Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A line of Lyrics. From the great Bruce Cockburn.

A line of Lyrics here.
From the great Bruce Cockburn.


He writes about life and plays guitar like it is::
Attached to his body.
Attached to Society.
Attached to his Soul.

He is playing the Greenbelt Festival this year.
I will be there to experience 
the music
the challenge
the artistry

I understand that the current disaster was caused by deforestation.
Bruce Cockburn lyrics again::

"Cut and move on
Cut and move on
Take out trees
Take out wildlife at a rate of species every single day
Take out people who've lived with this for 100,000 years -
Inject a billion burgers worth of beef -
Grain eaters - methane dispensers."

..... eat your hamburgers

..... get fat
..... destroy the planet
....... destroy humans


I need to

-plant and move on
-plant and move on