6 am
A walk
a train
a train - underground
a train - a London Docklands one
an Airport - London City
a plane
a plane
a bus
a ferry over a fjord
Oyvin - in safe hands for four days.
In 1992 I was in a Castle in Hungary.
I always remember the Castle
in a village called Tisadob
the telephone number was '5'
There was a team of twenty or more international trainers.
I remember Mr Yip from Kuala Lumpur
MR Yip and Mr Pip became good friends.
The iron curtain around a big chunk of Europe had been broken down
We had a hundred leaders and young humans from every former Communist country
It was electric
It was mind swamping
It was translators heaven
Some could not speak more than one language
a lot of humans
such as me.
Amongst the trainers, all sleeping on the floor in sleeping bags
Talented humans
beautiful humans.
During the day
when all the activities and training took place
I noticed one trainer who was often getting alongside the isolates
I noticed the lonely one being helped to inter grate
I noticed the ones who displayed a face uncomfortable -
they were given attention
I noticed Oyvin - he was the one out on the fringes
as well as playing a mean guitar on stage!
Since then we have been the best of friends
He has invited me to Norway many times
working alongside him in his work
and in Prague
and in many European countries.
U2 Concerts
Brick Lane
and some great conversations
all flavour full of -
'Level Five'
The spice of life ....................... and here I am again, at his College, lovinit.