Sunday, October 31, 2004

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

..Thanx ....

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

... I appreciate you clicking this way and thanx for touching finger tips with me - especially reading the blog which is important to me.

This month there has been twice as many hits to my site and more than double unique visitors than last month and then, September, I was delighted and amazed.

Thanx to Charlie who creates the website for me and the new system of regular pix to keep it fresh and tasty.

I don't know why I feel so appreciative - but I guess it is a bit like writing a book and people reading it. In the case of my games books - using it/them.
I suppose it adds to my feelings of worth and we all need that eh?

AND ..... if you have not done ...... the bit below is important to me:
.................. I encourage you to subscribe to my regular e-newsletter here:-

ps ..... see you in November ......


..... well we delighted in the Oz v GB yesterday other than the last minute.
In case you didn't hear - we lost in the last minute of the game after playing so well against the well known best in the world of Rugby League.
We will think positive of the rest of the game because it was so tense and exciting throughout - until the last moment.
We will be streaming down the M1 when the highlights will be shown on BBC tv today - stink.
Must get one of those recorders I can understand!

Here we are in St Helens Lancashire and we drove past;
1 21 Fry Street - my home until I left to marry Joan at 25 years old. And the home of my Mother until she died about 10 years ago.
2 189 Broad Oak Road which was the first home of this young married couple for exactly one year to the day ....... then we sold up to go and work in an Approved School in Mobberley in Cheshire.
3 The YWCA Nunn Street where we lived in a flat above the club I ran for five years - packed with young hells angels and some humans so full of beautiful imperfection.
4 St Helens YMCA where a corridor, behind the snooker room, was converted into a flat for Joan Joy Ann and Pip to live while we ran an exciting work including 'fish rapper' a music chat late night show which was attractive to the local drug tasters.
5 Allanson Street Junior School where I was the second best fighter and where I seemed to drop to a deeper level of academic standard each year. Funny how nobody ever told me about the 11+ examination.
6 St Peters Church where we went and spent our first few years of Christian-hood...... until God wagged his little finger and we sailed away to a future of risk and uncertainty outside our St Helens comfort zones.

Now ....... back home to the base .......... see you later ...... I will bang a couple of pictures here before I bed down tonight ....

.................................... see new web-site as at 15 October 2004

"work like you don't need the money
dance like no-one is watching
sing like no-one is listening
love like you have never been hurt"

................... I encourage you to subscribe to my regular e-newsletter here:-


Saturday, October 30, 2004

....... very moved I was ...... at the start of Greenbelt this year there was a reading/prayer/statement by Garth Hewitt.
In many ways it is a statement of belief for me - the binding of the WHOLE of life together with faith.
It was the the way we kicked off the festival as we all shouted - 'let freedom ring'.
This is the text from the Greenbelt website - well worth a visit for inspiration and more .....

Let Freedom Ring
A prayer from Greenbelt 2004
Adapted by Garth Hewitt from Martin Luther King, for the Greenbelt Festival 2004 Opening Ceremony (at the request of Jason Barnett).

I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, and the glory of the Lord will be revealed and all flesh shall see it together.

This is our hope. This is the faith that inspires us.

With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.

So as we’re Freedom Bound: Let Freedom Ring

Yes - let freedom ring to every corner of our land and our world:

From Whitehall and Westminster to bring compassion for all - with a determination to ‘study war no more’ and to bring hope and healing to our land.

Let freedom ring from the Harmondsworth reception centre where refugees and asylum seekers fleeing to this land for safety are treated first as criminals.

Let freedom ring for the Roma, or travellers, who are unacceptable to most county councils and many people of this land.

As we’re Freedom Bound: Let Freedom Ring

Let freedom ring for the Muslim treated as guilty before being found innocent.

Let freedom ring from the places of urban or rural deprivation in our land where communities feel cut off from the benefits that many of us take for granted.

Let freedom ring from every Mosque, Synagogue and Church with a message of dignity and hope for all.

Let freedom ring from our press with love for all people regardless of ethnic background, nationality or religion.

As we are Freedom Bound : Let Freedom Ring

Let freedom ring bringing release from fear and hunger from the villages and refugee camps of Darfur, Sudan.

Let freedom ring from behind the wall in Palestine where a nation is kept prisoner deprived of human rights, and suffering daily abuse.

Let freedom ring from the land of Israel so all may live in safety, dignity and justice regardless of race or religion.

Let freedom ring from Belmarsh prison all the way to the shameful oppression of Guantanamo Bay, and from the horrors of Abu Ghraib to the hills of Kabul.

As we’re Freedom Bound: Let Freedom Ring

Let freedom ring from the forgotten children on the streets of Africa, Latin America and Asia, so that the street children of today may find dignity and a hopeful future.

Let freedom ring for those suffering with HIV/ AIDS, that suitable drugs will be made available to them, 25 million in Africa alone.

Let freedom ring for the Dalits of India, formerly known as Outcasts - 750 million still suffer daily abuse. Let freedom ring for the Dalit drummers who should have been with us at this Festival but have had their visas denied.

Let freedom ring from our churches and our society so all are included with justice regardless of ethnicity, gender or sexual preference.

Let freedom ring to the towns and cities across Iraq where so many thousands have died, where so many still live in fear of death without security and rights. For Shia, Sunni, Kurd and Christian - let freedom ring.

As we’re Freedom Bound: Let Freedom Ring

Let freedom ring from the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organisation, so that decisions are made for the benefit of all and not just for the benefit of the rich and powerful.

Let freedom ring so that there is a globalisation of justice - so that the poor are included.

Let freedom ring from the arms traders of this land so they beat their weapons of destruction into ploughshares, and find other ways of helping the community instead of killing our neighbours.

As we’re Freedom Bound: Let Freedom Ring

Let freedom ring from our hearts and minds and lifestyles, so that we are part of the community of love and justice that reflects the message and ways of Jesus.

Let freedom ring from this year’s Greenbelt Festival to say we have not forgotten a world in need - to say we reject the side of the oppressor and want to walk the road of love of neighbour. We want to be freedom bound ... but not on our own. We want to be freedom bound - but not at the expense of others. So we say let freedom ring for all the people of the world.

As we’re Freedom Bound: Let Freedom Ring

This is our hope - this is our faith - and when we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every town, we will be able to speed up the day when all of God’s children, black and white, women and men, young and old, will be able to join hands and to sing in the words of the old spiritual: “Free at last, free at last; thank God almighty, free at last.”

So as we’re Freedom Bound: Let Freedom Ring


Friday, October 29, 2004

Vote or/and Pray

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

...... this week I ran and election with a group of homeless humans ....... we looked at Bush and Kerry and then all voted ...... all voted and the result was ......

Sadly it was six votes each!
The chairman , a young man called steve, gave the casting vote and Bush resumed power! grrr

Next week I am holding another election among 120 humans and I will let you know the result.
Why don't you do one with your work mates factory/office - staff room/class?

I usually do one with the Greenbelt Board ...... will let you know the result!

ps There is a band called 'Nosteves'
It is because there are no band members with the name of Steve!


....... you are ....

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.


I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I...

I took the one less travelled by,

And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost

.... Witches and Bitches
Daughter flys in from USA laden with cobwebs spiders and all things fun and has already organised the party for the week-end.
Dress Code = Scary
I have told the Mother in law - she can come dressed as she is!
Scary enough!

We are up North visiting the Mother in law and timed so we can go to the Manchester city stadium for the rugby league tri-nations game - Great Britain v Australia. I am excited and woke this morning trying to pick the best team in my head.

Drove up late last night and three hour M25/M6 gets us to the glass/rugby town of our birth. St Helens Lancashire, I say - even though someone decides to give it a 'merseyside' tag a few years ago.

Did a digital DJ set last night using my mactop and ipod - combination of 16000 tracks available . How many jocks can load in that much plastic for a gig? I enjoyed it - I can play and talk about music endlessly.

The latest album I have bought is Mos Def 'the new danger'. You may not like - it is reasonably hard hip hop. A talented human and I find it fab stuff and I think these hip hp artistes are prophets of our time. The last two albums have been hip hop;
Talib Kweli 'the beautiful struggle'
Kanye West 'the college dropout'

The latter contains the track 'jesus walks' which I raved about at Greenbelt.

Next week-end is a Greenbelt w/e away and the following one is a Dunford conference centre 'can opener' conference where we, as a national ymca group, try to open the can on all things spiritual and maybe even Christian. The only bad things about these gigs is missing some games of the tri-nations grrr.

All the above is about activity and I usually tell you how I am. All-right thanx. Felt a bit like a slug this morning when it was time to open my eyes to the day. I didn't for some time. It is because it is the end of a busy run of work/mission/excitement/stretch/loveitloveit. I feel good. Feel that this last week has been fantastic. Some fab groups with humans. I feel blessed. Believe that others will have been blessed in differing ways. Would love to know in great detail but that sometimes takes years to leak out.
dull head

These are my five words to describe my life at the moment.
Whats yours?
Ask someone.
Tell someone.
It is beautiful


.................................... see new web-site as at 15 October 2004

"work like you don't need the money
dance like no-one is watching
sing like no-one is listening
love like you have never been hurt"

................... I encourage you to subscribe to my regular e-newsletter here:-


Thursday, October 28, 2004

...... this is a bit more from me about the interior me .......

"I want to feel and disclose feelings.
Unless I disclose my feelings to you
You don't know me
you only know my activity
you only read my body language
you only feel me through the clicking of distant keys
I want to disclose - it is good for me
it is good for our relationship

Sometimes I will be sad, frustrated, lonely, hurt, failing ......
amongst the golden stuff
when I tell you I hurt
that does not mean I am destroyed and lame
it means I am stretching my sensitivity to my interior
and not being an exterior human - only."


- me book -

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

...... yes this is the only one still available from me but it is great - even I use it all the time.
It has 100's of games and developmental exercises - about body mind and spirit things.

It has several of the blob tools and the blob tree.

This pic is so small it is difficult to see but that is me with shorts on and a stupid grin to match my kneecaps!!



Wednesday, October 27, 2004

... jazmine...

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

..... I am delighted to be going North this week-end to watch the Rugby League Tri-Nations game between us and Australia but sick ......

My favourite London club is hosting a stunning new artiste who I have been following with interest .............

Jazmine Sullivan in a UK Debut Performance grrrr...
This is what Cargo say ..... no - it is from a websearch:-

"New Philly singing sensation, Jazmine Sullivan is to make an exclusive London debut this October at Cargo
17 year old Jazmine has become a sensation, a prodigious vocal talent, whose debut gospel hip-hop album has just been executive produced by Missy Elliott. At twelve years old she became a regular attraction at the famed Black Lily open mic club, sharing the stage with the likes of The Roots and Kindred. That same year Jazmine wowed Stevie Wonder, who invited her to his house to sing for his family at a private birthday celebration.
By thirteen she was the target of a heated race between major record labels and was Signed personally signed by founder and former president of Jive Records, Clive Calder. "

Her new, yet to find LP, (as John Peel would say) ..... is not in sight and I cannot wait
The gig takes place tomorrow Thurs 28th October at Cargo


.. a couple ..

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

.... this is one little bit of my Blob Tree which remains popular around the world I will send you a copy by snail if you want - but never by e-electronic ......

I have some nice postcards of the tree .....


This is the L.5. Group in 1980

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

......... if you have ever met me you may spot the lightly built body ....... but also view those other beautiful humans ....... see the Level Five button on my home page to understand a bit more .....



...... he was big and tattoos.
They were big as was his presence in any space.
Most of his words came out as paused starts and smatterings which were almost grunts.
It was all a alcohol fused mind brain and vocal chords.
One phrase came through clearly;
"I am a spiritual person"

Another was clear a little later;
"I am a alcoholic"

These are memories in my own brain - on the running video screen in my mind.
I only shared a one way interaction.
Of course there was two.
My interaction.
I will not share that.

An observation;
There was tears there that could not come out.
Locked in.
Afraid to 'tell you who I am'

Again it is the unwillingness to share our vulnerability.
That keeps the lock on our soul.

It is a mistake to see vulnerability as a weakness.
In ourselves.
In others.

Our parents are waiting to see what kind of adult we are - rather than only seeing the child they raised.

................................. ............................
....... Philip Beadle is a man I have never met but today he has won the teacher of the year award

Some thirty years ago we drove down the M1 in a VW camper van to live in the East End of London. In it was Joan and me, of course, Gloria the Canary and the sheilas. Joy was then eight and Ann two years old. Both of them were educated in the worst schools in the country. The Secondary School was Eastlea where the teacher of the year 2004 is based. And I am delighted for him and the school.

The Sheilas have developed into outstanding human beings and still becoming - not just being. One is now a TV Direcctor and the other a Fashion Stylist trotting the globe to get my iPod gadgets and cigars!
Their most outstanding achievements are being wondrous humans NOT just their work and relationships ....... hmmm.

I always remember that Joy decided to change her options in the latter end of her schooling there. When she informed the teacher that she intended to go to Fashion College and work in that industry - the teacher laughed in her face.

It was a tough old school and still is I guess. Then, like now, there was some fab teachers - there, in the grime of that London Borough with once the highest crime rate and other distasteful deprivation factors, shines a light or two.

So I was delighted to read about this 'teacher of the year' and one fab quote:-
"He is really straight up and lets you know he has feelings as well" said one of the kids.

A quote on his classroom wall:-

"Beauty can be found in the banal.
Beauty can be found in the mundane.
Beauty is found in the smallest detail"

... thank you God for those who work in the toughest situations and often get no credit.
Thanx for the credit for this beautiful human .........


Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - this IS .....

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

....... style.
A close up of the happy couple see below


... Adolfus Wedding .....

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

..... so here we have my friend Adolfus and his wife Anitha having their wedding without me.
At Greenbelt he invited us to the wedding of the century - planned for Easter 2005 in India and Joan and me were wanting to hip-hop over and do it in grand style and then ........... visa problems and other complications have resulted in the wedding being brought forward so at least we will be seeing them soon!
I will post a better - 'close up' shot soon so you can see them better but I thought you would like the style of this pic ..... wow ..... and we missed it.

hey hey Ado


..........Yessssss .....

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

... Kising Jesus ...

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

.... well here I am doing a late night blog after a full day and a full life ......

..... it seems to me that we cannot become a full human being without exploring our spirituality and we cannot grow spiritually without exploring our humanity .....

Today I have concluded a course called 'he road less travelled' and we have experienced something special.

We learn our cultural norms, not by teaching, but by observing and experiencing. The experience soaks into us because we are like a sponge.
Today we have concluded a fab experience of
-a climate of trust
-a safe place
-with permission to say who I am
-something beautiful and unique
I led the course and yet it is a profound experience in my development. I spurt in learning from humans gathered together and willing to step out side the comfortable to the disturb zone. In that - we learn from one another because we are saying who we are........ I cannot tell you how good it has been.

Joan has 'home made' three Christmas puddings and to my dismay she is giving two away grrrrr ............. the Homer Simpson is coming out of me ......... grrr

I have loved commuting for four hours today and eight hours before the week is out AND, add to that, at least eight hours driving this week ....... I love it because of the delight of listening to my iPod and the fabtalistclysesationally good music ........... how can anyone manage without a weekly injection of 3 hours per week of Pete Tong house music? ........

Tonight Joan and me watched a VH1 replay of a 'classic album' programme about "The Joshua Tree' featuring U2........... Hmmm.
Fab stuff and as I trod the stairs to visit the loo I saw more clearly the big framed pic (5'x3') of the original artwork of that album cover and, in my little box room full of games equipment and videos, ........ a five foot by two foot picture of the Joshua tree tour stage ......... I am riddled with U2 ......... and I love it .....

... so here I am involved in the university of life ....... picking up the vibes of life and loving it ......

I don't know who you are unless you tell me ........ and I think the most important thing is that you have humans who you can tell who you are ........ now and becoming ...... that 'becoming' does not end and having a group - or at least one ...... who you can communicate with .....

I hope ........ with these blogs ..... that I can disturb your comfortable and also comfort your disturbed ............. you are special ...


Sunday, October 24, 2004

...L5 Group this week-end ..... joining Ann Ben and Mae Slade at their home for a take-away Chinese ....

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

..... yes here we are after a full session of Level Five and if you don't know what the hell I am on about - follow the link from my home page:-
This will give you an ideaa of what we have been and becoming over 24 years .......
I think it is a remarkable experience and lifespan happening and moreso because it has lasted so long.

My head is buzzing from the interactions and thoughts left lingering in my soul. It is the things others said and poured from L5 commitment BUT also, strangely but not unexpected - ever, what I said. When there is a safe environment anywhere and a climate of trust amongst a human group, there is a gentle genuine questioning that disturbs the duvet covering the soul and out pops words unrehearsed. Words and thought not yet concluded and it is good to hear my soul.

One thing else before I slip into being a click machine forever - it is wonderful to have the gang around our place this time. It is great how they come in, kick of their shoes, lounge anywhere, drink and eat anything, swop seats, smoke my cigars .......... generally make themselves at home because where we have been over the 24 years (4 homes) is their home too.

"Maybe nothing is more important than that we keep track, you and I, of these stories of who we are and where we have come from and the people we have met along the way because it is precisely through these stories in all their particularity . . . that God makes himself known to each of us most powerfully and personally."
Frederick Buechner (Telling Secrets , 1991)


Saturday, October 23, 2004

.......... tomorrow - today really, we will be coming together - the level five group that is.

In 1980 we first met and have been a meeting together a few times each year for 24 years .......

On my website there is a special link/page so I will not repeat things only to say ...... we meet to share L5 which is about being open and honest.
We enjoy and desire to continue to tell each other who we are.
We will all have the opportunity - so rare in this world - to share what we want and be gently encouraged to be maskless and reveal what other groups never give permission to do.

It is strange to you - perhaps. It is so natural, after 24 years, to do this.
I will post some pix - of course.
(Have you seen the new pix in pipdotcom? - with the new website it is possible for charlie to pump in new ones regularly for me - so watch that click-space for a regular view of piplife dot com)

I am tired - been a working at home today and chilling tonight and that always delivers a slobby me over against the pumping pip when I am working with beautiful humans who I love.
Just watching Jules Holland on tv ............ I usually like the unknown bands best. Always want to go down the road less travelled .......

........ wish you well you precious human ..... wherever you are ..... whatever you are doing - thinking - feeling ............ you are so beautiful .........


Friday, October 22, 2004

...... some fab stuff here on the Greenbelt website and about the ymca.




Thursday, October 21, 2004

...iBush ......

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

..... "Full humanity........
is experienced when life is consciously received and enjoyed as gift
and, thereby as relationship with the giver".

Robert Warren


Wednesday, October 20, 2004

....... if you see you can read some reactions of people who saw U2 live last week-end INCLUDING the one and only - my friend and macmaster Tomek ............

‘U2 so close is great, still didn't sink in... I don't think I will have a chance to do it again, just about once in the lifetime... We were waiting for 4 hours to see 30 min of them, and it was worth it. Although it was a long wait, I would do it again anytime... It's a bit hard to give initial reaction (on the new songs) because of the overwhelming impression U2 makes on any concert, especially if it's such a small audience. ‘Miracle Drug’ stuck in my memory because of the story behind it, very moving.’

Tomek Klas, Easy Croydon

.stinking hey hey ..............

.... see the thorns ......

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

I sobbed this week as I spoke - it just came to the surface as opened up.

...... He who was rich became poor .....
I sobbed this week as I spoke - it just came to the surface as opened up.

During the 'Road less Travelled' course I was leading this week it seemed appropriate to share a story and - that is when I choked, my words broke up, there was sobs in my words.

The story. My story.
I told about when I was working in the East End of London.
Working with youth gangs giving my all beyond breaking point.
Demanding it was.
Giving it was.
My Mother was to have her legs amputated - one above the knee, one below.
Here I was in Canning Town working with beautiful humans who were deep into crime and enjoying violence and my Mother was due to enter hospital.
I was sat near the snooker table. Back to the wall. I always sat with my back to the wall. The young humans I work with had heard of what was about to happen. I was subdued that evening and not my usual bustling, bouncy, verbal self.

As I sat with my back to the wall near to the snooker table - one of the toughest of the gangs walked around the table a couple of times. Then, as he walked by again, he just stroked my hair away from my forehead and walked on. That was the point when the sobs rose from my chest as told of that this week. As I click these keys now tears fill my eyes - again.

I choked, I think, because I was at a depth of vulnerability and I connected with that.
Also it was because I connected with the act of non-verbal sensitivity, gentleness and kindness pouring out of an inarticulate frame of a young man.
I remembered it and it moved my soul as I told it.

I learned a lot from that incident of care.
That instance was not a chosen act of vulnerability.
But I learned that it is a mistake to see vulnerability as a weakness.
Vulnerability is all about disclosing the authentic me.

Since then I have chosen, and tried my best, to reveal my vulnerability.
Not because I am submissive (instead of assertive) or in Child ego state (instead of Adult ego state).
It is part of the process of me 'telling you who I am'.
It has driven my sensitivity towards 'the least' 'the underside' and many beautiful humans I spend time with regularly who some say have 'special needs' - haven't we all?

So with the people we work with - some people call them clients, and those we work alongside - some say colleagues ..... it seems to me that we need to practice the naked act of sharing when we feel life experiences ...... both the roses and the thorns.

The one who came and shared and walked and hurt and wept alongside human kind ......... he who was rich became poor ....... HE was the one who, powerful enough to turn water into wine and make a blind man see, chose strategically to show his vulnerability even unto ..........

.......... the thorns ............


..Me Mother and Ann(think) ...

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

...... wanting to share a pic of my Mother who lived for about ten years using a wheel chair having had both legs amputated.

She died about ten years ago in beautiful peace with her four sons at her bed.


Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Many of us think that the gap between rich and poor should not be the way it is, that we only have one planet to share and that there is more to life than how much stuff we can pile up.
Maybe we are not meant to be empty vehicles of consumerism but only ever find ourselves in each other, living for the common good.
So what could a community of people achieve if they acted together to live more generously in the world?


Monday, October 18, 2004

.... An articleof mine just published ......

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

.... it is in a YMCA World magazine and even though I have not seen it yet ..... it is out there doing it's stuff ..... kicking off like this;
Young people - not only human beings, but humans becoming

Pip Wilson is an independent Facilitator, Trainer and Group Worker following 25 years of service for the YMCA in England. He is the author of four books and designer of many developmental exercises and games used world wide. Here he gives his views on the importance of strategically preparing young people for leadership.

Above the Reception of the YMCA I led for eighteen years is a large sign in bold letters: "Young people are not only our present - they are our future."

When I was fifteen, I was as bad as a member of a youth group. I was just about to be rejected as a member - but - the leaders gave me another option. They asked me if I would take responsibility for a group of young teenagers. Accepting that was the beginning of a lifetime of leadership.

..... catch the whole article and others on the subject written by humans around the planet .....


Sunday, October 17, 2004

... Charlie View of U2 ......

... Charlie View of U2 ......
Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

....... yes Charlie was outside the BBC on Friday to see this special 30 minute gig and not only that - Tomek and Anita went to a recording for CDUK on Saturday and saw the band doing a unique 30 minute set ..... touching the stage he said ...... wowee .......

....... in Church this morning the traditional fifty strong choir did it for me ........ music touches the soul and I need it ..... amen

to describe my life at the moment;

.......... and you?


Friday, October 15, 2004


Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

........ did you see the Vertigo track live on TV?

Tomorrow the bootleg will be on sale on Romford Market ........... love it love it .....


..... it's good to be back ......... hello ....

... been out eating Chinese with friends but just in for multiple replays of the taped U2 appearance on TOTP .... .... ............ stinking wow ...... that is what live rock and roll does ..... excites and exhilarates ..... love it love it ...... the boys are back and if you have never seen them live you have never seen a live rock concert wow ...

.......... in case you did not know - U2 have a new single being played on radio called VERTIGO.

Being a fan of theirs for many years, I have seen them in many countries of the world and I hope to plan my holidays in Italy next year in the big beautiful cities where they are playing, I love the new song.

The words are deep but talk about being in a place alone VERTIGO.
The lyrics talk about being in a place off-balance VERTIGO
They talk about being unstable and being tempted to do stupid things VERTIGO.
It is a pull towards the worst things when the best things need a bit more thought to escape from VERTIGO.

In a ymca Hostel life can be tough.
It can also be a time when a HUMAN-IN-RESIDENCE can settle down so that any in-balance now can be supported through - so we can take a better step forward in this journey through life - the road less travelled ......
We all need support sometimes.
We all need support at a level which we chose and that is why ymca teams are here/there - not to impose on humans but to support when you/me need that.
Yes - I need support too.
Yesterday she stepped in a taxi outside the ymca.
Two black bags I helped her to lift into the Taxi
I slammed the door shut after her.
I said to the taxi man;
"Take care of her she is precious"
taxi man
Please ..... Look after you
you are precious .............


... Yep this is me @ .......

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

..........@ I guess about eight - do you think?
A pic of this, + showing my legs and three brothers, is on the new a beautifully new 'charlie dun it' - web-site launched today. See the photo click button.
I love the new pic section and with new and recent photos.
ALSO - if you are not on the list to get my e-Newsletter - or you have changed your email ad in the last two years, could you click my buttons on the web-site and subscribe PLEASE?
If you can recommend to anyone else to subscribe - I will love you more ............ er - NO ....... that stands at 100% ...........



Catch U2 Playing Live for TOTP! Tonight!
The rumours are true - U2 are set to perform 'Vertigo' live and free in a BBC car park in west London, tonight, Friday.

Just as the band played Beautiful Day live from the roof of The Clarence Hotel for TOTP four years ago, tonight fans can turn up outside the BBC studios in Wood Lane, West London for an outdoor performance of the new single.

Word is that a stage is already being set up with talk of the band turning up around 7pm.

Any fans who turn up will be able to see the band perform from the street - but the lucky competition winners will get access to the car park where the stage is set up.

So if you're within striking distance of west London tonight, you could be the first fans in the world to hear U2 perform 'Vertigo'!

See you there!


Thursday, October 14, 2004

.... Yes you are .....

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

...... I still have the eternal Taxi Man running through my soul and the little video playing of that special few moments of interaction with a BHP.

If you missed it or want to re-read ....... just type the key words in the search feature above - kindly provided by blogger do com.

I believe it is so vital for you and me to be convinced of our beauty,
It is not about your face.
It is not about your behaviour
It is not about your feelings
It is not about your broken-ness
It is not about your faith - less

.... it is simply about your depth of beauty as a human and as a human made by God.
And being like him .......... SO - thank you for showing me what God is like ...........


..... I am always keen to pass on the bits which excite me and the things that touch my soul.
Here is a website worth a regular click and I reproduce the review of the U2 single 'vertigo' ..... because ....... that is where may heart is ....


Stocki reviews the new U2 single and expresses caution on speedy conclusions but is himself impressed especially with the spiritual depth and density of a three minute rock song...

So it has been aired. The unveiling of the first U2 single off a new album is now a worldwide event. In the music fraternity whether in the industry or among fans it is then the most talked about thing for the next week. And so - Vertigo? What do we make of it? Well initial impressions are foolish things to make judgements on when it comes to this specific subject. Step back and seek historical perspective. Since Desire led off Rattle and Hum first U2 singles have been slow to gain access to the ear. The Fly from Achtung Baby – my goodness me! Discotheque from Pop – are you kidding! Even Beautiful Day, that four years on seems like a stone cold classic, belong used all across the media had a jury undecided for the first few weeks of its release.

Vertigo is being received with the obligatory uncertainty. Three minutes and ten seconds of full on rock out just as Bono has been promising for months and months. As with The Fly it will probably be as loud and full on as anything else on the soon to be released album but if the spiritual depth is spread across the other ten songs due on How To Dismantle an Atomic Bomb then we are in for a pummelling of the soul.

Here Bono seems to be dizzy with the temptations and darkness and choices of the world he lives in. The mind is a jungle but mustn’t rule your heart and

“Your eyes are wide
And though your soul
It can't be bought
your mind can wander.”

In the darker quieter shadow casting shift of pace and sound level the devil gets his say and an inviting say it is. Quoting what the devil said to Jesus on what the Gospel According to Matthew calls a very high mountain,

“All this, all this can be yours
All of this, all of this can be yours
All this, all of this can be yours
Just give me what I want
And no one gets hurt…”

In the end the lesson is learned…

“You're teaching me ...aaahhh
Your love is teaching me ...aaaah
How to kneel

It is a great lesson from a great song. Vertigo is a sonic explosion of spiritual shrapnel! Get lacerated!


Wednesday, October 13, 2004

......... on Monday I had a good bit of grub in the New Piccadilly just off the same named circus. I was with Big John just before we went to the Greenbelt meeting.

Here below is a link to a pic of me in 'the New Pic' some age ago - photo by Willie.

It is a fab place to meet in central west end London.
I must show you the recent 5 minute TV programme about it;-

.......... with the world 'living beyond it's means ..................

@ Greenbelt a project was started by a group of people there.
It is called 'a year of living generously'
The idea is for them to encourage each other to do things which have a small impact
BUT big when 100 people do it .......... now there is a hundred and there could be more.
I have not had the time to consider and do - but I am sold on the issue -

These are some of the ideas posted on the website - and I have only just got the link.
Have a view and see what you think - consider - maybe we could encourage each other?
see web link at the foot ....... but read these little ideas ........ interesting ....... and they all have links so we can find out more ....

Generous Actions Underway Now
1. Turn Off The Tap

2. Get Rid of Some of Your Books

3. Change the World for a Fiver

4. Put a Brick In It!

5. Say Grace Before a Meal

6. Recycle Your Old Mobile

7. Stop Taking Carrier Bags from Shops (Just say No!)

8. Share a Meal With Someone Outside Your Comfort Zone

9. Slow Down, Calm Down, Stick to the Speed Limit

10. Good, good, good … Good Vibrations! Switch to Good Energy!

11. Start Banking Ethically!

12. Shower More, Bath Less

13. Give Someone a Gift of Life When You’ve Gone on to Higher Things!

14. Switch to Energy Saving Lightbulbs (How About Six Over the Year?)

15. Breathe Easy - Plant a Tree

16. Organise Your Charitable Giving - Get the Tax Back Too!

17. Take a Mug to Work - Don’t Use Plastic

18. Get Rid of Your Car! (OK, ambitious, but…)

19. Take Your Clothes Off (Well, Give Some Away Anyway!)

20. Compost Yourself - Or at Least Your Leftovers!

I wish I could make these links blue and alive for you!

......... every blue moon (an English phrase for 'not often') I do a google search by putting in 'pip wilson'

This time I got 37700 links in .63 seconds - remarkable eh?
Note that one of the links are for an Aussie by the name of pip wilson and an active geezer on the web. He blogs and does tricks via a website. We don't know each other but have clicked each other a few times.

One good link is direct to a ymca website. This grand writer has taken my blogs about 'the f word project' at Greenbelt and other places, and made them into an article with pix and links. Thanx Peter - fab stuff.
It is moving and disturbs the comfortable ...........

Paste this into your browser;

...... I am watching iTunes and the U2 video - as many times as I can during the last 48 hours.

1 I have just sent out a eNewsletter to 3600 humans on my list.
2 The subscribe box on my website is not working at the moment
3 If you want one - email me and I will send.
4 If you want one on-auto-free-me-to-you, just subscribe via the website any time after Friday.

Hope you got one?
If you know anyone who would like one - please recommend the site/blog to them.
It is all free - just a finger click away ...........


Tuesday, October 12, 2004

........... this website is fab

... have alook

.......... well worth a click

....... in my excitement re below
I forgot to say it is a new U2 video



music store



.............. if you have iTunes on PC or Mac ...... and it is FREE to down load ..... you can get right now a view of a special video using the images of the iPod ad ............. it is fab

just click Music Store and play the vid

stinking wow


.... after show@GreenbeltManagementCommitteedotgreat

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

...... here we are at the first Greenbelt mtg post festival ....... on the left Paul Chambers, then Andy vice Chairman Andy Turner and on your right Mr Geordie man Big John ......... having a local pub-drink after a tough old mtg - not really - it was great ........... a joy to be to be to become among these beautiful humans who form the core of a wider community of 17500 humans called Greenbelt.

Thanx Eternal Taxi Man for looking after these precious humans ...............


Monday, October 11, 2004


...... new Christian Aid Website for under 30s like us!
Have a look and tell me what you think;

ps lovingyouiseasytodo


Sunday, October 10, 2004

... Phil and Michelle ....

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

.... have a great life and do great things ..........
Remember the first three words in the book;
"The Road Less Travelled"

These three words are

"Life is difficult ........"


..... a christian wedding ....

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

.... was good to be in a modern church with a decent rig and a service with some meaning and momentum.
I will post more pix on my new sponnee web-site come the end of the week but for now I will add one more.
Enjoyed talking with Janet and Charlie, Kevin and Sherly, Ian Bitta, seeing Julia and Gary and Gill Steve Mo and David ........ so many people to mention ...


.....Phil and Michelle .....

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

.... this is the wedding of the day today.
It was great to see two beautiful humans married in front of friends family an the eternal Taxi Man too.
Several standouts ........ one was seeing so many humans who I knew in the past - old members of the ymca and staff from all over the nation now - all once Romford - now changing the world.
One group was a whole bunch of the old Rolling Magazine Crew - all now around 32 years old. We were the ones who ran the RM at Greenbelt year on year and also took the show on the road - I loved the interactions ......... it is so wondrous to see so many ..... I will have to blog some more after I have posted this first pic ..... whew ......


............ yes it is Sunday and today we go to the wedding of the year ..........

It is Michelle and Phil Wright - long time nicknamed 'frienboy' in our family but not now!!

Here is a picture of them at the Big Farewell when I left my last job;

I will post pic from the wedding when I get home Sunday night
AND that I must do to ensure I record Gilles Peterson at 11 pm
He has a live show with Bjork which also includes an Icelandic choir

sorry I cannot turn these links blue so you can click them direct instead of pasting them into your browser.
Can anyone tell me how to do this on my Mactop?

I start a new 'Road Less Travelled' group on Monday and as usual - I am nervous.
New humans who have chosen to spend three sessions over three weeks with me.
Journeying together along a road I have never trod even.
I want to be at stretch and yet so sensitive and gentle.
It will be planned (tomorrow before the wedding) so it will develop all of us there AND have skills and tools to take away. It is a life management course.

I take another sip of wine and light another cafe creme cigar - these activities reserved only for evenings - when I am indoors.

After the RLT Course I will go direct to the New Piccadilly for a light bitel - my favourite place on earth - and then on to a Greenbelt Management Group which will be Fab fab.

I think that will do for now - feel a bit sick watching Robbie Williams in over-pose mode on MTV.


Saturday, October 09, 2004

-GAMES WITHOUT FRONTIERS- This is the book I am aiming to reproduce in a 'Bumper' version hey hey ...

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

...... this is my favourite title and I have so much more content - not the least being the new Blob drawings from the pen of Ian Long.

...... I need to find some time to crack it ....


Friday, October 08, 2004

...... Gary .........

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

....... this is gary who works in Northern Ireland in a fantastic work loving people.

He was pictured by me in Czech Republic at a YMCA conference.
I was conducting workshops and also drinking the fine beeer there with Gary.

He is a great man and I ask you to remember him .......


...... you are special and unique .....

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

....... here we are in the midst of horror at home and abroad ....... it is so important that we know that we are special and precious ... that creates a climate of understanding that all human kind are the same as me ....... you ........

bless you today ....


............ me and Joan are on about spending our annual holiday following U2 around Italy.

We saw the Joshua Tree Tour there and I remember the Modena concert well.
Got a four foot wide framed pic of the stage (and I tuck all my movie and concert tix stubs in it - will do a pic for you) and I remember operating the bands own video camera which was filming the show in Modena ..... and other fine memories in the sweltering heat ........... come on come on ...... bring it on .....

Joy is in LA working and I have a list for her for when she visits the apple store wow
Ann starts a new programme next week and ........ more news later .....
Me and Joan will be glued to the Rugby tonight and and the Grand final next week.
It is so good to have a free day tomorrow for the first time for weeks .....

Then Friendboys wedding on Sunday...........

.............. Jim Wallis is a Greenbelt speaker and a major activist in the US.
He is currently on a Bus Tour to stand against poverty ........ as the US spends it's time debating the next Presidential vacancy.
This is a wee out take from his last newsletter .......

"My own son Luke is 6 years old now and in first grade, and I walked up to a class of kids about his size.
A 7-year-old girl was holding a poster she had made that said,

"Every person is sacred. Stop Poverty!"

When I smiled at her, she looked up at me and simply said,
"Thank you for doing this."
That kept me going the rest of the day."

....... out of the mouth of babes ....


Thursday, October 07, 2004

"If you think you are too small to make a difference,
try sleeping with a mosquito."


.... Hmmm ....

label-instructions 1_1
Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.


I have a friend who often comments on my blog/web-site in her blog.

She has just blogged in a way which is all about:-
"why am I afraid to tell you who I am" - remember the title of my favourite book ever?

She is on the way - the journey of telling us who she is.

Read the blog dated 3rd October 2004
paste this in your browser;

...... Bono again and I love him ......
"The live thing is really where this band lives. For the first time we've made an album that we like," Bono laughed, "Which could mean the end of our band. 'Cos normally we find the songs -– when we go out and play them -- that you step inside them. And you want to find some really good reasons to leave home. We've all got some nice houses and family and friends and it's hard to leave. We had to find some really good reasons to leave home and I think we've found eleven."


Wednesday, October 06, 2004

... as if ...

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

....... every week I click.
I take pix of the humans I work with.
Every week I show those pix and the ones before on my mactop.
It is called a slideshow with the pix on for one second whilst I play alongside some fab music.
Macs can do this.
Music alongside pix.
It moves the climate.
It tells a story.
I have 6373 of them in 18 months.
They show a story of faces and interactions.
I intersperse the pix of the humans I spend time with with images which disturb.
Or comfort.
Jesus being kissed
A road.
I sad human.
The future is not set - statement.
A beautiful image.
Blob human images.
Things that say something of hope.
It touches the soul.
Some people weep.
Some think quietly.
Some are disturbed to comment.
That is what I do and it is electric in permanence.
I want to show you but I cannot show the private community.
The beautiful humans.
But - some allow me to reprint their Poems.
Their art.
Their heartache.
They are in the pearls.
That is one thing I do


....... Bono said last week .......

"But let me say this - Africa is a magical place. And anybody who ever gave anything there got a lot more back. A shining shining continent, with beautiful royal faces… Ethiopia not just blew my mind, it opened my mind.

On our last day at the orphanage a man handed me his baby and said: take him with you. He knew in Ireland his son would live; in Ethiopia his son would die.
I turned him down."


......... Freedom Bound (dedicated to Greenbelt Festival BHP's 2004)


We run

Sometimes we're pushed, we fall

Into the Arms that wait

Took by the Hand that made us

Touched by the One who saved us

Free'd from the things that slave us....


That slave us....


Hard to explain or measure

Way beyond feelings of pleasure

To have or to hold or to treasure

I treasure...



This suit of love

This garment of joy

Cut from the cloth of Grace


With a sweet sound

Of lost, found

I'm free, freedom bound



I strayed

Into the darkened night

Trying to hide myself

Trying to run from truth

That's where I found You

The blackness it turns blue


Something let the light in

Powerful and frightening

Beautiful delightning




I wear this suit of love

This garment of joy


With a sweet, sweet sound

Of lost, found

I'm free


Free--eee-eee-dom bound...............

by my big friend
Big John

the next step is to learn how to add his Mp3 to this blog
clues anyone?


..... Brant ......

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

.... of ........ at the end of my camera at the aftershow - Greenbelt 2004

And what a beautiful human he is .....


............... The Bomb Squad

U2's track-by-track guide to 'How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb'
Q magazine, October 02, 2004


U2 as garage band. Over power chords, Bono sings about boys who play rock 'n' roll. Adam Clayton: "It was originally called Native Son and had a very different feel. Bono and Edge rewrote it when we started work with Steve Lillywhite. The bass and drums have a little bit of Echo & the Bunnymen in there -- a nice wink to where we came from."

Miracle Drug

The sort of wide-eyed anthem that should by now carry a U2 patent. Bono: "It started off being about the Irish writer Christopher Nolan, who was at our school (Nolan, who was born with cerebral palsy, won the 1988 Whitbread Prize for his autobiographical novel Under the Eyes of the Clock). But in a more oblique way it's probably as much about AIDS and the drugs developed to arrest it. I couldn't write specifically about that without feeling an idiot."

Sometimes You Can't Make it on Your Own

Bono on his father's death. As stately and emotive as "One." Bono: "There's a line, 'You're the reason I have the operas in me.' My old man was a beautiful tenor. He was this working-class guy who loved opera. He used to sit conducting the stereo with knitting needles."

Love and Peace or Else

As close as U2 have come to being Led Zeppelin. The Edge: "I'm delighted about this one. It's been around since the last record. All we had was an amazing keyboard part of Brian [Eno]'s and a rhythm section Larry and Daniel [Lanois] had worked up. I fought for hours trying to figure out what to do with this fantastic raw track. We cracked it this time."

City of Blinding Lights

Back to the wide-open terrain of The Unforgettable Fire, via a vintage Edge motif. Bono: "It's a New York song. About going there for the first time. We were the first band to play Madison Square Gardens after 9/11. During 'Where the Streets Have No Name' the house lights came up and there were 20,000 people in tears. It was beautiful."

All Because of You

Three minutes of gleeful stomping and a likely single. Sample lyric: "I like the sound of my own voice." Adam Clayton: "Often when we have something which is straight rock it never goes anywhere -- we just keep churning it around. But this was one or two takes."

A Man and a Woman

Motown by way of the Rolling Stones' "Waiting on a Friend." Bono: "The sound of sitting on a stoop in New York in the summer. I wanted a song that rolled up the Clash and Marvin Gaye into one."

Crumbs From Your Table

The Edge breaks out "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For"'s ringing guita. Bono rails at the AIDS crisis. Bono: "I went to speak to Christian fundamentalist groups in America to convince them to give money to fight AIDS in Africa. It was like getting blood from a stone. I told them about a hospice in Uganda where so many people were dying they had to sleep three to a bed. Sister Anne, who I mention in the song, works at that hospice. Her office is a sewer."

One Step Closer

Bono ponders the meaning of death over a hushed backdrop. Bono: "Noel Gallagher gave me that line. We were in Birmingham on the last U.K. tour. I was telling Noel my old man had lost his faith and didn't know where he was going. And Noel just said (adopts passable Mancunian drawl), 'Well he's one step closer to knowing, isn't he?' "

Original of the Species

A strident torch song. Contains the lines, "Some things you shouldn't get too good at/Like smiling, crying and celebrity." The Edge: "The last time I cried was listening to that song. It was a song Bono started on the last record about my daughter Holly. He's her godfather. The lyric became more universal. About being young and full of doubt about yourself. He probably won't agree, but I think it has connotations for Bono, looking back to when he was 20."


Quintessentially U2 -- from soaring chorus to a title that co-opts the Hebrew word for God. Bono: "I had the idea that no one can own Jerusalem, but everybody wants to put flags on it. The title's an ancient name that's not meant to be spoken. I got around it by singing it. I hope I don't offend anyone."

Fast Cars

Bizarrely, U2 come on like the house band in a Moroccan bazaar. Bono: "We did this on the very last day in the studio. It was really just for fun, but it came out so well it'll be an extra track on the record in some countries."

© Q magazine, 2004.

...................... I am feeling deep things as I blog ....... different things are collision in my soul right now ........ I will tell you who I am as much as I dare ...... and as would rightly be for others with their own level of confidentiality.

The work I do and want to do with groups - does never ever raise to my expectations. I have great hopes always.
Here, just behind me is a tough session of group work. Not tough and nasty but tough in terms of progression to meaning, human development and satisfaction for most if not all.
So that delivers some failure feelings as I reflect.
It leaves me with regrets.
The dynamics were all wrong and I am part - big part of this.
I yearn for a dynamic of depth and openness - often it is and I buzz like mad because I believe there are humans stepping forward .....
Not just now. hmm

A human who has been bashed by life - said to me today - verbal words not the more often 'slight touch of the hand on my upper arm'.
Real words saying that I do fantastic things and fantastic 'being'.
From those lips especially - so beautiful.
In itself SO developmental.

reading a blog of a friend which was all about
"Why am I afraid to tell you who I am ........... "
(remember it is the title of my favourite book ever)
These words were brave beyond all words by really telling 'who I am' ...... and I am feeling it - disturbed deep in my soul.
I want to be.
I want to feel it because at second hand it can never be like first hand.
Beautiful imperfection.

Two humans today - communicated to me with natural warmth. I have not known them long and with no real meaningful conversations, well 'yes' a bit, but their warmth, from terrible experiences of life, oozed acceptance of me. I believe that is good for the interior person - as well as the exterior person (me).

I said to the taxi man -
"Look after her - she is precious"


"Look after .......... you are precious"


Tuesday, October 05, 2004

.........OLA ........

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

..... this is Ola at the wedding of Anita and Tomek in Poland ...... it was beautiful and I wanted to show you more pix .....


....... you are ...YOU ARE .....

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

... just a reminder to you whatever you are doing,thinking, reflecting, hoping or maybe .....


Monday, October 04, 2004

......... Brant was at Greenbelt this year - from US.
His website
is well worth a visit ........ this is a bit from his home page .....;

Greenbelt Rocked! Brant returned from his week in the UK with newfound friends and fans. Greenbelt is like nothing you can experience in the US. We have our share of festivals...but nothing like the social consciousness of Greenbelt. Getting to sit back and listen to Martyn Joseph, Cathy Burton, Nathan Johnson, Peter Case and others was incredible. Some of the highlights included meeting up with author Steve Stockman (Walk On - Relevant Books) and playing at his venue, participating in a panel discussion with Publisher Gordon Charlton (Reverb Music) & Producer Jude Adam (BBC Radio 6), appearing on Greenbelt Radio hosted by Ruth Liskutin, and attending a songwriters workshop called The Rising with Martyn Joseph each morning. Brant also got to hang out with Dove award-winning songwriter Paul Field (Testify to Love)...more to come on that relationship in the near future!
Finally, Brant got to meet Greenbelt legend Pip Wilson and spend many hours into the night with Pip and his buddies.
Wonderful conversation about "Beautiful Imperfection."
Brant will be returning to the UK in early December for a 10 day tour. Be sure to check out the links page for more info on all the people Brant met and show them some support! Peace.


...Blackpool Tower ..

...Blackpool Tower ..
Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

........ yes Blackpool Tower and we are at Place De La Concorde which is on an island south of England ........ unlike me the are all very clever here ...... they can all speak French - even the children!

Last night we had a nice meal out.
I did not go for the Frog Fritters or the Snails in Puff pastry - but I usually go for the stretch marks courses when I am out for a meal. Sometimes I am disappointed in what it tastes like ...... but I don't often play safe.
How do yo eat out?
Maybe we eat just how we live?
Maybe we live our principles out like we eat?
What do you think?


Saturday, October 02, 2004

.....The French have style eh?

Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

........ here we are in central Paris and tasting the delight for the eyes and the taste buds ....

enjoying .....
"non, je ne regrete riene" ..... would be the theme ..... it is certainly the song running through my head all the time ....... can you guess the singer of the famous version?


Friday, October 01, 2004

Joan .... the woman I love ....

Joan .... the woman I love ....
Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

....... here we are in Paris France and loving it LOVING IT .........

.......... well ..... here I am on Friday new month ....... Paris France.
It is great to drink champagne on the eurostar
wi-fi in the hotel - not bad eh?
and ............. I talked to a man from Iraq with now hope - yesterday
I love the walk through late night Paris and a meal and drinks with the woman I love
Yesterday I had dinner with a man who cannot phone home to Iraq
He wants Saddam back
Water electricity and telephones are worse now - he says.
He has no hope
I talked to him about having hope.
A glass half empty or a glass half full.
And here I am enjoying myself and enjoying Cointreau in the country of birth

....... and I am thinking about how you are because there is conflict and pressures in life and I don't know who you are unless you tell me ......

bless you in your becoming ......

....... thank you for hitting me ........
... over twenty five thousand times
..... in September 2004
...... my website that is .......

Every click considered to be a finger tip, a unique finger tip, pressed this way.

I will try to blog from Paris .............. if not ...... Monday will be picturesque ...

... breath deeply and slowly and say ........ breath on me breath of God ..........
