Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.
....... living in the East End of London - in the harshest of Thatchers Urban deprivation ...... I was SO angry at that time amongst the young and powerless ................ I remember writing to the Church of England newspaper about the Rector of the Big All Souls Church in the rich West-end because he had just slipped round for water cress sandwiches with Margaret Thatcher .............. I had just left a long conversation with a gang of young men, standing around the juke box one late afternoon, talking about their trapped life and seemingly hopeless situation ....... and then to be confronted on TV with these nice stinking 'water crass sandwiches'.
Here in this place ..... the toughest job I have ever done ..... we stood for justice and that meant the front doors of the club, which I run at the time, being sprayed with 'NF' ...... The National Front logo.
I remember a vicious attack on a young couple by a gang of young men and women JUST because he looked 'Asian' ........ in fact he was South American. We found that out with him in hospital. he was marked for life - inside and out!
The most emotionally deprived can be the most vicious and I hate it.
Then in Romford ...... standing up for the same Justice and equality of all humans .......... the YMCA gets sprayed all over ......... and my car as shown above.
What is it all about?
Today is the special day to remember the liberation of Auschwitch.
I never succeed in holding back the tears at the very thought of it.
It is powerful to the depth of my soul.
I hate it when I live with it .......... and hate it when it is remembered in history.
It is still going on in front of my face ........ beautiful humans being abused NOT because of their behaviour BUT because of the colour of their skin.
I hateithateit.
We must remember this slaughter of 6 million humans by racists so we will not let it happen again but moreso ........ work to eradicate such hate for ever for such is the Kingdom of God.
And there is a new project launched today by some famous footballers - black footballers.It is a project to eradicate racist chants and 'monkey sounds' from the game.
This makes me mad ................... why is it left to BLACK footballers when it is a white problem .............. ?
Why isn't there white footballers who are demanding this human right/equality?
I am wearing a white wrist band which is all about;
There is a massive poverty that imprisons the spirit.
People locked into a poverty of hate - violence - racism - and there is a massive work to make the Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven .......
So often we can be
Kingdom Takers
Kingdom Makers.
............. is a number which is stained into a living humans arm ........ this is the mark of Auschwitz ......... and he lives not far from me in Ilford. His name is Leon.
Marked for 60 years and the rest of his life.
We need a mark on our souls ....... burned in and branded in for the rest of our life ....... to live and love - and live some more for 'Shalom' .............. the wholeness that Jesus came to demonstrate and eventually die for .........