Friday, November 30, 2012

Prison. Mentoring. Writing. Becoming.

This book is a 1 or 2 sitting read ::

It is a rich dialogue between two fascinating men, 
captured through old-fashioned letter writing, 
that reveals the harsh nature of many people's lives in contemporary Britain. 

Bobby is a spirited, creative, entrepreneurial and surprisingly reflective man whose litany of very bad deeds finally catches up with him, until he finds himself in prison for the first time. 

Pip - a modern-day youth worker/saint, 
encourages Bobby to write down everything he's thinking 
and feeling, 
and as the letters progress, 
coaxes more and more soul-searching out of Bobby. 

Remarkably Bobby and Pip agree to publish the correspondence and now the reader can experience the deep dialogue about broken dangerous lives, peppered with courage, hope and belief. 
Its gutsy stuff, and its worth it.

by Paul Wilson.




"I love you." she says.

A woman is sitting on the veranda with her husband and she says, 

"I love you."

He asks, 
"Is that you or the wine talking?"

She replies,
"It's me............. talking to the wine."





I yearn for your becoming.

I feel I love you. 

Is that love? 

I yearn for your becoming. 

Not who I want you to become. 

Is this Love? 

Do I really know Love?


It's  ADVENT - is it tomorrow?
Download this now
or order paperback


Blob Advent

Paperback, 66 Pages 
     This item has not been rated yet
Price: £10.00
Ships in 3–5 business days
It is common to spend the time leading up to Christmas focussing upon Jesus in order to give the season of Christmas greater substance. Advent is a time to prepare for the arrival of our Lord. Traditionally, most people think of the Christmas arrival, but this book also explores His future return. The authors have used a mixture of reflections, images, activities and prayer to help the reader focus upon the centre of this season - Jesus.

Thursday, November 29, 2012


A beautiful human has just posted this on Facebook.
Thank you Hansruedi Haru Vetsch 

a programme I have led for years - but only once in 2012 in Norway.

Here it is in Switzerland back in 1998.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

informal education you could call it ...

Fascinating behaviour. 

When we are not relaxed.
There is alsorts of distractive stuff. 
Culture wise is so different .......... the people I work with. 

They can be so eratic and not stay in a room for long. 

Recently I had a session of group-work/discussion, 
informal education you could call it ...
...about life skills ....
...... I had five in the room 
but about 15 were there at sometime ......
I have to handle this and want to. 
I want to include even though they exclude themselves ....
....I was doing the:- 
'I'm ok-your'e ok' stuff ..............
so impressed by the depth of sharing 
EVEN when it is so painful to disclose. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Keep your body fit.

I have decided to make my life an act of LOVE.

ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯthatℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯyouℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ are ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ beautifulℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ.


Peace, Love, and Misunderstanding

Brian McLaren by Elaine Duigenan
In association with Hodder & Stoughton
Greenbelt presents

Brian McLaren

In an evening of music & conversation

Exploring Christian identity in a multi-faith world

(and a journey from hostility to hospitality)

Author, speaker, activist, public theologian and regular Greenbelt speaker Brian McLaren takes the stage to explore the ideas at play in his new book, Why Did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, and Mohammed Cross the Road?
Over six nights, in six different cities up and down the country, Brian will outline his vision for a Christian faith that must move beyond a history of defining itself over-against others and towards an engagement with and respect for other faiths – one that is hospitable rather than hostile.
Brian will be joined in each city by a faith leader from a faith tradition other than Christianity, as well as a special guest artist.
Details as follows:


Thursday 29th November 19.30– St Martin’s in the Bullring – Tickets »
With conversation with Malia Bouattia and music from Jasmine Kennedy.


Friday 30th November 19.30 – Regimental Chapel in Manchester Cathedral – Tickets »
With conversation with Robert Cohen and music from Jasmine Kennedy.


Saturday 1st December 19.30 – The Simpson Room, CastleGate – Tickets »
With conversation with Professor Mona Siddiqui and music from Gareth Davies-Jones.


Monday 3rd December 19.30 – Woodlands Church – Tickets »
With conversation with Mohammed Ansar and music from Miriam Jones.


Tuesday 4th December 19.30 – The Small Hall in the Central Hall – Tickets »
With conversation with Mohammed Ansar and music from Miriam Jones.


Wednesday 5th December 19.30 – Oasis, Waterloo – Tickets »
With conversation with Rabbi Shoshana Boyd Gelfand and music from Miriam Jones.
We’re pleased to be working with Hodder & Stoughton to bring Brian to the UK. If he’s new to you, then explore some of the links below to discover why we’re so excited.

Beautiful Imperfection.

"I never wanted to be famous
I succeeded.

I never wanted to be rich
I succeeded to degree level.

I never wanted to be this age
It sort of came with experience.

I never wanted to be good looking
Achieved at birth.

I never wanted to be educated
I achieved in every school.

I never wanted to believe in God
I tripped and stumbled into her.

I never wanted to be a writer
I just started to reflect on life.

I never wanted to be imaginative
It just happens as I strive to love.

I never wanted to be comfortable
I had it once, before the faith began.

I never wanted to be restless
I now choose it and yearn for it.

I never wanted to be irritated
but now I refresh that irritation.

I never wanted to be thirsty
then I discovered it in ever sense.

I never wanted to be sexy
Thank you very much God.

I never wanted to have a sense of humour
Then I discovered more than five senses.

I never wanted to be vulnerable
I discovered it was a strength not a weakness.

I never wanted to marry a rich woman
I think she is rich beyond compare.

I never wanted to be beautiful
It took me 40 years to know
I was a beautiful human person.

I never wanted to be in a band
I now have a great band of friends.

I never wanted to be imperfect
I now know it is in synergy with beautiful.

I never wanted to be on a road less travelled
I discovered it goes along with human development.

I never wanted to be a great lover
I found it as a life mission.

I never wanted to be disabled
I learned that I have abilities and disabilities.

I never wanted an idol, mentor, guru, then
I met someone who said follow me 
And that's all I ever wanted.


the distance 
from our head 
to our heart 
is the farthest 
we’ll ever travel.’ 

Gerard W Hughes SJ

Monday, November 26, 2012

In Crown Court. In Winchester

I tell myself
In Winchester. 
1st time ever and 
in an independent coffee shop 



Sunday, November 25, 2012

Reflections from Wilson Mansions.

I am up in Winchester Crown Court tomorrow.
Early start.
Weather forecast bad.
Tired from w/end Greenbelting.
Tired but focused.
Always reflecting on this.
My face must look drained.
But gout gone after full week of painkillers.
I am yearning to become.
Inbox is screaming at me.
Every day blocked this week forthcoming.
All with beautiful things/humans/challenges.
So much I want to do.
Happy at my being.
Always wanting my becoming.
Always wondering where it leads me.
I feel safe in it.

Until I hit the keys tomorrow - kneeling for Winchester......


Thursday, November 22, 2012


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Contact the LOCAL YMCA direct

LOVE for you - my weakness and my strength

ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯthatℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯyouℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ are ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ beautifulℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ ℒℴѵℯ.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Palestinians and the rest of us.


Greenbelt Festival - Rolling Magazine 1995 Video

Leadership and Emotions.

People who know me KNOW that I am keen on Level Five communication for adding to our awareness and skills in relationships at home and work etc..
Some of those contexts can be the most painful yet we spend more time THERE than anywhere else.
The biggest influence on others for us leaders is
meaning not words but every other communication such as facial expression and our total body language.

Others around us can pick up our feelings. Our sincerity or otherwise. The least educated can do this too because they are often more educated about non-verbal communication than all of us reading this.

Managing our spirit - our emotional life, is a skill to be developed. See my website for more. HERE 
The facilitation I do in such skills as emotional intelligence and L5 communication.
Lets all learn as we go through life - otherwise our moods are shown to others and we are unaware ourselves!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

All my friends in NORWAY

Please watch this. 


My friend Vince Bassing it while U browse

THIS could be your Advent Journey.

Blob Advent

Paperback, 66 Pages 
     This item has not been rated yet
Price: £10.00
Ships in 3–5 business days
It is common to spend the time leading up to Christmas focussing upon Jesus in order to give the season of Christmas greater substance. Advent is a time to prepare for the arrival of our Lord. Traditionally, most people think of the Christmas arrival, but this book also explores His future return. The authors have used a mixture of reflections, images, activities and prayer to help the reader focus upon the centre of this season - Jesus.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Israeli citizens write to Binyamin Netanyahu.

The letter is addressed to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defence Minister Ehud Barak, and was written by members of the Other Voice group - Israeli citizens who live in towns close to the border with Gaza, who have established links with the people of Gaza.

We, members of the villages and townships in the Gaza enveloping region call on the Israeli

government to stop mucking around with our lives and immediately enter into diplomatic and
political contacts with the Hamas Government!! We are sick and tired of being sitting ducks
who serve political interests.

Rockets from there and bombardments from here do not protect us. We have played around with those games of the
use of force and war for long enough. And both sides have paid, and are continuing to pay, a high price of loss and
suffering. The time has to come to endeavour to reach long-term understandings which will enable civilians on both
sides of the border to live a normal life.

We'd be most appreciative if everyone were to share this message throughout the Internet.

Members of the Other Voice group

The Other voice group is composed of residents of Sderot and other places in the Gaza enveloping region who have maintained a continuous link with Gaza residents of the Gaza Strip. The group advances neighbourly and communicative relationships throughout the South and the entire land.

VIOLENCE. You want to beat him to pulp?

You want to beat him to pulp?
What if he has a knife?
You take a knife
What if he has a gun?
You take a gun

What if you do beat him to pulp?
What will you sleep like?
What when his gang come around?
What will you carry in your belt?

Why do you want to beat him to pulp?
It is a feeling inside
It is a rage inside
It is not a thought
It is a release that you need.

Why not try to understand those feelings?
Why not understand them as signals?
Why not allow signals to consider thinking of options?
Options to release the rage.

We are responsible for our own actions
We can become response-able
Be better than only having one response.

Consider giving life to another - not death?
Consider choosing life for another, AND yourself
Consider love?
Instead of hate.

From a forthcoming new book

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Understanding the Israeli Palestinian conflict

How do we understand the Israeli Palestinian conflict?
This is a good grafic way.
It is all so very sad
but think what it is like in those conflict zones?


Garth Hewitt - From The Broken Heart Of Gaza

Under one and first spoken word.

two years ago
Conniepops said her first word ever
(and she is only 3 early February 13)

And the first word she said was 

We have just been away 'sleepover' with our friends in our last hometown.
Surprised I was to find they did not know that our little beautiful non-human was no longer with us.
AND they always buy Ziggy a Christmas present!

This, below, was his last day before Cat heaven -
21st September 2012.

Ziggy, the last day of our BEAUTIFUL NON-HUMANS LIFE.

I cannot remember me ever being so upset and sobbing my heart out. It is because I had to take him to the vet on his last journey
Little Zig - as I call him
Was put to sleep yesterday.

He has been sick regularly over the last two years.
He has been on a special diet since August 28 due to his loss of weight.
Last Sunday I had to take him to the Vet because he had not eaten for three days. He was looking weak and certainly not himself. Inactive.

He came back from the Vet looking terrible.
His sides had been shaved and one leg. It was so sad to see him in that condition. He didn't eat at hime even after all the drips attached to him and antibiotics etc..
The scan diagnosis was unclear because he had so much fluid inside him.
So me and Mrs Beautiful decided yesterday morning that he needed to be put to sleep at his 5pm appointment. He was having no pleasant life and the specialists had said they feared something bad inside him.

It was terrible picking him up yesterday, cradling him in my arms like I have done for 12 years, and him being so weak - without his usual fire.
Every night he has laid back in my arms as I take him to bed in the kitchen. Food down. Water down. Litter clean. Bed comfortable.

The worse was having to do that at 5pm and place him in the cat carry-box, the car - and look at his big questioning eyes through the grill.
The Vet said the fluid tests had been returned and there was evidence of cells which suggested something like cancer or similar. 
She said I was doing the right thing!
And I left him. Paid the bill and held myself in until I got home ...............

Weeping like a baby because it has been 12 years in sharing all our lives with him in two homes. Night and day. 

It was terrible taking him having made the decision. The tests we waited for confirmed the worst and he could not have survived. 
So sad at Wilson Mansions

He has been very much a beautiful non-human family member. The Sheilas and us went to collect him when he was just a little black and white hand full. A couple of the pictures here show him when he was young.
We will miss him because he was always in the routines and behaviour.  Subconsciously thinking about all the time when indoors.

What do we say to the beautiful two and a half year old Conniepops?
The first word she ever said was ZIGGY. She arrives today for the week end as it is her Mums birthday. She loved him. Kisses him. Talks to him.

Her Mum tried to explain this morning at home::
She said 'when we go to Grandma and Grandad's Zig won't be there'
Conniepops said 'has he gone to the shops'?
Mum explained he old and poorly and died and gone to heaven in the sky
and he not coming back and we are all very sad. 
She said 
'don't worry Mummy we will find him!'

Daughter Ann says
Told Conniepops about Ziggy I and tried to explain. 

I said we are all sad and 10 min later she said

"Mummy I need a tissue to wipe Grandma & Grandad's tears then they will be fine tomorrow" 
Bless her

Here is a little add-on to the story 
7th October 2012
Last night Conniepops was being put to bed by her Mum and she said

"Tell me stories about Ziggy." 
So her Mum said
"He's gone to stay with the Angels and he won't be coming back. They will be looking after him now"
She said
"Can we go get him?
Can we get in Grandad's car and see Ziggy and the Angels with Grandma? 
Grandad can get a special seat for Ziggy in the car!!!!"

Bless her cotton socks ages two and a half.