Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Leadership and Emotions.

People who know me KNOW that I am keen on Level Five communication for adding to our awareness and skills in relationships at home and work etc..
Some of those contexts can be the most painful yet we spend more time THERE than anywhere else.
The biggest influence on others for us leaders is
meaning not words but every other communication such as facial expression and our total body language.

Others around us can pick up our feelings. Our sincerity or otherwise. The least educated can do this too because they are often more educated about non-verbal communication than all of us reading this.

Managing our spirit - our emotional life, is a skill to be developed. See my website for more. HERE 
The facilitation I do in such skills as emotional intelligence and L5 communication.
Lets all learn as we go through life - otherwise our moods are shown to others and we are unaware ourselves!!