A great gospel concert with meaning. (and the powerful sign language done for hers - so powerful) What a woman with longevity. And the brief encounter with her afterwards.
10 Julie Noble appearing out of Geordie mist after a two year absence from my life - and at Greenbelt.
11 Managing to eat healthy and sugar free for a whole week-end and - only porridge and peppermint tea for breakfast.
12 Blob Greenbelt creating interactions/feelings/before Greenbelt.