Friday, January 07, 2005

Special - really special ........

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

.... hey ........ nice to connect with you ........... and I wonder what is kicking in your life ..... I have been with some these past days who have had a tough year and are peering into the future to see what may be beyond view.......

I am still not back to normal pace and satisfaction - if there is such a thing.

Funny - for me - I get a buzz when the things I work at work out really well but also, you may find strange, the tough things - the sad things - the sensitive and challenging situations give me a stir which is good. Sometimes these are concerns or disturbance which linger. I take them to bed and wake with them in the morning - sometimes too early.
The strange thing is ......... these 'stretch' interactions/relationships/issues make me think and dig deeper.
Out of that comes beautiful surges of truth.
I face up to myself and others as I yearn and reflect.

I am aware that I am in a special place in my life.
Gone from me is the responsibility for a community - such as 100+ young humans with special needs, 6000+ members, 150+ volunteers, 150+ staff - not to mention the dosh and the legal and the plant!
Now I enter in to several communities and feel for those who are in that very role. For me it is going in and working at;
~ cold contacting humans with unique needs
~ building non-threatening relationships
~ forging a climate of trust
~ cultivating positives and affirming humans .......

It is a joy (sometimes fearful and beyond the stretching of choice)
It is a privilege (sometimes insecure when there are no people around or have the equivalent of toothache which preoccupies)
It is a special role and I am in deep appreciation of those who employ me to do that - be that ..........