Monday, January 31, 2005


Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.


A GAME .........
This game is called 'The One Game'.
It is one of the most powerful ones you can use - powerfully positive.

It can be used in a group with six to twelve humans - not less than six.
I have used it with 30,000 humans - all self dividing into groups of about ten.

It needs some build up and a developed climate which is right for such an activity.
It can be good at the end of a;
Youth Camp
Rolling Magazine
Training Course
Fun Day
Sports Day
and for Team Building

Everyone is briefed and encouraged to do it with seriousness for the greater impact.
It is encouraged that there is no talking throughout.
In groups of ten -ish, one person lies down in the centre of a circle of the others with eyes closed.
When the music starts - 'One' by U2, "We get to carry each other" are the lyrics.
Then the group members lift the person slowly, very slowly, up as high as they can - and down again - all without talking.
Silently the person gets up from the centre of the circle and another takes their place.
And repeated - until all have had a go. All are ENCOURAGED not directed.
It is wonderful to see the group silently supporting each other by the stronger ones taking the heavier parts of the human frame.
It is great to see the heaviest of men being lifted by a more slightly built group of committed humans.
All the time - the music plays on and is only faded out when all have had an opportunity.

It is an experiential game - you chose the right occasion.
It produces profound feelings and sometimes tears of beautifulness.
It is good to allow/encourage all to chat quietly to reflect on the experience with another.
Allow lots of time so it is not rushed.

It has got to be experienced and words of explanation will not give it justice. I have used it for years - designing it to build a community, togetherness and belonging.



Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

Ollie and Martin ..........

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Bonny Baby ...... that's me winning the 'bonny baby' prize ....... so I have never had a fine figure ... this is me with the woman in black - my Mother.

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

.... I applaud Chris Smith MP for his coming out as a human who has been HIV Positive for 17 years. He has simply done this for others - not for himself.

I am sad and distressed about the humans who have lost their life today in Iraq. Today, amongst them, has been a large numbers of British Nationals too.
Lord have mercy.

It is great to have Joan back home after 10 days away. We travelled back together by rainy motorways and same again next week-end. The MinL is up and down ....... we will have to wait and see how things go. It makes us think how we all will age and we will all change from independence to dependence ........... who will drive the motorways for you when you are turning the corner ...... and another thought ...... who will care for my Juke Box ........ life has got complications.

I have a bug in my G4 Mactop iPhoto ........ I am trusting to get it fixed by the Tomek Doc tomorrow ........

Tomorrow I am expecting the postman to deliver - on the day of release - the new Roots Manuva album ordered in December from playdotcom. I expect to be extended in my taste ....... this London Preachers son, with near breakdowns to equip him, leads the way in Brit-hop.

Exciting other bit, really bitty in this blog eh?, is the new Radio programme I have discovered and recorded for the last three weeks - the only three weeks ....... it is on 1Xtra ....... chance to use your DAB radio here ....... and even better online coz it stays within reach for 7 days with the BBC listen again feature. It is called DNA - African music presented by DJ Adu ..... it is fabfab in that it plays a wee bit familiar African vibes but also covers a depth including African underground - trad - USA/French music influenced - Angolan - Egyptian ...... it is, for me, exciting stuff. Wednesdays at midnight.

I have not done my January e-news so must do it in the next few days BUT a little note ...... to get this stuff ...... the things I do not write on my blog .... please register via my home page so you get it regularly.

...... and a thought ...... when I say I have feelings ........ remember that feelings of loneliness and insecurity are needed in the process of change ...... so change constantly ......, expect it as part of life ..... step that way ....... and we can hold hands together .......... in fact I like touching unique finger tips with you ....



Hey ....... Ollie is out lose in the world .....

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

....... Oliver who was the Programme geezer at Greenbelt until recently ........ he has gone surfing the world and writing ........ he has also got his head around blogging ........ he is now bloggerollie!!
and you can find him doing a daily surge of international experiences on;

paste it
click it
click him



Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

.... had an interesting glance at music/Greenbelt/Christian Faith/communication which always interests me;

" It was easy to believe the devil had the best music when Britain's only Christian pop star churned out such songs as Mistletoe and Wine. But unlike Sir Cliff, a new generation of Christian artists taking over the charts is blessed with youth, beauty and critical acclaim. Just don't ask them to talk about their faith.

On Monday Athlete release their second album, Tourist. Tipped for No 1, the London band hailed as the new Coldplay are veterans of Christian music festivals across the land. Their success follows hot on the heels of Natasha Bedingfield and her brother Daniel. The artists are linked by the evangelical church group Ichthus, which organises youth services, events and missions in a string of churches across south London and Kent.

Athlete - singer Joel Potts, bassist Carey Willetts, keyboardist Tim Wanstall and drummer Steve Roberts - have built up a devoted fanbase since the release of their debut, Vehicles and Animals, in 2003.

The current single Wires, an affecting ballad about Potts's daughter Myla, is the first to be taken from their new album and lies at No 4 in the charts. But in all the pre-publicity for the album the musicians have been reticent to talk about their faith, despite the fact that they met at the Christian rock festival Greenbelt.

The closest Athlete have come is a reference in a song. Westside, a track on their debut album, contains the lyrics: "House on the rock. Surely it will last forever? House on the rock. Don't you know it's now or never?" The House on the Rock International church is in Bermondsey, in their native south-east London."

Full article here;,2763,1401316,00.html


A Present which is lasting .......

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

...... and I am still delighted with this present from Joan which makes my iMac sound so beautiful ........ hmmm

Visiting Joyce ......... my Mother in Law who is in a rehab unit to prepare her for living alone ........... she is confused and not well after a good start following her operation to fix her broken hip.

Travelling along the UK motorways in constant drizzle is not my idea of heaven. Gorra be done. And a few more week-ends are going to be like this.

Feeling happy myself ...... but aware that Joan is churned up ..... uncertain about the future health of her Mother. Life is like this eh?

Busy week ahead. Lots to prepare as well as the family things.

It is so important to stay emotionally able. Emotionally fit. It is not just about first seeking the Kingdom ......... it is about keeping a driven life. Alert - active - alive.

A human once said to me; "I am dead already"
This human person was living in a YMCA Hostel with nothing to live for ......... not my view but that persons.

I will keep striving - learning - loving - disturbing my comfortable - comforting my disturbed ........ and always refreshing the irritation.

"I'm pretty sure that it is only by experiencing that ocean of sadness in a naked and immediate way that we come to be healed ' which is to say that we come to experience life with a real sense of presence and spaciousness and peace.

A fixation can give you the illusion that your life has not fallen apart.
But since your life may indeed have fallen apart, the illusion won't hold up forever, and if you are lucky and brave, you will be willing to bear disillusion.
You begin to cry and writhe and yell and then to keep on crying; and then, finally, grief ends up giving you the two best things: softness and illumination."
anne lamott


Friday, January 28, 2005

BIG JOHN sent me this in response to the spray paint job on my car ...... see a little scroll below ......

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

We choose to spray paint an NF symbol on someones car.
Or to walk with the peace-marchers through the streets.
To monkey-chant black footballers.
Or to kneel and pray instead.

Choices - these choices are not always well made....
Surroundings and company we keep influence them directly
Our upbringing and lot in life dictate, until we meet the One who can change our way of thinking
Our way of reacting, or acting, pro-acting.



Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.


Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

A man called Jim Punton was of major non-oppressive influence on me over many years.
When I worked with youth gangs in East London he was the human I went to for support and reflective good youth work practice...... and spiritual reflection.

When under pressure - we learn.

What I found out about SHALOM changed me ....... and still does ......

Jim Punton was a Greenbelt Board member for years and speaker at the festival for many years.
He had a major influence on Greenbelt in the formative years.
Also a Trainer and Bible Teacher with Frontier Youth Trust and Scripture Union.

Jim Punton has written that shalom means:-

Hebrew word usually rendered 'peace' in English versions of the Bible.

"a For the individual - a totally intergrated life of health of body, heart and mind, attuned to nature, open to others, in joy with God.

b Between persons - sharing, mutuality and love.

c In community or society - justice, dignity, independence and freedom, harmony and reciprocity, the contentment with 'enough' that all may have 'enough'.

It is he opposite to oppression, violence, and selfishness; it means man/woman as a caring trustee of creation, having ended exploitation, indifference and irresponsibility. This is something of the shalom of God 'which passes all understanding', the total well-being he wills for man - woman and the cosmos, the goal of his mission, the content of his reign"

Jim died about 10 years ago.
You may see how the above understanding permeates my life.

At the end of 'Gutter Feelings' - my first book ...... I ended with this Bible verse;

"Seek the Shalom of the City
- because in it's Shalom
- you will find your own Shalom"


I tried(below) to say it but PROPER read on ....

Pip-arm along 1 small
Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

Rock-star activist Bono has emerged as the insider's favorite outsider at the World Economic Forum.

The lead singer of best-selling Irish rock band U2 has lent an air of popular legitimacy and urgency to this week's gathering of the world's rich and powerful that prime ministers and top corporate chieftains only wish they could attract.

"I really believe if we all gather forces on this and we don't create easy bad guys and good guys on this, we can make progress," Bono told a news conference in New York on Saturday.

"The great thing about hanging out with Republicans is that it's very unhip for both of us. There's a parity of pain here," Bono said referring to his newfound conservative party friends.

As a tireless campaigner for debt relief for the world's poorest nations, Bono has gained unprecedented access and a new public platform for his cause by mixing here with conservative US politicians and top pharmaceutical CEOs.

Wearing blue wrap-around sunglasses and an open-collar checked shirt, Bono stands out sharply from the pinstriped suits and ties that are the uniform of the most of the summit's 2,700 attendees.

"It's more difficult than you might imagine to get attention for these issues. Hence the unusual juxtapositions you are seeing on this issue," he told reporters during a news conference where he shared the stage with the world's richest man, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, to demand greater health care funding.


My first book published ........ it was about feelings then too - feelings like being in the Gutter ...........

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

Thursday, January 27, 2005


Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.


....... living in the East End of London - in the harshest of Thatchers Urban deprivation ...... I was SO angry at that time amongst the young and powerless ................ I remember writing to the Church of England newspaper about the Rector of the Big All Souls Church in the rich West-end because he had just slipped round for water cress sandwiches with Margaret Thatcher .............. I had just left a long conversation with a gang of young men, standing around the juke box one late afternoon, talking about their trapped life and seemingly hopeless situation ....... and then to be confronted on TV with these nice stinking 'water crass sandwiches'.

Here in this place ..... the toughest job I have ever done ..... we stood for justice and that meant the front doors of the club, which I run at the time, being sprayed with 'NF' ...... The National Front logo.
I remember a vicious attack on a young couple by a gang of young men and women JUST because he looked 'Asian' ........ in fact he was South American. We found that out with him in hospital. he was marked for life - inside and out!

The most emotionally deprived can be the most vicious and I hate it.

Then in Romford ...... standing up for the same Justice and equality of all humans .......... the YMCA gets sprayed all over ......... and my car as shown above.
What is it all about?
Today is the special day to remember the liberation of Auschwitch.
I never succeed in holding back the tears at the very thought of it.
It is powerful to the depth of my soul.
I hate it when I live with it .......... and hate it when it is remembered in history.
It is still going on in front of my face ........ beautiful humans being abused NOT because of their behaviour BUT because of the colour of their skin.
I hateithateit.
We must remember this slaughter of 6 million humans by racists so we will not let it happen again but moreso ........ work to eradicate such hate for ever for such is the Kingdom of God.

And there is a new project launched today by some famous footballers - black footballers.It is a project to eradicate racist chants and 'monkey sounds' from the game.
This makes me mad ................... why is it left to BLACK footballers when it is a white problem .............. ?
Why isn't there white footballers who are demanding this human right/equality?
I am wearing a white wrist band which is all about;
There is a massive poverty that imprisons the spirit.
People locked into a poverty of hate - violence - racism - and there is a massive work to make the Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven .......

So often we can be
Kingdom Takers
Kingdom Makers.


............. is a number which is stained into a living humans arm ........ this is the mark of Auschwitz ......... and he lives not far from me in Ilford. His name is Leon.
Marked for 60 years and the rest of his life.

We need a mark on our souls ....... burned in and branded in for the rest of our life ....... to live and love - and live some more for 'Shalom' .............. the wholeness that Jesus came to demonstrate and eventually die for .........


~~~I AM~~~~~~~~~~~~

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

I am the opposite to boring
I am the opposite to depressing
I am the opposite to ugly
I am the opposite to stupid
I am the opposite to successful
I am the opposite to smart
I am the opposite to intelligent
I am the opposite to rich
I am the opposite to frozen
I am the opposite to perfect
I am the opposite to complete
I am the opposite to settled
I am the opposite to content
I am the opposite to being
I am the opposite to hard
I am the opposite to silent
I am the opposite to paused
I am the opposite to country
I am the opposite to still
I am the opposite to death
I am the opposite to
I am the opposite to
I am the opposite to
I am the opposite to
I am the opposite to
I have left some blanks for you to complete?

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

The New Piccadilly Restaurant ......

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

...... if you look at the photo close you can see the date on here ....... 1990!!

..... everybody is talking about U2 tix.
How the whole of London will fit into one gig - I do not know.
The whole of the NW England into one gig in Manchester?
The whole of Scotland at one gig in Glasgow?
Those who bought tickets some time ago before they were announced - two gigs were being sold for London - they will be disappointed.

Mother in Law is OK and I am going up Friday with daughter Ann.

I am catching breath after a busy run.

Today ........ Had a good chat in The New Piccadilly Restaurant with Greenbelter and youth enthusiast - Tony. Love the place ........ love it.
We talked all things wholeness and seek you first ..........

Did I tell you I have my first CD from playdotcom ..... the Chemical Brothers 'Push the Button'. It is growing on me. Need to listen more. Some good standout trax already.
Have bought a couple from eyetunes as well ..... like 'Sa-Ra' who I saw live just before Christmas.

I am challenged by humans who won't let me close.
I understand that and support their rights.
But I want to get close so I can offer support and anything they want.
The problem is toothache.
What do you think about when you have toothache?
So .....
they don't want me close because life is absorbed by toothache.
I understand.
So ........ it is slow.
Part of the solution to toothache is allowing others to get close.
Isolation and toothache don't get on.
In time and with opportunity - they will accept me.
Then I will build a relationship - a climate of trust - consistent - reliable.
Then the toothache - sometimes called;
alcohol problems
drug addiction
fear of failure
emotional deprivation
broken spirit
andmoreandmoreandmore .....

I am not the answer to all/any of these ......
..... the issues of life, it seems to me, need to be addressed as part of a community ...... learning from each other.
me too
me learning too
me giving too
I feel my role is facilitating these things to happen.
Structured experiences - coz they just don't happen on their own so easily.

Do you get what I am on about ......... working with those with the greatest needs, takes some considerable time and emotional resources ....

"Community is a safe place precisely because no one is attempting to heal or convert you,
to fix you, to change you.
Instead, the members accept you as you are.
You are free to be you.
And being so free, you are free to discard defenses, masks, disguises: free to seek your own psychological and spiritual health."
M. Scott Peck

hope you get part of it ...... I only get a part of it.


THIS IS ME in New Brighton with me-Mam and Mrs Atherton ....

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

........ wow - just found it again ....... one of the few from that era ...... .I like the jumper I have on .......

..... my Mother in Law who fell and broke her hip last week and sent us all into reorganising lifestyles is doing ok - just moved to rehab hospital. She is confused and that is the main concern ......... means much visits to the Northern areas of the Uk and the burning of much fuel and the motorways ........

I have all sortsa stuff in my head but ok with it ........ life is learning eh?

Want - need to blog more personally but not got the space yet ......



Tuesday, January 25, 2005


Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

..... been so busy I have only just bought tix to see U2 in London on 18th June 2005 ......... ONLY JUST!!!

I can get them early because I am a member of the U2 web-site ...... paid for it!
That means I can get one good buy in early.

I have also got my Norwegian friends - love em - to get me tix for Oslo too!!

I want to now get tix for
and maybe Madrid.

You can get tix from this Friday via the public system.
Details are on U2-dot-com

I must tell you some U2 stories as we build up to the gigs like the one when we were lying in some dark upper room jawing the night away with Bono and a few friends .......... and there was the time when I asked him about how he get some emotional and spiritual support .........

...... NO HOLIDAYS this year ......... just U2 gigs ......



Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

God is a DJ
Life is the dance floor
Love is the rhythm
You are the music

Monday, January 24, 2005


Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

To laugh is to risk appearing a fool.
To weep is to risk appearing sentimental
To reach out is to risk involvement.
To expose feelings is to risk exposing your true self.
To place your ideas and dreams before the crowd is to risk their love.
To love is to risk not being loved in return.
To live is to risk dying.
To hope is to risk despair.
To try is to risk failure.
But the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.
The one who risks nothing does nothing and has nothing - and finally is nothing.
He may avoid sufferings and sorrow.
But he simply cannot learn, feel, change, grow or love.
Chained by his certitude, he is a slave, he has forfeited freedom.
Only one who risks is free!


I look at my finger tip .....

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

.... I am doing fine but more than a little aware that yesterday I tried to 'tell you who I am' ........ and I did not do a good job.
Was full of feelings.
Tired too.
Had a struggle contacting my feelings.

Was feeling alone.
That is ok.
It is a feeling not a dread.
Not bad.
Sometimes in the middle of my people work I feel a few moments of aloneness.
I like clocking my feelings.
Really feeling them.
It helps me understand.
The young man who has just come into a big hostel and is desperate with depression.
The swearing sixteen year old woman who told me last week that she hates her Mother.
So - so ....... I want to feel the ugly and the beautiful.

I feel = I believe that clocking our ugly feelings - and owning them, is the first step away from the hurt which causes them.
The positive feeling - they are good to clock and practice often!

Tonight ....... I am ........ feeling more settled.
I have been struggling to complete my Tax Returns and I think I have cracked it - but not yet complete.
I feel for Joan with her Mother - who seems to be doing well but I feel deeply the anxiety in Joan.
I feel also about some new work I am doing. Going into new places, as I do, gives me an extra tenseness - 'stretching' is a better word!
Behind the late night music and unwanted bedtime ..... I feel a passion for life ........

I have tried harder tonight .... and "you never step in the same river twice" so I will catch you again tomorrow.

Touch a finger tip ..... or have a quick glance at that special design and remember .......... you are unique and precious ......

Sunday, January 23, 2005


Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

.............. this is Richard ......... you may know him. If you have not had the Joy of meeting him ........ he is a friend of mine who works with humans and desires to do that with with all he has .........
He first came to work with me a few years ago from the YMCA in India.
He is a great man ......... life is before him but, like all of us, ....... on a road less travelled ............... I had lunch with him recently and we chatted non stop about some eternal matters .......... hmm.

Now ..... me ..... when I am like this I always look at my self and the first question is ..... feelings.

'Why am I afraid to tell you who I am - because if I tell you who I am, and you don't like who I am, that is all I have.'
That is the title of my favourite book - and here in internet space I have the commitment to be as open as honest as I can because I believe that is good for me, you, and us all ....... in the journey of self understanding and everything developmental.......... so I want to tell you who I am.

I feel a bit strange - stranger than normal. The accident, blogged below, has resulted in my beloved staying with near her Mother while she is in hospital. My M in L is now recovering from the op and seems to be doing well. Joan is concentrating on being with her and I am spending time on my own and the strangeness I refer to - is that. I don't dislike it. I don't spend too much time on my own, I suppose that is why I enjoy the commuting, with the reading and the ear-plugged-iPod so much. I feel for Joan and want to support her ......

..... so I am journeying along this road less travelled and wanting to feel but also, as usual, think and be strategic about family matters as much as the other 'people work.' Interesting how you can walk away from other people ...... maybe they stay with you emotionally and spiritually - but with family, dependants, there is a greater responsibility.

Joan and me, and the Sheilas, lived for nearly forty years on the job. (Not much commuting in that!) That means we have lived in Approved School/Hostels/Family Centres/YMCAs ........ and time off has sometimes been difficult especially when the needs are so great. Now, with my new work, I go in and out-pour all I have - and then walk away until the next week.
I feel good about that.

My feelings are ok but live is uncertain at the moment ....

bBeautiful in your uncertainty
bBelieving in your road less travelled
bBecoming in you next step and narrow way/traffic lights/stop-start



Friday, January 21, 2005

A STORY ........

As the old man walked along the beach at dawn, 
he noticed a young woman ahead of him picking up starfish and flinging them into the sea.
Finally catching up with the young woman, 

he asked her why she was doing this.
The answer was that the stranded starfish would die if left until the the heat of the morning sun.
'But the beach goes on for miles and there are millions of starfish', 

countered the man.
'How can your effort make any difference?' 

The young woman looked at the starfish in her hand and then threw it to safety in the waves.
'It makes a difference to this one',
she said.

 Transpose that into your own life ............



JOYCE My Mother in Law ....... HAPPIER TIMES ......

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

..... this was having some fish and chips with us at Southend ....... a sort of Blackpool for the Essex crowds!!

~~~84 and UNIQUE~~~~~

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

..... Unique and 84 ....... and Joans Mother fell downstairs last night when Joan was 'up north' visiting her for a few days.
Was a flurry of activity and ambulance followed by a operation today as she has broken her hip. Joan says the efficiency and warmth by the Nation Health Service was and continues to be wondrous.

So so so ..... instead of Joan coming home today she bed-siding it with her brother David ......... Joy is due to fly into Manchester from S Africa any day soon so she can slip to St Helens to see her Nana ....... and the rest of us through the diaries out of the window as we pray and do the best thing.

...... makes you think about when we are 84 ...... who will do the caring for us?
Makes me think of a few years ago when Joan fell in the garden here and broke her leg. I was wired up and could not hear a thing until the next door neighbour dashed in and ........... my life changed .....

Thinking about it ...... we had some wonderful help from so many people as Joan was in plaster and could hardly move for months .........

Life is uncertain for us in the next few weeks or more ...

Thursday, January 20, 2005

BAKED BEAN TRIFLE .....see the game detail below ..

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

A STUMBLE ...........

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.


"I don't like people who have never fallen or stumbled.
Their virtue is lifeless and it isn't of much value"
Boris Pasternak

Well well well ...... my feel on this is;

I don't believe such humans exist.
We have all stumbled ....... some humans just pretend - harden the surface - mask - we don't see the stumbling human and they get better at hiding themselves away ........ so very sad ....

How about me and you have a go at being one person?
Not an interior

Is this what they mean about becoming WHOLE?



Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

.......... and my favourite Quotation.
Drink on it for a wee while;

"We become fully conscious only of what are able to express to someone else.
We may already have had a certain inner intuition about it, but it must remain vague so long as it is unformulated"

Paul Tournier
from "The Meaning of Persons


Wednesday, January 19, 2005


Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

.... and the voice said;
" Hello Pip - I am still on the street" ............. an instant recognition but not the name ..... grrr
We walked on together and he and me had warm words with some passion;
"Where are you sleeping then.....?" I asked.
"Under the stairs at Tesco" he said - "but I will have to move ...... too cold"
We parted as I reached my destination and I said;
"You are a great human"

Reflection ...... because the video is running through my mind - on repeat.
Human here
Interacting to me without request.
God loved
As valuable as any other .....

I and you ...... cannot accommodate everyone we see
We can in the heart
Only when we meet humans do we really change
TV Images are great but the human interaction
When eye meets eye
Warm exchanges
That is most beautiful .......

Walking down the street can be most beautiful .......
Eyes can light up another soul .....

Must never put the video on 'pause' ...


SEARCH ME ~~~~~~~~

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

I don't know 'who' clicks this way but ...... I have a tracker which tells me how people get to my web-site.

Interesting to me is what word people use to get goo o ougle or anOther to find me. These are the top ones so far this month;

pip wilson
site beautiful human people
pip wilson desk
pip wilson - fingerprint
simon slade dialysis
dinner at the y
the blob tree pip wilson
davina miranda
liquid church
caritas jerusalem
blob tree
blob tree pip wilson
site beautifully human
garth hewitt
site poems
simon slade
human fingerprints unique
pip wilson - the blob tree

ps ..... thanx



Tuesday, January 18, 2005

BAKED BEAN TRIFLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

....... you may not know ...... BUT you may know AND HAVE FELT the blessings of BBT.

One day I doodled creatively and out came a new messy game = BBT

It became a sensation and was used by me in many shows I have conducted at Greenbelt Festival and many tours of the UK including the wide open spaces of Eastern Europe.

YES- BBT has been outpoured in Russia, Bulgaria, Norway, Czech Republic, Switzerland and ...... many more wild events where young and not so young humans want to laugh and scream with delight.

What is it?
Well here goes;
1 take three couples - nice to have three kissing couples because a fun interlude is to encourage them to kiss for the audience reaction. Must be volunteers.......
2 Three chairs facing the audience with one human standing on the chair and the standing in front of him/her - all facing the audience ....... it is great for large audiences and great when it is video/large screen stuff.
3 With a good crowd participation we get to a stage where the person standing in front of each chair has the largest clear plastic funnel you can buy, attached to a clear plastic tube which is just long enough, together, start at the volunteers chin ....... down through and under the clothes and below the belt.!! hey hey
4 Through a fun series of fun questions the first couple end up with the one, standing on the chair, pouring a big jug of water slowly down the funnel - running down the tube and gushing beautifully into the jeans/pants/shorts - all to the delight of the crowd and the shrieks of the volunteers (see why it needs to be volunteers?) They drip from every area of below the belt-ness!
5 The next couple get nice runny bright yellow CUSTARD (made from water and that cheap powder you wouldn't serve to anyone you love!)
All done with the fun questions and the crowd in full voice (you can see why people volunteer! - they are famous after playing this game!)
6 To the sound of rousing music and a big countdown by the crowd ...... the BAKED BEAN TRIFLE is delivered on stage and shown to the crowd to loud applause. It is made up like the traditional English desert but half full with baked beans. Then a two inch layer of custard - topped up with cream and even a cherry on top!
The final countdown is this being poured down the funnel/tube as dramatic as possible to everyone's delight ..... even those doing it!

The show ends right here ..... there is too much mess to continue. My favourite image is seeing someone in shorts with the baked bean mush, slowly dripping from the bottom of the shorts - creating a beautiful pile of debris on the foot-ware.

Now admit it - how many bloggers give you a full-on description of the BAKED BEAN TRIFLE GAME?

Try it ...... on the right occasion and you will be loved forever



I get caught up in pictures .....

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

. and when I heard this from Chris (above in the pub after a Greenbelt meeting)...... it made me think and feel 'out of the box' which is my head ......

One of the things that always struck me during my time in Sierra Leone was how different their style of Worship is to ours or at least mine. I guess that this is not surprising - given the differences in our circumstances. I mean for a start we take for granted the ability to be able to read. And so we get bored of having the same liturgy every week, we want something new and simulating, we want modern songs, we want to be challenged, we want Church on our terms, when it suits us, with sound-bite sermons and fairly traded coffee afterwards and we want it all to be packaged into one hour!

I think that Church in Sierra Leone must be like it was in England a hundred years ago. In Sierra Leone, the word 'fellowship' is a lot easier to understand, people may only see each other when they come to Church and so are happy to spend four or more hours in each others company. This might be the only time that they get to see each other, a chance to leave the fields and to dress in an explosion of fabulous colours and to worship and celebrate together.
Chris has had a life changing experience which was not mine ...... but his telling of a wee bit ...... touched my soul.
If you cannot read ...... life is very different ..... I work with humans NOW who cannot read. The blob tree and other tools have come out of working with those who cannot or will not struggle to read ............ it is so easy to see all humanity through our own unique experience .....

maybe we need to come down on earth for thirty years or so to understand ...... walk in their sandals - it said!



Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

I'm holding on to my freedom,
Can't take it from me,
I was born into it,
It comes naturally,
I'm strumming my own freedom,
Playing the god in me,
Representing his glory,
Hope he's proud of me

Jill Scott from the album
'Beautifully Human'

Monday, January 17, 2005


Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

~~~~~ TODAY WAS THE FIRST DAY ........ of the rest of my life and I lurve meeting people ....... it is not the best of course ....... I lurve better the bit beyond meeting humans and getting closer ........ interesting that I saw Big Brother on TV tonight ....... I was home by then.

A remarkable bit of level 5 stuff. It re-enforces the thought that if you structure the opportunity - and a safe/listening environment, humans will be open and honest. In this case it was sad sharing - mostly - but fab in that it was 'owningful' real.

Roots Manuva or Chemical Brothers CDs have not come yet and I ordered in December. Just a passing thought ....

Some more passing;
Saw a group of schoolboys today and it made me think of how unsussed.
I was as a child.
They seemed to be totally unaware of life around them and I guess they have feelings but don't connect with them.
What a massive need there is among us humans.
Mainly I am thinking about a world undiscovered.

We can be so animalistic .......... we must be - a life untapped ........ that is me and I yearn for the journey inward ....... to understand the depths of humans and the spiritual ............ I have to ask if you have stepped on in this .......... I yearn ........

I suppose I am saying;
... there is a road undiscovered by me and I have a smell that it is there.

bYearning ....... would love to touch your fingertip with mine tonight.....


It was me .....

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

... the first time I saw my parents kiss was when my Dad was dying in hospital.

I was brought up withot any knowledge of feelings.

I was emotionally deprived.

I am now working on it.

How are your emotions?
Have you moved on from how you were grown?
Have you managed to open the beautiful flower - petal-by-petal?

Do you mind me asking?




..... good to read in the Sunday right wing Times today about my great game called Rugby League ..... being marginalised over many years by Rugby Union ...... there is a history about the break away from the 'the union', more than a hundred years ago, due to working men not being able to play, get injured and still go down the pit to earn a living. Being professional in those days was ridiculed.

Here is the ST bit;
"Stuart Barnes: England learning league skills
This week’s training camp with rugby league club Leeds Rhinos shows the (RU) world champions need to revive their attack
And so, after 110 years of hostility, the final truce. War was declared on August 29, 1895, forced upon what was then the Northern Union by the amateur intransigence and arrogance of the Rugby Football Union. In the George Hotel, Huddersfield, rugby league was born and with it an antagonism that straddled the English class divide.

Tomorrow, England, the rugby union world champions, will begin an intensive three days of training with Leeds Rhinos, the rugby league champions of England. Union may have won the war of popularity outside Australia, yet if the men who broke away from Twickenham turn in their graves at the thought of the enemy stepping inside the gates, it will be with relish."

. beef on the bone is back very soon......... you will be hearing me click ......' come on the Saints' very soon.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Andy Turners Arm .......

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

..... this is the man who is directing us into looking at our three year plan ...... the issues, the objectives ..... have ago at seeing the things being flagged up ........ it is only one phase of the process ....... hey hey ....



gb trusb
Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

.... so following on from yesterday I had an early morning (for me) and a day again with Greenbelt humans ....... today it was Greenbelt Trustees ..... we are the ones ultimately responsible under law ..... and I will ad - God - for all the fantastic and imperfect happenings at Greenbelt Festivals ..........
beautiful imperfection!

It was a fine day wrestling with the major issues - with humans who are good too be with ........... it is too late to go into detail but you will get the impact as you read this regular blog ....... it just leaks out as I try to be open and honest about all things internal and external ........


a Friday night of Organisers .........

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

...... a Festival of volunteers ......... and we gathered for a Brainstorm evening to consider the wildest ideas ...... and the deepest and world changing ..... Greenbelt is used to change my life ..... not just once but now and continuing ......... to belong is a privilege .......


Greenbelters gather after the BRAINSTORM - iin da pub .....

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

Friday, January 14, 2005

Rolling Stone QUOTE~~~~~~~

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

U2 Postpone World Tour

Family illness pushes back "Bomb" trek

U2 have postponed their much-anticipated tour behind How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb, originally scheduled to kick off March 1st in Miami. "All of the plans are in total flux," a source close to the band told Rolling Stone, citing a family illness as the reason for the change. Tour dates were to be announced and go on sale this month, but those plans have been delayed.

The band, which is nominated for three Grammys for the single "Vertigo," still intends to play the February 13th awards ceremony in Los Angeles and to attend its induction into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame on March 14th in New York. However, a new timeline for the tour has not been set.

According to longtime tour designer Willie Williams, the tour's stage and video screens are in the process of being built. "We are developing some new technologies to deliver visual content," he told Rolling Stone.

Pip cmment ..... stink ..... this will change all my holiday plans ..... stink!


BIG JOHN ....... ON DA BLOG~~~~~~~

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.



..... paste this and have a look at my Greenbelt friend .....


``````````` HOME```````````

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

.......home to Joan and Zig ..... a Cointreau and a cigar ......... and love the late night chat and updating each other ........

.... full of yearning as usual .....

In December I ordered two albums from play dot com;
Roots Manuva ..... spelling may not be right
Chemical Brothers 'push the button' ........

.... both seem a long time coming.

Tomorrow is working at home during the day ..... some big prep needed and then a Greenbelt meeting Friday evening and all day Saturday .......... I love it but will need to rest some time .....

Another Cointreau .......

I don't know what sort of spiritual person/Christian person I would be if I did not work with humans who have such massive need.
There is so much there for me.
I feel my presence is welcome and needed ...... but I get so much.
It digs deep into my soul .......... makes me stretch ..... love ....... discover ...... yearn ....... words come difficult to explain.

If we humans can love like this ......... what a love it must be ...... felt and yearned for by the creator of such love ........ how he - she ..... must be bowled over ...........

the love that WILL NOT LET ME GO ........

Look around you - there are people around you.
Maybe you will remember one of them all your life and later eat your heart out because you didn't make use of the opportunity to ask them questions.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Thursday, January 13, 2005


Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

Look around you
~~~ there are people around you.
Maybe you will remember one of them all your life
and later
eat your heart out
because you didn't make use of the opportunity
to ask them questions.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

God's Politics: Why the Right Gets It Wrong and the Left Doesn't Get It

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

....... new book by Greenbelt speaker and bhp Jim Wallis.



Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

....... one of the two fav albums of the year .....


...... paste this in ya browser and see the movie ad for the new iPod 'shuffle' ..... costs $99 and has 1gig = 240 tunes ....... we are moving on tec wise ......

.trying to move on in all ways ...........


~~~~~~~~~~ Paul Northup ~~~~~~~~~~

...... the name may be familiar or not BUT the 'new blogger human - bhp' is well worth a look ........ walk this way .........



Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

........ I still feel happy .....

...sagging a bit now with late night and early this morning ........ but feel good and thoughtful.
I am over the dim-pip-boy feelings from last week and I think my body is detoxing from overload and mind from under-load (or overload with good - enjoyable -relaxing stuff)!

I am thinking about L.5. things - the concept really.
It is a good tool for me and the group I belong to - since 1980 ..... 24.5 years.
(If you don't know the Level Five concept - the best way would be search in the blogger page above - which searches my blog archives and will give several briefings.)
L.5. It is good to use as a tool with humans who are special - and who have special needs too.
It is also a good practical tool for you too.

I find the educated and the professionals are often the ones who are hiding behind their abilities and skills - charm and personality, and many more, too!
Count me in too!

Ghandi was once asked, from all his tough life, persecution and violence against the person, what would be the worst experience he had ever encountered?
He said;
"The hardheartedness of the educated"

Listen up folks ..........
.............................. it seems to me that WE can be the hard hearted
- the mask wearers
- the the Level one, two and three pretenders.
We - Me!
(1= cliche 2=Facts 3=Opinions)

Unless we tell who we are, hiding behind insecurity and inadequate-ness, we will never enjoy the fruits of openness and freedom.

In their rawness I have been working with young humans during 2004 who are on the edge of existence.
A number failed to exist.
The have to let the pain out ...... through self revelation.

What do we do?

This is a poem/quote, below, I have taken it from somewhere recently ...... it is a daily activity to do so. This touches my thoughts tonight so ....... I will leave it with you as a lever ....... a lever to prod and probe the crack in your soul ........ you never know what will leak out ................................ or leak in!

Time to go inward
It's time to go inward take a look at myself
Time to make the most of the time that I've got left
Prison bars imagined are no less solid steel

Time to go inward would you believe that I'm afraid
To stare down the barrel of the choices I have made
The ghost of bad decisions make mountains out of everything I feel

Outside my window the wind weaves a path through the trees
The moon takes a shine to the shadows that fall on the leaves

It's time to go inward
I don't know if I can do it after all that I've become
I've been a fool for money but it's vanity that always leaves me flat

It's time to go inward man I hope I have the nerve
To take an inventory of the causes that I serve
They say a man without a conscience is like a man without a country
or something like that

It's time to go inward time to be still
If I don't do it now I don't believe I ever will
My mind is like a chatterbox whose noise pollutes the pathways
to my soul

Time to go inward time to get a grip
Time to put an end to one long bad acid trip
I'm all out of excuses for the way I've let my choices take a toll

Jesus and Buddah and Krishna and Minnie Pearl knew
Do unto other the things you want done unto you

Time to go inward take a look at me
Try to make some sense of life's illusions that I see
Try to solve the riddle of what it is I have to offer to this world

~ Rodney Crowell
"Fate's Right Hand"

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

I WANT ONE ......

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

..... the new SHUFFLE-iPod with 240 songs ....... hey hey ..... released today!!


The servants quarters ....

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

..... and the library ..... the extensive gardens ....... da pool, da cinema ..... will be the tour tomorrow ..... I am giving you a bit of a tour f my personal life here ......

....... any way ...... forget the tour ...... this is the place my clicks come from when at home ...

I am going working away from today so ta-ra ........ as us Northerners say ...


'How about a game of chess' ..... remember - a new band coming into my ears right now ......

I feel happy ........


This is my desk at home ......

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

.... in other workplaces I move around.

The new bit is a Christmas present from the woman I love ........ it is the Harman Kardon speaker system which makes me want to listen all day and all night and hmmmm



Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.