Monday, February 23, 2015

Bass Jitsu - Secret Archives of the Vatican MUSIC to hear = 70 minutes

Bass Jitsu - 

Secret Archives of the Vatican 

“The important thing is to polish wisdom and the mind in great detail. If you sharpen wisdom, you will understand what is just and unjust in society and also the good and the evil of this world; then you will come to know all kinds of arts and you will tread different ways. In this manner, no one in this world will succeed in deceiving you. It is after this stage that you will arrive at the wisdom of strategy. The wisdom of strategy is entirely distinct. Even right in the middle of a battle where everything is in rapid movement, it is necessary to attain the most profound principle of strategy, which assures you an immovable mind. You must examine this well.” 
Musashi Miyamoto
The Book of Five Rings