Thursday, April 17, 2014

It's Easter and I offer you a question

Which Blob who feels most like you do 
as you step on into your Eas+er? 

Which Blob feels like you today?
Which one as you consider the events of the last supper
and communion today? 

Which Blob - in which hand, do you feel like as you turn your mind to Good Friday - the events that lead up to the decision to 'crucify him' ........ 
Draw a heart upon the palm of your hand with a pen, feel it as you consider it - do it, and ask God to help to guide you to the emotional, spiritual, social, physical being you would like to be in these next four days. 

Can you say out-loud "I will become an agent of Love"

Take an old fashioned pen and with hand writing on paper - reflect with a few words - starting with feelings but ending in a fumbling stumbling inadequate prayer. 
It will flow from your soul to pen.