Norman Kember abducted
....... Long-term Greenbelter taken hostage in Iraq ......
.... see greenbelt web-site for more details
"As an artist, I see the poetry of it. It's so brilliant. That this scale of creation, and the unfathomable universe, should describe itself in such vulnerability, as a child. That is mind-blowing to me. I guess that would make me a Christian," he said. "Although I don't use the label, because it is so very hard to live up to. I feel like I'm the worst example of it, so I just kinda keep my mouth shut."
"Both recognize the pivot, that God is at the centre of the jaunt"
Beautiful Humans Hurting.beautiful Humans lashing out.Beautiful Humans in catharsis.
"I found that when I got to grips with my feelings, or started to,
I began to grow as a human person.
I often say I became an adult at the age (about) forty years old.
That was part of my journey inward.
The opening and the owning of those vivid things which seem to influence life so powerfully ...... negative or positive." Pip Wilson
"The unreflected life is not worth living" Socrates
"..... through him we offer you our souls and bodies to be a living sacrifice.
Send us out in your spirit to live and work ...... "
"only those who risk going too far
can possibly find out how far one can go'
ts eliot
"work like you don't need the money
dance like no-one is watching
sing like no-one is listening
love like you have never been hurt"
"we are all the product of those
who have loved us
been unable to love us
refused to love us"
We must not think that our love has to be extraordinary.
But we do need to love without getting tired.
How does a lamp burn?
Through the continuous input of small drops of oil.
These drops are the small things of daily life:
small words of kindness,
a thought for others,
our way of being quiet,
of looking,
of speaking,
and of acting.
They are the true drops of love that keep our lives and relationships burning
like a lively flame.
- Mother Teresa
"yes but no but yes but no but ...... yeah"
"Grace strikes us when we walk through the dark valley of an empty and meaningless life…
year after year,
the longed for perfection does not appear,
when the old compulsions rage within us as they have for decades,
when despair destroys all joy and courage.
Sometimes at that moment a ray of light breaks into our darkness,
and it is as though a voice were saying,
‘ You are accepted.
You are accepted,
accepted by that which is greater than you,
and the name of which you do not know.
Do not ask for the name now; perhaps you will find it later.
Do not do anything now; perhaps later you will do much.
Do not seek anything, do not perform anything, do not intend anything.
Simply accept the fact that you are accepted.’
If that happens to us, we experience grace."
paul tillich
"The isolated individual is not a real person.*
A real person is one who lives in and for others.
And the more personal relationships we form with others, the more we truly realize ourselves as persons.
It has even been said that there can be no true person unless there are two, entering into communication with one another.
This idea of openness to others could be summed up under the word love.
By love, I don’t mean merely an emotional feeling, but a fundamental attitude.
In its deepest sense, love is the life, the energy, of God in us.
We are not truly personal as long as we are turned in on ourselves, isolated from others.
We only become personal if we face other persons, and relate to them.
Kallistos Ware
* don't really like this first line ...... but love the rest .....
"I am appalled by the greed of today's executives".
Sufjan Stevens .......... good article in yesterdays Observer. If you go to the Gilles Peterson pages you can vote for Sujan Stevens in his annual all winners poll. Me and Charlie went to this show last year and plan to be there for this one. Why not vote?
Rugby League is over for me until February 2006.
There is an International on Saturday but the Great Britain Team failed to get there.
I love the game.
I yearn.
I will watch the game on Saturday and read my Rugby Leaguer .......... but my week-ends will not be the same until the new season starts hmmmm
I cancelled my Madonna album order from Play dot com.
Seeing her in her knickers at the MTV awards ........ put me off for life!
It is said that, on average, we lie 20 times a day!
I know some who do more.
I need to think about me - do I?
Joy is in Barbados - working!
Ann is filming in Liverpool 'you *re wh*t you e*t'
....... her 'Pimp my ride UK' MTV programmes, which she made, are just starting their replay on Channel 5 for the first time.
you came to take us
all things go, all things go
to recreate us
all things grow, all things grow
we had our mindset
all things know, all things know
you had to find it
all things go, all things go
you came to take us
all things go, all things go
to recreate us
all things grow, all things grow
we had our mindset
(I made a lot of mistakes)
all things know, all things know
(I made a lot of mistakes)
you had to find it
(I made a lot of mistakes)
all things go, all things go
(I made a lot of mistakes)
- all leaning forward - revealing their engagement in each other.
- two with direct eye contact with the human speaking at this camera click moment.
- hand movements giving emphasis to the verbal.
Cell Time
Every day I spend in this cell
locked away my home in hell
The outside world moves on without me
everyone has forgotten me even my homies
i don't want much just do this one small task
send a letter is all i ask
out on the streets i loved the game
now it fills me up with shame
who do you accuse and hate
when the fact is I Chose my fate.
"Life is difficult"
M Scott-Peck
The first three words in his book
'The Road Less Travelled'