Yesterday I blogged about how I write to reflect and recall all the events of the day.
I am stacked out with 'recordings' = what Youth Workers call notes/reflections on the working day. An example is noting that club member Emma had a bandaged arm as a result of a burn - this reinforces the memory of this so Emma will be asked "How is your arm now" = relationship building. ......... = Emma is not just a club member but also a 'person'.
I have rammed file of notes from Mayflower Youth Work 1975/85. The above and below are are some of the results of when we had to shut the Youth Club for a month due to violence, vandalism, theft and attacks to the staff team - mainly volunteers.
Youth Work continued as a detached project - working with teens on the street, playing football and miscellaneous off site activities/ relationship building opportunities.
These photos are an example of a newsletter we produced regularly to hand deliver to all the Gangs and others formed into a gang.
These were tough days.
So many of our beautiful human teens ended up involved in armed robberies, Borstal, prison, and gun offences.
These attempts at keeping in touch with them, above, will give you a feel of those Youth Work days/years.
More details are in my book
'Gutter Feelings' available from