Thursday, October 31, 2019

Thursday, October 24, 2019

'The Refugee' is going to be the last U2 cover the Glasgow band 'DECEMBER' will release.

December to release their final U2 cover 'The Refugee'
December to release their final U2 cover 'The Refugee'


Tuesday, October 22, 2019

One day..... youngsters will learn words they will not understand.

One day..... youngsters will learn words they will not understand. 

Children from India will ask: 

What is hunger? 

Children from Alabama will ask: 

What is racial segregation? 

Children from Hiroshima will ask: 

What is the atomic bomb? 

Children in schools will ask: • 

What is war? 

You will answer them. 

You will tell them 

Those words are not used anymore, 

Like crucifixions, galleys or slavery 

Words no longer meaningful. 

That is why they have been removed from dictionaries. 

Martin Luther King, 
preacher, civil rights activist


“Social & emotional education is ghastly ….” Nick Gibb - still in his job

Nick Gibb the Schools Minister who said the worst possible thing about education that I, 

not a formal educator - but as an informal educator, gasp at his words ::
“Social & emotional education is ghastly ….

It makes me wonder about his emotional life especially in the current climate & emphasis on awareness of mental health -
in context of 12 UK men committing suicide every day.

Ghandi comes to mind - when he was asked about his tough life
'What was the hardest thing you have experienced?'
and he said
'The hard heartedness of the educated.'

What bothers me is if education says that 
SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL learning is ghastly - 
not just not being 'in balance' with academic education.
I worry.

Where I am coming from is that we need education of the head AND HEART.

My own interest in emotional intelligence is on informal education - education of the heart. 
I have seen so much disfunction and behaviour that I see a need for great emphasis on the inner not just the head.
Instead of bashing people we can love people into change - growth and development. 
I believe it.
I see it happening.

I feel there is a strong case for helping children and adults to experience positive development in school and community-based programmes in social and emotional learning. 
Instead of bashing the welfare claimants we need to create opportunities to help them get off benefits into creative work and worthwhile lives.

Families, under pressure in so many parts of the UK, 
have few resources to bring to being successful parents 
and being able to model a life style which can be holistically, and financially, good for the soul too.

Parents are often not the best teachers so we need to supplement them in communities, helping children, and their parents, acquire life skills like self-awareness, emotional self-management, confidence and working together with others. 

So often, too often, the Heart of a child - 
the social, spiritual and emotional, 
are not even an afterthought in education 
and at home too.
All this impacts on the 
social and relationship skills for future life.
We all need Tools in our Life Toolbox 
in becoming a rounded whole persons.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Strangely but true - we learn more when we are dragged outside our comfort zones ..........

I have learned a lot over the years.
Today not an exception.

Strangely but true
we learn more when we step outside our comfort zones
when we are driven reluctantly outside them zones
when the slide gets slippy and we slide uncontrollably.

I have spent a considerable few years
conducting group work in YMCA Hostels 
around London & beyond.

I have learned so much from the pain of others.
It hurts me even now
to reflect back to these BHPs
who were struggling with powerful burdens.

Often no their own making.
Often such a terrible family life
or no family life .........

The pain - I feel it.

I remember many particular times
I can visualise  .............
I have the movie in my heart & head .......

This one time we were engaged in group work
when one person burst out with their feelings::-
They had just returned from mental assessment session at hospital and they had been diagnosed!!

There was a massive sense of relief in that person
even joy.

"I have a condition
I am not on my own
Someone understand me
I can be treated" .......... the joy came too.

Then ............
streaming ..............
Others opened up saying how 
their mental condition had a diagnosis.

It was a new experience for me.
They would rather know than NOT know.

Its up to us to seek help
if we need it!
It is better to know ..............


The IS and Isn't about Mental Health

FEELINGS - are they Right or Wrong ?

Thursday, October 17, 2019

WOW our @Saints1890 #RugbyLeague CLUB & TOWN saying farewell to our Team Coach with a GLASS RUGBY BALL

We are from a Glass town. 
Before we left to work with young offenders' 
at aged 22 & 26, 
we both worked at Pilkington Glass 
like so much of the town. 

What great gift. 🏉
Wow - would love one of these.
Unique gift
Unique 🏉  Justin Holbrook. 

🏉BHP 🏉

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Blobbing in action in DaMarios Covent Garden Heaven London

..... my special friend & partner in Blobs. 
We had our #BlobTree creative ideas session in 
Covent Garden 
(The best food & hospitality in town) ......... 


Monday, October 14, 2019

The poverty that creates knife crime by Jon Kuhrt


The poverty that creates knife crime

My community in south London lives in the shadow of knife crime.  Young people have been killed on our street and the threat of violence continually affects the young people we know and care about. As a father of three children, including two teenage boys, I am more anxious than ever about their safety.
Like all enduring social problems, knife crime is complex. If it wasn’t, it would get solved quickly.  I find this model helpful in thinking about the combination of causes of the violence:
3 faces of povertyResources
Of course, a key factor is the most obvious form of poverty – a basic lack of resourcesLow income, insecure employment, zero-hour contracts and the lack of affordable housing all play a role in feeding the inequality which disaffects young people.
But in addition, there are the community resources which support and guide young people in the right direction. Exclusions from school may help improve exam statistics, but the cost is paid by communities affected by disillusioned young people cast adrift from the educational system. The Police are more stretched than ever and all statutory youth services have cut to the bone.
But equally as important as resources are relationships. Appreciation for the hard work of single mothers should never lead us to downplay the importance of fathers. Too many young men do not have consistent male role-models who show them how to contain and manage their anger and frustration.
Outside of families, we don’t have enough adults volunteering in youth groups and mentoring programmes. Our busyness means that we are not involved enough in the lives of others – we don’t know who the kids are who are hanging around the street corner. Too often, our only relationship with them is one of fear.
Most significantly, underneath both of these is an underlying poverty of identity. Many young people do not feel a sense of significance or worth about their own lives, let alone about others.
Many grow up in a context of poor boundaries around their behaviour. The result is not having a secure sense of identity and who they are. Many struggle to modulate themselves in conflict situations or empathise with others. Relationships within gangs, however fractured and fluid, can provide a sense of identity.
Blame game
Debates around the causes of knife crime frequently turn into a blame game. Some will put all the fault on the government or the local council because they are seen to control the resources that can make a difference.
But the debate also needs to be more personal. This is a community problem. It requires a community response. What can each of us do to make a difference? 
Two factors which I see as key to making a difference are sport and faith.
A sporting chance
Over the last 5 years, I have coached a youth cricket team and run an informal football club for a group of local kids who are now 14-15 years old.
Purely in itself, sport means very little. But what sport can teach people means a huge amount. Team work, resilience, courage, tenacity, coping with disappointment and failure are all qualities young people need to learn.
Adults can assist this learning process. They can referee a match to maintain fair boundaries and ensure arguments don’t boil over. They can coach and encourage a young person to develop their skills. Adults can role-model positive behaviour, so that whatever the result, they take a lead in shaking hands with opponents and handling defeat well.
On a train this week, I bumped into the dad of a boy I used to coach cricket to. He said what a difference being in the team had made to his son’s confidence. He said ‘cricket has helped him become a man’.
Faith in young people
Churches are by far the biggest employer of youth workers in the country and they have a massive role to play in this knife crime crisis. Churches have connections, trust and resources within local communities that few other institutions do.  But most importantly, the gospel message is directly relevant to saving young people from the carnage of violence and crime.
I don’t believe that young people are not interested in faith. They may not want to sit through a long, boring services which says nothing to them about their life.  But that doesn’t mean they are not interested in questions about purpose, forgiveness and the meaning of life. About half of my football club now go to a group at my church which is currently running the Youth Alpha course.
Faith can help young people develop positive relationships with others and find a renewed identity which is affirming and purposeful.
We are currently in a crisis of violence in urban communities. But the Chinese symbol for the word ‘crisis’ is made up of two words: danger and opportunity.
Of course there are many dangers in the situation, especially for young people. But there is also great opportunities for us all to play a constructive role. We must have faith in young people and in do something, however small, to combat the poverty that leads to knife crime.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

We won the #RugbyLeague Grand Final 🅲🅾🅼🅴🏉🅾🅽🏉🆈🅾🆄🏉🆂🅰🅸🅽🆃🆂🏉 you

Here is Justin Holbrook our manager. Great loss as he is now leaving - 
back to Australia to coach another #RugbyLeague  team

Big thanks to him. 


Friday, October 11, 2019

Every 80 minutes someone in the UK commits suicide. Mainly men.

Why It’s So Hard to Develop a New Drug for Depression

Illustration: Carolyn Figel

Thursday, October 10, 2019

FEEDBACK samples from my Training Days

My #RugbyLeague Team play in the biggest and last Game of the season THIS SATURDAY - we are nervous as can be. 🅲🅾🅼🅴🏉🅾🅽🏉🆈🅾🆄🏉🆂🅰🅸🅽🆃🆂🏉

Blob Tree * World Mental Day * The Blob Tree Tools equip humans world wide, and every day, with the best of helpful materials.

A Blob Mental Health CollectionScreen_Shot_2018-04-17_at_07.24.39.png

A Blob Mental Health Collection

Full collection of Blob scenes with a Mental Health theme, includes :
Blob Addict Tree, Blob Agoraphobia Tree, Blob Anger Circle, Blob Anxiety Cycle, Blob Balanced Attitude, Blob Bipolar Disorder, Blob Boredom To StressBlob CalmBlob Changes, Blob Depression Tree, Blob Depression, Blob Drawing The Line Dementia & Mental Health, Blob Drawing The Line Dementia,  Blob Drawing The Line Fulfilment,  Blob Drawing The Line Isolation,  Blob Drawing The Line Personal Space,  Blob Drawing The Line Sleep & Eating, Blob Empathy Tree, Blob Exhausted, Blob Gender Tree, Blob Grief, Blob Interaction, Blob Listening Tree, Blob Mental Health, Blob OCD Tree, Blob Overdose, Blob Relationship, Blob Self Harm, Blob Stages Of Grief, Blob Suicidal, Blob Upstream, Blob Self Regulation Tree
Black & White & Colour versions (where available) included
A total of 40 Blob Scenes in this pack (including black & white and colour variants)
* the purchased images come without watermark and in full resolution
*remember to add your free Blob Tools Guide to your shopping cart
