Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
It's too hard, Lord.
Please pick me up and carry me
To where you want me to be.
Talk to me soothingly
And teach me how...
It's too hard, Lord.
Hold me like a child
Close enough to hear your heart beat
Close enough to know you love me
Close enough ...
It's too hard, Lord
Please let me give up now.
Thank you Caroline ........
Monday, February 26, 2007
I think about you.
Wonder how you are.
I don't know who clicks this way
I try to think how you are.
I sometimes say to a new human
"I don't know what it is like to be you"
(Sometimes -
most times
I don't know what it is like to be me)
Getting to know someone is walking that way
I like getting to know humans
Love that journey
I don't like,
but accept,
when I feel humans saying
"Hey - I don't want to enter intimacy"
I accept
I - in fact, have feelings when this happens
I suppose it is because the person my be slow
at opening up -
different speed
maybe in a trapped place
time out
having a bad day
never known about Level Five Communication.
I hope you feel that we are in
some sort of spiritual
emotional connective-ness?
maybe there is a special
touching of our finger tips
across cyber space?
Me like me
You like you
and that is a
beautiful place
to be
to start .........
Sunday, February 25, 2007
.. overheard a few conversations this week .....
Humans talking about what they are giving up ..............
I am just catching on that it is Lent.
I am not one for traditions
needle in the same groove.
I don't give up things for Lent
I usually read a special book during this time
forgot so far
will kick-in now I recall it is Lent.
40 days!
What will you do during the next 40 days?
What will you become in the next 40 days?
What will you make of the next 40 ........
got a plan?
do something that is risky every day?
not think?
will think?
Have thought?
I will give a think and make some decisions .........
Had porridge for breakfast today
usually do
sustaining the energy .......
I like my new Timberland Trainers
I am listening to the Essential Mix
I love Google Alerts
Joan is under pressure 200+ miles away
I don't have opinions about everything
Saturdays blog, below,
I do that once a month
so I can then link to it when humans ask me
about all d tools I have available.
Also the link is on the email footer.
Sorry if it is boring!!
I am excited because there are two new books on the list
mine came this week
One is a reprint/republish = Big Book of Blobs
One is stonking NEW = 'Big Book of Blob Feelings'
It is a thing most wonderful,
almost too wonderful to be,
that God's own Son should come from heaven,
and die to save a child like me.
I was singing that in church this morning
it hit me emotionally
( hang on - I will google these words)
I'm back
44,500,000 connections in 22 seconds
Words: William W. How, 1872.
Try this
or/and this
hope you are feeling beautiful?
It is a thing most wonderful,
almost too wonderful to be,
that God's own Son should come from heaven,
and die to save a child like me.
This is what you call rugby and ......
...............WE WON ...............
The World Club Challenge Cup!
Saturday, February 24, 2007
'The Big Book of Blobs'
is rebublished in a new style and includes a CD Rom too!
'The Big Book of Blob Feelings'
is brand new AND also includes a CD Rom!
Here are all the latest details of the full range of publications ........ can you pass on all this to all your contacts PLEASE?
The Blob Tree came out of my work in the East End of London working with young people who could not or would not read. I led a large Team of People Workers working with street gangs including lots of group work.The Blob Tree is about 20 years old now and is used all over the world.
Now I am employed as a Trainer/Group Worker and also freelance Facilitator and Group Worker. These tools have been developed as I work with different kinds of beautiful humans week on week. There are Blob Tools with differing purposes because they are flexible for your use! All about helping people to open up and develop and grow ........ I use many of them in my work every week with humans who struggle with life.
I love Group Work and find that creating the right climate of trust and easing humans into self revelation is the most beautiful experience in development terms. I also use these tools, and other tools in the range of books, in Facilitation and Training Staff who work with special needs humans in the Voluntary and Corporate Sector.
Full List of Tools/Publications available ::
1 Blob Tree CD-Rom
This is 'The Big Book of Blobs' with no clothes on!
It is the book in CDR format with 'The Blob Tree' and a collection of 50 of the currently most popular images for use with data projectors, computers, whiteboards etc..
Contains Blob Iceberg, Blob Emotions, Blob Sleep, Blob Needs, Blob Christmas, Blob Doors and many more.
This CDR, for personal use - with groups led by yourself etc., costs £20.00 + p&p = £21.00
'The Big Book of Blobs' was first published in August 2005, now sold out, BUT republished February 2007. It has over 50 x A4 size 'Blob Tree' type tools.
You have permission to photocopy for your own use in a face to face context.
There are many beautiful and powerful new tools here with permission to photocopy for personal use.
It cost £30-ish and is available only from::
3 'You Are a Beautiful Human Person' BOOK.
This was new in September 2006, a 'Mr Men' size book which has a few affirmative words alongside Blobs illustrations.
It is affirmative to the hilt with also a gentle/simple Christian emphasis.
Available from me ONLY.
The book costs £6.00 + p&p = £7.00
4 A3 Blob Tree Posters - 2 sets of Posters - Top Sellers.
Four A3 size posters have been published too.
They are in colour and the pack has four different blob trees.
A booklet is part of the pack with ideas for use.
Not available from me.
Order online from::
These were new product in May 2006. There is four different Blob Trees x A5 size, in each set, produced in colour and on good quality/thick paper. Ideal to use in small group work.
Available from::
6 The Very Stinking Rolling Magazine Book .
This 250 page Book, published in 1991 by Harper Collins, has several 'Blob Tree' type images and 100+ Games and Exercises.
The are many unique tested Group Work ideas and tools plus a specialist guide indicating sensitivity when working those with with Humans with Special Needs - we all have abilities and disabilities!
This Book costs £10.00* which includes p&p.
7 The Little Book of Blob Questions
This was new in June 2006. Not only does it have The Blob Tree and 14 other Blob Tools, it has some ideas of how to use in a group context and several questions to trigger you own preparation for use.
AND this you can buy on line ::
Printed version or as a Download. (Not available from me.)
8 The Big Book of Blob Feelings - a New in February 2007
Full of Blob Tools which are much in demand by Counsellors, Educational Psychologists and Mediation Workers etc..
Includes the Blob Tree, Blob Feelings, Blob Depression, Blob Families,and many more.
Only available from
9 Blob Spirituality - ONLY available online.
Blob Spirituality is a book of visual tools designed to enable deep conversations about issues which matter to people.
Using the primary languages common to all people - body language and feelings - it provides the user with a means to explore issues as wide as bullying and change, through to Christmas and Weddings.
Take a look at the contents page to see the full range of visuals.
Available as a download or to buy as a book ONLY from::
10 Downloads or Books online::
These tools are being added to regularly - feel free to take a peep .....
See also these to download or order online::
Hope this is helpful - please get back to me if you have questions.
Pip Wilson bhp
EXTRA READING if you wish - two great reviews ::
Read what the Times Educational Supplement said in January 2006
Enlist the power of the Blob
Jerome Monahan
Published: 20 January 2006
The Big Book of Blobs By Pip Wilson and Ian Long £12 (including p&p); the A3 posters are £19 (including p&p)
Here are two new words that could well enter the lexicon in 2006.
The verb "to blob"and its associated noun "blobster" meaning a convinced user of Blobs in training and education work with adults and young people.
The roots of both are the endlessly adaptable "Blob" people (born of a collaboration between artist Ian Long and group worker and trainer Pip Wilson) and now gathered into a collection of over 50 fresh illustrations designed to promote communication and emotional literacy.
The book begins with the original "BlobTree" that has been doing the rounds of schools and counselling settings for many years and features a population of jelly baby-like figures climbing, hanging and falling from trunk and branches and demonstrating behaviour ranging from mutual support to out-and-out opposition or complete isolation. "This picture is over 25 years old," says Pip Wilson. "It emerged from my youth work in East London with young people unwilling or unable to read and has circulated since among teachers and other professionals often in the shape of photocopies of photocopies. Now we have greatly extended the range of Blob situations and scenarios - though all offer the same multiplicity of interpretation that made the original so useful a tool."
The new illustrations are gathered into four themed sections: places, such as playground and disco settings; issues, including bullying; families and death; occasions, including a Blob Christmas; and, finally, a set of personal development scenarios. "Most of the situations are open to symbolic interpretation," suggests Ian Long. "They can be used to help children and young people make the leap to some highly sophisticated thinking. They have proved an ideal prompt, helping people to open up about themselves in ways that more direct cross-examining often fails to do."
"The great thing about Blob pictures is the way they provide an entirely non-threatening way into young people's thinking," suggests Norwich-based sex and relationship educational development worker Molly Potter. "I have used them in a variety of circumstances and they are great for drawing out views without the need for any reading whatsoever. They have proved extremely useful helping both secondary and primary pupils. In addition, they have worked as a great ice-breaker for the PSHE sessions I lead with primary teachers." Included in The Big Book of Blobs is guidance about the importance of subtle questioning as the key to the successful use of the images. "The quality of the questions that young people are asked makes all the difference," says Ian Long.
"In co-ordination with the images, effective questions can move young people on from everyday communication to discussing their beliefs and feelings, and eventually reaching the kind of openness from which real progress can flow." Ian Long cites a powerful example involving a distraught Year 4 child he witnessed being able to use a Blobbing session to identify the figure in one image he most felt like at the time. "It was the necessary launch pad he needed to express his current emotions," says Ian. "He took the risk of opening himself up and it produced the extraordinary result of another pupil pointing to a friendly Blob embracing another to articulate how he would like to help his classmate."
For Jill Aitkin, assistant head at Canons High School in Harrow, the moment when Blobs proved their worth was in her work with a young boy whose mother was seriously ill. "His worry was being manifested in aggression," she recalls. "Using the Blob Tree picture with him gave him the chance to point to the figure in mid-air having fallen off a branch - this was how he felt and he immediately burst into tears. It enabled him to express his underlying sadness and anxiety." She adds: "Blobs are deceptively simple figures, recognisably human and manifesting an extraordinary range of emotions and relationships. They are a very direct and yet unobtrusive way to help adolescents explore their feelings."
Sarah Davidson of Slough Borough Council's Educational Psychology Service adds: "The Blob Playground and Bullying pages have proved particularly helpful. But intrinsic to all Blobs is their lack of specific identity.
They are sexless, ageless and without racial characteristics. Even the youngest children can come to own the images, finding in them Blobs that reflect their past and present circumstances and how they would like to be in the future."
Youthwork review
‘One of the most dynamic, flexible and innovative resources the youth work world has ever seen.’
There you go, stick that on the back cover because we mean every word.
Pip and Ian’s ‘Blob Tree’ resource has been around for nearly twenty years now, making a great name for itself over that time. An A4 monochrome image, bereft of writing, it displays a large tree filled with sexless, shapeless, ageless ‘blob people’. Like stick men who’ve chomped one Big Mac too many, their simple yet animated forms are used to represent emotions, decisions, personality types and social situations. A person can point to the blob whose stance, expression or activity they most identify with, and perhaps explain why. And that’s it. Essentially, it’s just a tree full of conversation-starting blobs.
But that, of course, is the brilliance of it. Because of its simplicity, the tree becomes the perfect resource when attempting to get people to talk about themselves and their social interactions. Children enjoy the visual focus, and can discuss important issues; adults identify with the emotions presented in these abstract characters. And there’s no language involved, so the image can be used to the same effect anywhere in the world.
Pip and Ian return here with a whole book of variations on the theme, as their army of cartoons populate more than 50 new scenes. Spread throughout four themed categories, they place the blobs in a range of tree-substitutes – a playground, a protest march, a football match, a community and so on – each designed to spark a different kind of conversation and interaction.
Some examples: on looking at the book now (after all, which blob you are today doesn’t always define which blob you’ll be tomorrow), I define myself as the blob at the back of the cinema; and the blob walking through one of the ‘blob doors’. Simple and silly as they seemed at first, these little people have had a profound effect on my thoughts today.
That’s why this book is so vitally important to youth work in the broadest sense. These illustrations, though almost text free, are deceptively complex and engaging. The potential for both getting people to talk and releasing them to think, is awesome.
The acid test: I’ve tried this with young people already, and had stunning conversations off the back of it. If Youthwork ran the resource Oscars, Pip and Ian’s Big Book of Blobs would have just walked away with the award for Best Picture(s).
Martin Saunders
Editor of Youthwork
Oct 2005
Friday, February 23, 2007
.... after a busy week
I was confronted tonight
with a game on tv ...
My Team
St Helens
Rugby League
'The Saints'
were playing the best
Australian Team
in a game which is as big as
Football is in England.
So I sit down just in time ...
Mind not switched on ...
It is a big game ...
the first cup of the season ...
and in 2007 ....
It dragged me in
screaming at the TV
it was tense
I was taking deep breaths
to cool down
control my heart beats
It was fantastic
I sweated
I clapped
exchanged constant calls with Joan
200 miles away with her Mum.
We won in dramatic terms
I was on my feet
cheering like a lunatic
and I was then relaxed .......
I was in touch with a new world called
from real life
real life ......... and I love it love it love it .............
This is what I am on about .......
Thursday, February 22, 2007
...........................there is a man
who I see regularly
never looks my way
never speaks
until I say hello
never uses my name
more often a grunt
never eye contact
always the head dropped
this human person
I WILL say
a beautiful human person
- will not change my way of
saying hello to everyone
using a name whenever I can recall
looking whilst communicating
I have decided to behave in a certain way
and another human will not
control my proactive communication
by their own behaviour.
I will not be a reactor
'We are each individually responsible for our own inactions.'
Noam Chomsky
I always write when I am in an airport lounge,
eye surgeons waiting room,
away from my home-base
pile of distractions.
My current thoughts and stumbling into activity is around the thought::
Life is a '?' = a question mark
not a 'tick' = answers
Our first explorations as a baby are::
the mouth
the toes
the - between the legs
The longest exploration
the longest journey
the deepest journey
is the journey inwards
we will never stop
the mouth
the toes - the toenails still need cutting
and between the legs ......
.......................... always needs attention!
The journey inwards is like
tapping the depths of the deepest ocean
the deepest and darkest forrest
the deepest and darkest outer space
All this is linked to my thoughts about
"growth does not reside in a place called comfortable"
the human 'being'
is different than a
human 'becoming'
When I left Community Leadership
some four years ago
the decision was based on
knowing what I was good at
and wanting to do more of it
not sacrificing freedom for security
that was the predominant principle at that time
and still is one of my guiding top ten.
Amazing the number of humans who said to me
'I would love to leave my job and do what I believe I am good at but'
(someone once said to me that after a 'but' - comes the bullshit)
'but - I can't afford to do that ....
'I would feel insecure .....
'I would have to leave behind the status as a CEO or whatever ......
' It is too much risk ......
"In times of change
the learners
will inherit the earth
while the knowers,
will find themselves
beautifully equipped
to deal with a world
that no longer exists."
Try kissing some scars
Try walking in someone else's shoes
Try making a mistake as a learning experience
Try loving the unlovely
Try a vision for others not self
Try downward mobility instead of upwards
Try a worse home
Try a poorer community
Try a battered and hopeless church
Try disturbing your comfortable
Try comforting your disturbed
Try pain when comfortable
Try comfort when in pain
Try grit in your oyster
Try loving yourself like you have never been hurt ..................
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
tired tonight
normal to pump more
as it goes later.
Five words to
describe my life at the moment::
......... and you?
Last year
at the end
I did a list of favourites
of the year.
Workwise it was working with a same group over a period
more depth
more stretch
for me
for them
Today was another
like that
the third session with a group
.............. and you?
What do you loveitloveit?
And another thought::
My .....
..... and my fumbling mind
does not work well with
YouTube in my head stuff
is great ......
Just got a new album::
Extraordinary People by Harmonic 33
It has hit me that the word
'Extraordinary' is made up of two words
Don't laugh
maybe simple for you but .........
Dictionary says::
"beyond what is usual, ordinary, regular, or established"
YOU ARE extraordinary
the average human is not average
you are beautiful
I like the thoughts here.
Greenbelt has the theme this year as - 'Heaven in the Ordinary'
Monday, February 19, 2007
This month is the anniversary of my Mothers death and also her birthday.
All four sons were with her when she died in hospital.
I held her hand until she stopped breathing.
It was a special time.
It was beautiful in so many ways.
Sad and distressing - yes
but a privilege ...........
I have sometimes communicated in this blog dipping place,
and you who may have read about it if you have clicked this way before.
I have told about when I was working in the East End of London.
Working with youth street gangs giving my all beyond breaking point.
Demanding it was.
Giving it was....... and at the same time ....
My Mother was about to enter hospital to have her legs amputated - one above the knee, one below the knee.
Here I was in East London, in the most deprived community in the nation
working with beautiful humans who were deep into crime and enjoying violence and .....
..... my Mother was due to enter hospital over 200 miles away.
I was sat near the snooker table in the club.
Back to the wall.
I always sit with my back to the wall.
The young humans I work with had heard about my Mother and of what was about to happen.
I was subdued that evening and not my usual bustling, bouncy, verbal self.
As I sat with my back to the wall near to the snooker table -
one of the toughest of the gang members walked around the table a couple of times.
Walking ever so slow - walking ever so close - but not stopping .....
Then, as he walked past me again,
and as he did he just stroked my hair away from my forehead and walked on.
........... that was the point when the sobs rose from my chest as I felt it
- that act of beautiful tenderness .......
As I click these keys now tears fill my eyes - again.
I choked, I think, because I was at a depth of vulnerability
I felt and I connected with those feelings - felt that.
Also it was because I connected with the act of non-verbal sensitivity,
gentleness and kindness pouring out of an inarticulate frame of a tough and violent young man.
I remembered it now and it moves my soul ..........
I learned a lot from that incident of care.
That incident was not a chosen moment of my vulnerability.
But I learned that it is a mistake to see vulnerability as a weakness.
Vulnerability is all about disclosing the authentic me.
Since then I have chosen,
and tried my best,
to reveal my vulnerability.
Not because I am submissive (instead of assertive)
or in Child ego state (instead of Adult ego state).
It is part of the process of me 'telling you who I am'.
It has driven my sensitivity towards 'the least' 'the underside'
and many beautiful humans I spend time with regularly
(who some say have 'special needs' )
.......... .......haven't we all?
So with the people we work with
- some people call them clients,
and those we work alongside
- some say colleagues .....
it seems to me that we need to practice
the naked act of sharing when we feel life experiences
...... both the roses and the thorns.
Beautiful Imperfection ........................
...... I have had a cry again ...........
Sunday, February 18, 2007
I Lurve these two grooves on my piPod right now - today.
Tomorow it will be a new song fronting the daily blog ...... today it is Dilla.
Love this stuff. I don't know if you can feel music like this? Music with no lyrics - just beats?
I have some great music coming up 'waiting in line' for the piPod .......... one exciting slice of extreme sound is::
House of the Rising Sun Bob Dylan
and must tell you more .....
Joana Amendoeira: Meu Portugal, Meu Amor
and a v v v special
Duke Ellington ripping into Grieg: Ase's Death from Peer Gynt
exciting stuff
and bought two LP's this week ...... see next blog.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
..... the madness of the Red Hearts has passed, the style promoted by the media I mean, ......
I believe in giving my heart away as I give wee/little red hearts away to BHP's all year through rather than just selling Valentine Cards ..... ...... and
pic 2 .... the Valentine flowers I bought for Joan on Monday so they would have a good two weeks of life before she has to go away again.
pic 3 ...... Snow at Wilson Mansions ...... the most for years and it was tough getting to work but ....... it has all gone and we have sunshine on a shivery day at the moment.
pic 4 ....... today is the first Saturday I have had as a free man and here I am taking deep breaths ...... but the photo is of Ian who I met in the New Piccadilly last Saturday to create new ideas-tools-books-games ....... so stimulating EVERY time we meet up.
pic 5 & 6 is of PB.
Patrick and I used to work together in East London, see below, and I have not seen him for at least 12 years - seems to me.
He left us in East London some 26 years ago(guess) to train as a Youth Worker(fact) and after a stint in the field conducting hands-on Informal Education - then he went to Paraguay, with Rosie his wife, to give himself to meeting the massive needs there .........
..... 12 years later, and three children, there is a move for them back to the UK and including a wondrous Level Five with me in the New Piccadilly .......... how do you catch up on a quarter of a century of lives lived?
He is a great man and anyone who is looking for a Youth Worker with great skill and experience ...... and more ......
One quote from him stood out.
Something like this::
"The shock of culture shift from UK to South America
was nothing compared with the shift from middle England
to live and work in Inner City working class London".
PB you are beautiful .....
.... back cover of my first book called::
Gutter Feelings.
Published about 24 years ago.
All about working with Gangs - the press reviews said. Topical here in the UK at the moment.
I would love to publish the book again on Lulu dot com. Have you seen this site? It is like iTunes for books. You can just lay down your text and cover etc and ....... bingo!
a book is printed and posted by them each time there is a single order.
NO stock held and no cost to you as the kind folks at Lulu just take a slice of the sale.
I have this booked typed on a CDR now, thanx Adol, but I need someone who has got some sense and ability to get it up there in cyeberspace ........ I would like to do this with all my books eventually but this is the only 'to read' book ....... the rest are 'to use' books.
Anyone out there in space who can do this for me?
I am such an idiot on these sorta things, most things, but I am beautiful ........ but it took me until I was around forty years old to believe ........ to get there .......
Thursday, February 15, 2007
hmmmm ......
..late night at Wilson Mansions ....... and much to reflect upon.
Much media about Gangs in the UK.
Rightly so considering that three young people in South London have been shot dead within three weeks. All 15 years old.
I had already had a request to run a Gangs Training Session for workers who are in the front line..... it is in the diary and more such sessions to come.
'Gangs' is a tabloid term for a group of anti-social humans.
Usually young humans. Saying that - many of these youngsters have role models around. They are often much older and professional in extreme.
The awareness about this is one of the great needs. Another is the development of skills to be able to work with such humans. For a start - we have got to be in contact with these humans to have ANY sort of influence. AND the influence has to be non-directive. It will then only be received when there is respect for me/you due to our helping relationship.
Today I have been working with a group who did some wondrous sharing about real interactions in their lives. Out of that came a wondrous learning process ......... all the way through.
Great to hear, and see, their analysis of their own feelings and behaviour. Out of that came awareness and skill which will equip them to be sensitive in extreme. Out of this awareness and skill .......... I trust there will be wholistic relationships, including respect for them by humans in need, and changed lives.
We all need new tools in our 'Life Toolbox' to bring to a new energy to a new world.
Hmmmm - a tired human here but buzzing with reflections ..........
Next week I have three days of work with three different groups::
Induction Training for staff at a large charity in London Town.
Awareness and skills training for staff at a vsecure establishment for young humans.
Team building/working for a group of researchers.
Hmmmm ...........
I think of you and your situation.
you in your beautifulness .........
"You and me become aware
when we share our feelings
and thoughts with others.
It is always there -
churning around in
the cement mixer in our head
it only becomes
when we pour it out
in the presence of others."
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
“Maybe nothing
is more important
than that we keep track,
you and I,
of these stories of who we are
and where we have come from
and the people we have met along the way
because it is precisely through these stories
in all their particularity . . .
that God makes himself known to each of us
most powerfully and personally.”
Frederick Buechner
(Telling Secrets , 1991)
....... and I feel good this morning ......... but
yes but
no but .......
I need to prep like mad today .......
...........but aware that I have not clicked about
'why am I afraid to tell you who I am'
- favourite book.
(For new pip-blog-scrollers,
I have a commitment myself
to tell you who I am and
not only pour out
opinions and
factual experiences.)
I am feeling good and alert.
Busy period.
This has made me focus crisply on the two framed words I have on my desk.
I have been placing time and energy into prepping and doing the stuff I have committed myself to do and other things, such as my inbox, have slipped the frame.
I am ok with that.
Please forgive me if I have not got back to you.
I am doing new things.
Funny how, when I get a new challenging Training Session, a Group Work Challenge or Course,
I feel feel excited at first then
jumpy and stimulated and restless.
Once I have found a time slot to prepare
and completed the first draft design of the session
- I change into a less restless mode
and become more at ease but still motivated and pumping.
At the moment I have no great concerns other than for other humans ......
Being trapped in a body full of volcanic emotions
seems to be so ugly
Without the tools to fix
work at the issues
it becomes a pit.
It seems that we in Society
help so much with the practical
but seems to neglect the
emotional deprivation
the interior.
Behaviour gets the attention
These Thugs and Louts
(Tabloid talk and I hate it)
These beautiful humans
are ripping out anti-social behaviour
because they are
humans in pain.
"an obnoxious human is a hurting human"
It isn't a bell until it's rung
It isn't a song until it's sung
It isn't love until it is given away
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