Monday, April 28, 2014

GIRL, SMILE! by Mone Celin Skrede

Girl, smile!

Girl, smile!
Don’t show me your pain.
Give me daisies and the smell of summer air.
I like my illusion.
You are a pebble in someone’s hand
just outside my glass house. 
Your smile will keep my skin
Just be pretty enough 
for them
to want to keep you, collect you.
I’ll hold the corners of your mouth for you,
just smile.
- For you, I won’t!
I’ve gone numb again. 
I smell of rot, daisy leaves, scattered in dusty memory.
I’d rather this someone threw me.
So you would feel
and let me feel.
Why do I always have to smile
to be good enough?
When I should smile
at someone else.

by Mone Celin Skrede


Mone is a friend of mine
we met when I was in Norway
She a journalist
at a Rolling Magazine I was leading

We connected.
Those who know me
know my passion for L5
for the journey within
She writes so beautifully
She connects with me.
What I am all about.
The inner
the hidden
the feelings
we all have

I am privileged she allows me
to publish here.

Mone you are beautiful
(read it again - it's so deep)