Sunday, February 28, 2021
Gangs - this time GIRLS. An EXCITING adventure in Informal Education = Youth Work.
Saturday, February 27, 2021
More of strategic work with Youth Gangs
I posted memories from working with gangs yesterday.
SO I must follow it up with some more of strategic work with Youth Gangs
Friday, February 26, 2021
Inner City Youth Work
This would take a 600 page book to honestly answer, in short Profound life changing a positive life experience that would go on to effect the rest of my life, my faith my family .....What experience you had re Mayflower is the one you remember most?
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Signs of Emotional Unavailability in a Person::
1. They avoid the “big” or “deep” stuff.
Diving down into the world of emotion and feelings makes them uncomfortable. They’ll be happy to listen to their partner’s emotional “stuff” but only up to a point. When the subject matter gets too heavy they’ll change the subject. And talk of formal commitment may rattle them or even push them away.
2. They have intimacy in the same basket with something else.
A person with trust issues often connects intimacy with high drama or conflict or inevitable loss/rejection — things that have happened in their past. Even when willing, they’re not free to love for love’s own sake because it means something uncomfortable for them.
3. They are naturally distrustful.
When a person’s been hurt or suffered significant loss, they struggle to enter relationships — even close friendships — with an open heart. That’s because they’re scared it’ll happen again and they can’t bear that sort of pain.
4. They can’t express their feelings
Emotionally unavailable people often don’t have a language for expressing their feelings. It may be that they never learnt to match words with their feelings or had sound emotional expression modelled to them. It’s not that they don’t have feelings. They just don’t know how to release them appropriately.
5. They can cut people out of their life easily and often without reason.
Relationships — including friendships and family ties — can be terminated suddenly and without explanation. This is very hurtful, and confusing, if you’re on the end of it. These acts may have a toxic agenda. But they also just think it’s easier to end a relationship, than wade through an explanation of why.
6. They’re most comfortable with people outside their day-to-day orbit.
Emotionally unavailable people will often choose relationships they can keep at arm’s length. Affairs, long distance relationships, cultural divides: People who are not free to commit to them. It’s less stressful to keep some space between them and they don’t have the pressure of moving the relationship forward.
7. They respond to others’ feelings rather than offering their own.
They’ll often find it easy to show a lot of interest in you, especially at the beginning of a relationship because asking questions is non-threatening. It can be seductive because it makes you feel fascinating but it also keeps you away from their feelings, which is the whole point.
Is it over?
Not my work or wording
BUT I am an Emotion Detective
and want to learn from EVERYTHING
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Reflecting on Lockdown life at Wilson Mansions ............
Here I am.
Lockdown like you are.
Alongside that I am working daily at living with cancer. The meds - increasingly needing to be more powerful, sleep & sleepless plus fatigue which is only one of a few side effects.
Otherwise life goes on. A walk a day and built in shopping (I have never been in a shop for a year other than the pharmacy - '1 in 1 out' shop!) The walking plan is waiting for spring and warmer weather to enable more exercise.
Moreso is the chance/hope of seeing family together especially our two grandaughters (5 and 10) - last time they did a drive by - I cried ......... some feelings can't be articulated enough.
5am out of bed this morning to start the 8 a day pain killer tablets. Normal life now - to time table life around the meds schedule. I drink loads and loads of water. I don't touch alcohol at all now. I used to have a glass of red if we were out for a meal - but never done either for a pandemic year!
Other aspects of life rolled on. No gigs which I miss madly - the preparation, working with teams of teachers, therapists, youth-workers, student teachers, and various groupings internationally - all experiential learning - I love it. Feeds me!!
Close behind the above number one is my meeting 121 in my Central London 'Cafe-shop home' (now disappeared - off the map via covid damage)
I write every day. I promote the Blob Tree resources online & reflect on life via my BLOG.
Then there is my ever so bursting email inbox .......... AND in the last couple of days I have had two surprising cold contact' out of the blue.
1:: someone interested in tapping my crime and gangs experiences. Right up my street as I have had to work and live through such experiences - you will know about this if you have read my books 'Gutter Feelings' 'Backstreets of Heaven' and others.
2:: A young lad who I lived/worked with who is now in his 60's - never heard from him since 1967 = 54 years.
I can't tell you more - respecting confidentiality.
More tomorrow and ever after ........
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
YOUTH WORK is being on the same level - valuing the human - seeing beyond behaviour BEYOND BEYOND .......
Monday, February 22, 2021
One Day .................. children will ask ................
One day.....
What is hunger?
Children from Alabama will ask:
What is racial segregation?
Children from Hiroshima will ask:
What is the atomic bomb?
Children in schools will ask: •
What is war?
You will answer them.
You will tell them
Those words are not used anymore,
Like crucifixions, galleys or slavery
Words no longer meaningful.
That is why they have been removed from dictionaries.
With training and a will to love we can train our brain to take over when under pressure/threat.
I WAS ONCE on a Bus in central London.
There was a vicious racially motivated attack.
It was an attack.
Language and blows.
Aggression and violence.
It disturbed all on the crowded bus.
Fear more than disturbed.
I have seen so much of it in my life.
I have seen a young mans head being kicked around like a ball.
I have experienced knives, pick axes, meat cleavers
all in the hands of humans out of control.
As today.
I once was passing a Youth Club corridor with two young men fighting with knives.
I walked on because what I had to deal with
was much worse.
I hate violence.
I lead training sessions for workers
about managing aggression and violence but
I hate it hate it.
It is a result of surges of emotion taking over the human.
Fear, insecurity, anger alongside lack of emotional intelligence.
We do it too,when we snap back at the persons we love.
It comes out of the same place.
It is built up in tribes, gangs, crowds and Nations too.
Lord have mercy.
We have much to do.
We have so much loving to do.
If we are not part of the solution
we are
part of the problem.
Sunday, February 21, 2021
Blob Jigsaw
Blob Jigsaw
* the purchased image comes without watermark and in full resolution
* remember to add your free Blob Tools Guide to your shopping cart

WORKING WITH GROUPS - building a climate of trust.
touching on any sense of
emotional interior activity -
often the shutters come down.
Most will walk up to a Blob Tree,
on a big screen, and place a sticker
where they are/ describing how they are feeling non-verbally -
then they often won't talk about their feelings - but this is still a step forward.
Emotional literacy is about being able
to express feelings with words.
Not just 'happy' or 'sad'.
Every feeling comes under those headings.
The Blob Teenage cards get them talking.
Talking about how the Blobs are feeling.
The Blob Jigsaw gets them active
but struggle to respond to questions.
The best methods I have discovered
is to show slices out of a movie.
This engages them, moves them,
stirs their feelings and then they spill.
All depending how free/insecure they are.
All depending how chained they are
by their own peers. + depending on the climate of trust in the room.
If I can get them to write something
about themselves - wondrous
= self revelation spills.
Out of older groups I get these::
"Today I told someone I was bullied at school."
"I don't want to be in a comfort zone -
I want to make a difference."
Sometimes, if the climate of trust is good,
usually when I am with a group for 24 hours,
there are stories of abuse, beatings, rejection informally spilled,
alcoholic Parents - self harm and more.
How do I get through with the 'hard to reach'?
That's what I need to spend time on this.
If we don't let these things out,
these last words is for you,
they don't reside in your gut dead,
they are buried alive and will come back
to haunt you.
In body
In mind
In spirit
In dysfunctional relationships
because the person who is relating to you
is only building a relationship
with your shell -
not the real beautiful thing.
You are beautiful -
even more without the MASKS.
Saturday, February 20, 2021
We had been married for one year and THEN this !!!!!!!!!
Joan was 21, I was 26 when we sold up, burned bridges, and moved to live & work in a Young Offenders Unit as Houseparents.
It was a school by name but - really an education prison for young boys 14 to 17. All from Manchester.
We had been married for one year and then this !!!!!!!!!
(I am on my laptop.
It was the start of our journey - break away from home town to
follow the
risk failure
inability turning to competence - well ....
..... not so much the competence.
Before this job, I was working at Pilkington Glass in their Research Laboratory.
They used to call me 'the Rocking Vicar' because I was always singing as I worked.
This was 1965 and all that ...................... how can that be? - me being a teenager still ..!!