Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
When you work with people who have had massive disasters in their childhoods followed by later crippling blows, it is something special to hear their stories.
Beautifully so, I can see people moving and are progressing in their emotional life.
Some of them building on that self knowledge and growing in stature.
I love it and it means I am reaching out and being touched by a shalom finger tip.
I experience beauty and pain and refuse neither.
Beautifully so, I can see people moving and are progressing in their emotional life.
Some of them building on that self knowledge and growing in stature.
I love it and it means I am reaching out and being touched by a shalom finger tip.
I experience beauty and pain and refuse neither.
...... I post images on these pages and I love images ..... ..... but most of all humans.
I take lots of photos but always humans.
This here - I feel is very powerful.
It is from an old poster I had some 30 years ago and I kept a small photocopy when the big one fell apart.
Poor quality - yet it seems to add to the message so much ........... I find these words so moving ...... they seem to change me ...... they cut deep into me like a sharp knife .............. and in that tender wound a little package of meaning and another of direction are posted inside my soul.
How does it touch you when you sip gently and deeply from the cup ...... ....... ?
Monday, November 28, 2005
U2 Stuff from atu2dotcom
... the Rolling Stone interview, Bono was hardly looking to make things easier by keeping his faith non-specific.
Elsewhere in the piece, Bono compared the Psalms of David to blues music. Discussing two of his favourite styles of music, he said blues was running away from God, while gospel music was running toward God.
© The Gazette (Montreal), 2005.
... the Rolling Stone interview, Bono was hardly looking to make things easier by keeping his faith non-specific.
"As an artist, I see the poetry of it. It's so brilliant. That this scale of creation, and the unfathomable universe, should describe itself in such vulnerability, as a child. That is mind-blowing to me. I guess that would make me a Christian," he said. "Although I don't use the label, because it is so very hard to live up to. I feel like I'm the worst example of it, so I just kinda keep my mouth shut."
Elsewhere in the piece, Bono compared the Psalms of David to blues music. Discussing two of his favourite styles of music, he said blues was running away from God, while gospel music was running toward God.
"Both recognize the pivot, that God is at the centre of the jaunt"
© The Gazette (Montreal), 2005.
....... difficulties occur, says research, when men are in a crowded context.
We can all imagine the toilets at a big sports event ....... men and women.
Urination is slower when men are in a crowded space.
It is all down to tension/stress.
Social Psychology research also tells us that humans in crowded contexts;
- men are more aggressive
- women are more socially supportive - more eye contact and self revelation.
We are all aware of the physical impact of emotions.
Our body responds to the changes in our emotions.
..... sometimes ...... we blush ..... we pump adrenaline .......... sweat on the brow ...... weak knees ...... loose bowels ..... and more ...... do you agree?
What am I going on about - you ask .....
The Guardian, today, permitted one of it's writers to slag off the Department of Education and Skills recent advisory documents which have just been sent to over 6000 Primary schools. This is because the issue is about managing emotions.
It seems to me that this area of life is a massive issue and rightly needs some work done in schools. Today in the press the issue of 'self harm' is highlighted. A good example of 'feelings driving harmful behaviour'. My life of working with young offenders has convinced me that the inability of humans to manage emotions, and even understand them, has delivered a massive culture of aggressive and violent behaviour which ruins the lives of many - including the offenders.
Back in 1979 I produced a study on the subject of 'Emotional Deprivation' because the issue was a big one in my Youth Work.
The biggest one.
I was working with street gangs in the East End of London at the time and my first book 'Gutter Feelings' came out of this work and the reflections on it. I saw big time violence on a daily basis and was convinced that it was all about social injustice and an inability to do anything positive with the mangled emotions inside these young beautiful humans.
Beautiful Humans Hurting.beautiful Humans lashing out.Beautiful Humans in catharsis.
Much of my work as a Trainer comes down to how humans manage emotions - in relationships - related to tasks - pressure - skills - awareness - response to 'difficult behaviour' - and not the least, how to develop self esteem and value others.
"I found that when I got to grips with my feelings, or started to,
I began to grow as a human person.
I often say I became an adult at the age (about) forty years old.
That was part of my journey inward.
The opening and the owning of those vivid things which seem to influence life so powerfully ...... negative or positive." Pip Wilson
"The unreflected life is not worth living" Socrates
Blob Tree
..... and six foot tall ......
..... it was made by two young sisters who were doing model making at Barking College and is the most wondrous tool to use with groups ........ the only one in the world folks.
It folds up and goes in the boot of my car ........ and it did go to Prague in 2003 ....... what an International Star!
Sunday, November 27, 2005
..... domestic week-end for you as well eh?
I recover and then get restless ........... music keeps me sane and driving ...... I have transferred 8 hours of cassette tapes to digital/iPod music as I have watched the Ozzie Team get beat by the NZ Team ....... Rugby League of course. One of the best matches I have seen.
I have sat and watched late night I'm a Celeb ........ with Zig on my knee....... what a beautiful non-human ...... and read the Sunday Times today ..... a horrible Tory right wing bias on every page ......... they recommended we vote Tory at the last election - even in the mess they were in - still are from my view .....
Today we said together - me and Joan and the rest of us in our Church;
"..... through him we offer you our souls and bodies to be a living sacrifice.
Send us out in your spirit to live and work ...... "
Here It is all about;
my soul ....... that is the heart of me - all my interior life
my body ...... all the exterior life .......... putting my body on the line
as a
living ........ not a dead sacrifice but ALIVE-!!
sacrifice ........... that is all about giving until it hurts ....... I don't do comfortable ....
It spurred me on ......
"only those who risk going too far
can possibly find out how far one can go'
ts eliot
"work like you don't need the money
dance like no-one is watching
sing like no-one is listening
love like you have never been hurt"
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Friday, November 25, 2005
..... thinking of
Vicky Pollard ......
..... international humans note ..... the snow and frost has kicked this UK way and it is touching the social systems and we are breaking down somewhat ... ...
.......... and like bud of a flower
which has been touched and damaged by the frost
- never to open into full bloom .......
.... so are the many friends and peers of Vicky Pollard.
Vicky Pollard,
without the warm encouragement of love,
is so often faced with the chill of hostility
and being unacceptable.
Without the warmth of affirmation and acknowledgement
- she will remain closed and not open to the sun ............
that beautiful human person must remain at odds with her peers
and laughed at by those of us at a distance .....
....... 'that kind of person' .......
"we are all the product of those
who have loved us
been unable to love us
refused to love us"
...... if you plan now to spend the w/e there ........ it will be one of your best decisions ......... if you don't ........ hmmm
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Belfast calling ....
I am clicking in the airport as I await a flight back home and it is snowing .....
Have been over the sea this way a number of times over the years ......... this time regarding an exciting project which may bring me this way a number of times I hope
Today with some beautiful humans ............. Vicky Pollard comes to mind. These three women are working with Vicky and her friends ........... and I am involved - and want to be ........ and also challenged ...... I am now and will be in the future ........ it will stretch every sinew ......... scrape the soul ........ and out of it will also 'become' some new tools and activities and games ........... all to be appropriate here but good for you - maybe?
I hope you take the chance to talk to your local Vicky Pollard ......... we spend so much time - too much time (seems to me .......) with humans from our own social grouping.
just got a text from my friend Oyvin in Norway .......... he says he has struggled today with his Vicky Pollard ............
We must not think that our love has to be extraordinary.
But we do need to love without getting tired.
How does a lamp burn?
Through the continuous input of small drops of oil.
These drops are the small things of daily life:
small words of kindness,
a thought for others,
our way of being quiet,
of looking,
of speaking,
and of acting.
They are the true drops of love that keep our lives and relationships burning
like a lively flame.
- Mother Teresa
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Working at Home now ......... fly into Belfast tomorrow ..... ..
.... concerned that friend Val has just gone into Hospital again with more chest/heart/circulation issues ........ and friend Lyn just had a big big major op in Wigan.
We all have issues in our lives.
Thinking still about Vicky Pollard, and I will for sometime, ..... when she and her peers have issues they are often become major issues.
To help put things right - we need to be able to place our hands on the handles and levers to make things work for us. Often they don't know where these buttons and levers are ............ they don't know how to make life work for them ........ how to draw on the resources around them.
Sometimes they are called 'social skills' or 'communication skills' or 'assertiveness'.
"yes but no but yes but no but ...... yeah"
'Blame the parents' some say.
My experience is that ...... so many humans have inadequate resources to bring to positive living.
Hear this Miss Vicky Pollard
hear this Pip Wilson
hear this you - you beautiful human reading this ..........
this is for us NOT just for
Vicky Pollard.
"Grace strikes us when we walk through the dark valley of an empty and meaningless life…
year after year,
the longed for perfection does not appear,
when the old compulsions rage within us as they have for decades,
when despair destroys all joy and courage.
Sometimes at that moment a ray of light breaks into our darkness,
and it is as though a voice were saying,
‘ You are accepted.
You are accepted,
accepted by that which is greater than you,
and the name of which you do not know.
Do not ask for the name now; perhaps you will find it later.
Do not do anything now; perhaps later you will do much.
Do not seek anything, do not perform anything, do not intend anything.
Simply accept the fact that you are accepted.’
If that happens to us, we experience grace."
paul tillich
..... I weep ...............
Monte Carlo with the Sheilas ..... here they are taking it by storm ...... painting the town red ........
Now this was a few years ago!
Daughters Joy, left, and Ann ...... they call each other 'Sheila' or 'She' ....... they had an early childhood of travelling as you can see.
But don't think we were rich then - or now.
Every year we used to take a mini-bus full of Vicky Pollards and their boy friends to an adventure in Italy, South France and other exotic locations .......... the first time we bought a mini-bus for £30.00 and pushed it more than it was driven!! ... ... ... almost.
One year there was six vehicles in the convoy ......... all the way to our favourite destination - camp site on the Italian 'Ligurean Riviera' ......
They all got so drunk on the way down through France that they all went to drinking tea for the rest of the two weeks ...........
Formative years for them .....
...... for the Sheilas
...... for me and Joan ........ hmmm
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
..... caught them last night at the Astoria in central London.
Their new album 'Howl' is good and moves away from their all baseline rock stuff.
Loved it ...... only got home from work at 8.30 ......... had a quick turn around the got there for the last hour ......
Spread your love like a fever ..... that song always gets the crowd moving to frezy levels .....
....... did not see any Vicky Pollards there ......
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
I am thinking about Vicky Pollard.
..... I need to spend some more time with her because she is one of many ....... neglected humans ....... I want to understand .....
"The isolated individual is not a real person.*
A real person is one who lives in and for others.
And the more personal relationships we form with others, the more we truly realize ourselves as persons.
It has even been said that there can be no true person unless there are two, entering into communication with one another.
This idea of openness to others could be summed up under the word love.
By love, I don’t mean merely an emotional feeling, but a fundamental attitude.
In its deepest sense, love is the life, the energy, of God in us.
We are not truly personal as long as we are turned in on ourselves, isolated from others.
We only become personal if we face other persons, and relate to them.
Kallistos Ware
* don't really like this first line ...... but love the rest .....
Monday, November 21, 2005
.... been working at home always and always - music.
I always record Stocki who does a BBC Radio Ulster Programme every Sunday. I download on Monday (as I do with Gilles Peterson and DJ Fitz).
Stocki is a big Greenbelt man. His music is wide ranging and touches on stuff I have never heard. Some of it not me. But today a heartfelt show which touches on the need and beauty of being vulnerable.
He even played Robbie Williams! - saying how he is quoting Saint Augustine in his lyrics ......... a new one for me!
Why not listen to his show which is on 'listen again' for the next seven days.
Joan had a few days being abused by her elderly Mother. Others I know suffer from from the same drain on the emotions. She is not well and suffers deeply. Some terrible nasty comments to Joan and her brother - the only ones she really relates to. hmmm
The Management Consultant died recently;
"I am appalled by the greed of today's executives".
Sufjan Stevens .......... good article in yesterdays Observer. If you go to the Gilles Peterson pages you can vote for Sujan Stevens in his annual all winners poll. Me and Charlie went to this show last year and plan to be there for this one. Why not vote?
I love the pens of Lammy.
Rugby League is over for me until February 2006.
There is an International on Saturday but the Great Britain Team failed to get there.
I love the game.
I yearn.
I will watch the game on Saturday and read my Rugby Leaguer .......... but my week-ends will not be the same until the new season starts hmmmm
Was in W Yorkshire last week and in the same time as my old mate Ken Montgomery. We worked together for ten years. He was in Barnsley running an AGM for that big North East Region of YMCA's while I was at the Northern College.
My often two hours commute x 2 in one day was nothing compared with this 6 hour train journey to get there and more that six to get back.
Loved being with these all age group of Staff and Board members.
Games without Frontiers.
I cancelled my Madonna album order from Play dot com.
Seeing her in her knickers at the MTV awards ........ put me off for life!
Tomorrow I was due to be doing my stuff in Sweden but - cancelled ..... I blame Madonna!
It is said that, on average, we lie 20 times a day!
I know some who do more.
I need to think about me - do I?
Had a coffee with Mr Singh after Church yesterday ....... he asked me how I was - so I told him about my bad knee and my pending eye hospital visit....... well - pending in January.
I also told him about the new exercises I had used this week to 'shake and vac' the Yorkshire crowd.
It was great introducing Mr Singh to a few people at Greenbelt and them saying "Mr Singh - I know you ....."
Joy is in Barbados - working!
Ann is filming in Liverpool 'you *re wh*t you e*t'
....... her 'Pimp my ride UK' MTV programmes, which she made, are just starting their replay on Channel 5 for the first time.
I am not a C******y so get me out of here .............
I am thinking much about the 'underside'.
When we see life and any issues from a position of richness and power ........ we see a different life than the humans who are without.
Vicky Pollard comes to mind.
We laugh at 'Little Britain' ...... even my Norwegian friends watch the programme and laugh.
There are many beautiful humans like Vicky Pollard.
And her friends.
And those special people who live in the streets near her home.
And her boyfriends.
I saw a young couple today as I paused by the railway station entrance ........... the first thing he did was to step outside the station and push his fingers into the 'change' slot in the public phone box.
She looked rough too.
Complexion was poor.
Chemical eyes.
I was drawn to them.
We can be so 'make poverty history' that we don't use the same principles to those around us.
Being on the wholeness road means;
We can see the images on TV and give money ........... perhaps ......
But, as in New Orleans when the USA was confronted by a hidden mass poverty, ........ we can pass by on the other side when it comes to our own local poverty.
Cannot do anymore 'bits' because I am too disturbed by my own thoughts ......
..... working at home today on inbox catchup - everything catch up ........ must do a decent blog soon .....
This is the front page of the new leaflet for GREENBELT 2006 ............ you can get stax for everone you know - from the office.
Can you consider going ?
Consider taking someone with you?
It is the most wondrous experience ......
Sunday, November 20, 2005
I have just cleaned my teeth in more water than some babies drank today.
And yesterday I rode my bike more miles with more thigh than some poor kids will hobble lamely from the beginning of their existence.
And before I rode my bike I had for breakfast more milk than some mothers have in their breasts to feed those babies who had less water to drink than I just cleaned my teeth in, the very same who will hobble lamely less of a distance than I cycled after I drank that milk.
And a month before this there were more than some who threw enough bricks and burnt enough energy to build a fair house for that mother and son.
And the next time it happens they all will be sprayed with just a little more water than our mother and son will drink in a year, though not nearly as much as the lake of inward tears holds cried by those burning enough energy to build more than enough houses for all those kids who hobble from the beginning of their existence.
More than enough.
Beautiful Human
Seventeen, seven months living in the YMCA, following eight years in a Children’s Home – ‘in Care’ it is called.
Ten GCSEs.
Strong with words and opinions.
Lives on ten pounds a week, cosmetics, toiletries, transport, non-YMCA food.
Bitter against all the systems and structures – including the YMCA.
Cannot get a job, she says, because living at the YMCA is a stigma.
Beautiful human .................
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Level Five Communication ..........
.... is best.
Level One - SO Boring ...... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Sufjan Stevens lyrics ....... just a taste here ...... (thanx Ianbhp)
you came to take us
all things go, all things go
to recreate us
all things grow, all things grow
we had our mindset
all things know, all things know
you had to find it
all things go, all things go
you came to take us
all things go, all things go
to recreate us
all things grow, all things grow
we had our mindset
(I made a lot of mistakes)
all things know, all things know
(I made a lot of mistakes)
you had to find it
(I made a lot of mistakes)
all things go, all things go
(I made a lot of mistakes)
Friday, November 18, 2005
.... love the pic ....... but - if you did not get my eNewsletter this week (the first for three months!!!) - it means you are not on the list ...... you may have changed your email ad? ...... or not clicked to the subscribe link on the home page of
I would like you to subscribe ..... conside eh?
....... Sufjan
Stevens ......
..... has been the music I turn to for the past three or four weeks.
Normally I drift away from a new album after a week.
Normally I have a list of excellent radio programmes on my ipod which are regenerated weekly.
Normally - I don't say 'normally'!
But here I am listening to Sufjan again and again.
The pic is my rig which travels on my back to gigs.
Laptop - apple.
Mini amp and iPod player linked also to laptop sound for showing 'The Selfish Giant'.
Getting the right groove in sessions is always one of the challenges ......
Beautiful example .......
....... of communication.
Note the three humans;
- all leaning forward - revealing their engagement in each other.
- two with direct eye contact with the human speaking at this camera click moment.
- hand movements giving emphasis to the verbal.
Beautiful ...... I love to see this ..... loveitloveit .....
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Good Article in the Guardian yesterday ........
and on Tv news .....
Crystal Meth
a killer drug .......
See the item I did about it.
How it touches and damages and destroys humans who I love ......
..... and a website of worth .....
Who can get addicted?
Anyone who can eat, drink, or breathe (smoke), and has a brain can become a drug addict or alcoholic.
Drinking alcohol or using drugs is easy.
Dealing with life - is what is not always easy.
A Poem from a BHP caught up in it ......
Cell Time
Every day I spend in this cell
locked away my home in hell
The outside world moves on without me
everyone has forgotten me even my homies
i don't want much just do this one small task
send a letter is all i ask
out on the streets i loved the game
now it fills me up with shame
who do you accuse and hate
when the fact is I Chose my fate.
"Life is difficult"
M Scott-Peck
The first three words in his book
'The Road Less Travelled'
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