Friday, August 31, 2007
..... and hello again you most beautiful human ............... been a long day and journeying ............ but will be able to do my first reflection from Greenbelt over the w/e.
Feel a bit flat at the moment. That is ok. I will need to recover - refresh my mission and step on ........ along the road less travelled ....... I do not want another road.
I am sick of motorways ............ I need the route which has all the thorns and car-crash incidents. Growth does not reside in a place called comfortable ........
And I have some Pipturesque from today.
Always humans in my pics.
And it has been Piptastic.
Stay beautiful
Believe it.
The trouble is
we need to reach out to those around us
before we can really recognise our own beauty ............ enter the land of the becoming .......
seek out those in need
seek the Shalom of humans
in their Shalom
you will find your own Shalom ..........
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Wilson-Mansions and got in late tonight and a quick turn around as I need to be up at 5 as I travel to Derby to work with beautiful humans.
I am not up to blogging as I need to pack the Training Bag - shower and build my notes from rough drafts to something whch will inspire me and others ..........
My emotions are still in the washing machine with tumbling emotions and the rest of me is on 'spin'.
One of the big things at Greenbelt was leaving Greenbelt for a day to go to Wembley to watch the Saints win in the first game in the new stadium. The first day I have missed Greenbelt in 30 years and I won't do it again but ............... no regrets.
Five words to describe my life at the moment::
........... and you?
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
.....I am working at home today and my soul is still at the Greenbelt Festival so ............. my obsession with reflections will continue .........
I have a big clear up to do with a week-long collection of bits of tech and games material all littered over my floor ............. that would be a good description of my head too!
But it is all good
other than the tiredness.
I enjoyed the late nights soooo much ........ because Greenbelt is Level Five Heaven .....
More from Wilson Mansions as I recover .....
Dreadful news from the Independent on Saturday.
The New Piccadilly restaurant, the cathedral of caffs, run by Soho character Lorenzo Marioni, has lost it's last attempt to keep the bulldozers from its doors. It will close for good on September the 22nd.
Such a damn shame. The place is an absolute gem, and has always been a joy to eat in, chipped formica tops, see-through coffee mugs and all. Since 1951, it's been a place for everyone from Soho gangsters to stars of stage and screen to sip froffy coffees and enjoy the spag bol and chicken. I've eaten there many times, always with friends, and it's always been a bit of a treat. Somewhere to go when we want to feel that all is right with the world.
And now the landlords, Windmill Developments have decided to knock it down to make way for a "mixed-use block." Another mall-type mash of cafes, offices and stationers. Another chunk taken out of Soho's soul. If there's a Starbucks in there, I swear to God, I'll be so mad I could just ... leaflet or something.
Calls for the New Piccadilly to be listed, like it's compatriot in East London, Pellucci's have fallen on deaf ears. English Heritage, having no interest in it's unspoilt interior, have looked only at the shabby bricks and mortar that encase it and deemed the place unworthy of saving.
Even Westminster City Council have deemed the cafe's architectural quality as not good enough to be preserved. Once again, profit shouts louder than history. Adrian Maddox, author of the book and website Classic Cafes says, "Very individual places run by characters like Lorenzo are an irritant in the way of turning our streets into huge, faceless malls."
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
....... the track playing on the PiPod, just here on your left - turn your sound up up up, is Michael McDermott - seen here in the Pipturesque .........
....... a sensational singer and performer, real communicator rather than smug - flash - 'pretend-pro' performance. and I will be doing much more about him in coming days ........... Michael - you are beautiful ........
I asked them to strike a pose ..... hey hey
Some of the beautiful humans who came to a session of fun and games I did on Friday night ...
..... as with all these pipturesque pix - if you click them, small or large, they will leap to a real large size ................ lots more to come in the coming days and lots of words which are log-jammed in emotions at the moment .............
Friday, August 24, 2007
four extracts from talks recorded today here.
You can download them from stinking NOW
..... you can catch Greenbelt as it is happening ............ watch this space hey hey
Wow - just turned down ........
Joan and me travelled yesterday - stuck on the M25 around London, the biggest circular road in Europe and the biggest car park. We were jammed there in the heaving rain. 14 degrees.
As we moved west from London - through Oxford - Cheltenham bound ......... the temperature went from 14 to 14 and hey hey ......... Green belt sunshine.
I am not doing much here bit I did a little thing with the volunteers here. e must have 2 -3k. They make the festival zing and bring a commitment only 'volunteering' can bring.
Here are a few pix of that even.
And her is the most powerful reading from the start of last years festival ......... drink at the well .....
We are not on our own this weekend
We are together
We are not singing solo
We are a massed choir
We are not singing songs for ourselves
We are singing songs for each other
Songs of freedom
Because none of us is free
Until all of us are free
Songs of hope
About a movement of Jah people
Away from a land of war and greed
Away from a world policed by soldiers
From the heart of America
We are going to Exodus land
Where the song of redemption
Is not just for ourselves
But for our sisters and brothers in every country
Redemption songs
From South Africa to the Lebanon
From the Middle East to middle England
From the West Wing to the West Bank
From the House of Commons to the House of Big Brother
Songs of freedom, anthems of liberation
At Greenbelt 06
The sweet melody of emancipation
To hear how the hand of the Almighty
Can free this world from mental slavery
From physical slavery,
From emotional, political and economic slavery
From the slavery of the self
Into the freedom of Love
The freedom of Truth
Who will set us free
Give us your help good Lord
To sing these songs of freedom
We want to be
One Love, One Heart
We want to
Get together and feel alright
Cus way down inside us
And way out beyond us
All we ever knew was redemption songs
Songs of freedom
Redemption songs
Redemption to what we were made for
Dreamed for
Loved into being for
Redemption from slavery and drudgery
From envy and vanity
Redemption from materialism and consumerism
From sectarianism, pessimism and
Loony fundamentalism
Redemption Songs
Where all of us are free
Where we can
Get up, Stand up,
Stand up for the rights
Of the people that Jesus Christ remembers
Even if everyone else forgets them
A song of
Redemption in the poor world
From slavery to the rich world
A song of redemption in the rich world
From slavery to false dreams
We want to hear how the hand of the Almighty
Can free this world from mental slavery
We want to
Get up, Stand up
And not give up the fight
A song about a world where
No woman, no man, no child
Does no crying no more
A song of redemption
where all people choose to
Do justice
Love mercy
Walk humbly and
Live generously
On the good earth
You have
Loaned us
A song of freedom from addiction
To substances which are choking our planet to death
A song of redemption where
Every little thing’s gonna be alright
A song saying thanks and praise to the Lord
And we will feel alright
Saying let’s get together and feel alright
Cus our hands will be made strong by the hand of the Almighty
All we ever had
Redemption Songs
Won’t you help to sing these songs of freedom
All we ever had
Redemption songs
One love, one heart
Let’s get together and feel alright
Give thanks and praise to the lord
And it will be alright
Give thanks and praise to the lord
Cus all we ever had was songs of freedoms
Redemption songs...
.... and I hope to get my clicks on the one being written for today's launch.
And why I am here
5 words to describe my life at the moment::
......... and some of my cyber friends sent me these::
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
A wee packet popped through the post this week ... ... .. .. CD shaped
it was
it was
the new album from Michael McDermott
(thanx Dave)
Been playing it since
on the tube
via the iPod
at home
via the desktop
playing now.
Last time he played Greenbelt
first time
was 2005
in the Performance Cafe
a tent packed.
I was sat with Ollie
who I knew and loved from a Hostel
he had been through hell
and always was
a beautiful human
we loved the gig
get to see him if you can
I will
I can.
A man with such feelings
Has had tough times
and it leaks
I remember
at the end of his set
he said this was his last song
he did it
left us clapping to the beat
singing the chorus
he then ran through the audience
never returned
no encore
Ringin’ out from the mountains
Ringin’ out from the valleys
Ringin’ out for my homeland
And the blood in the alley
Ringin’ out for the drunk ones
Ringin’ out for the sober
Ringin’ out for the lover, who knows that its over
Ringin’ out for the hungry
Ringin’ out for the homeless
Ringin’ out for the righteous
Ringin’ out for the hopeless
Ringin’ out in the blackness
Ringin’ out for the soldier
Ringin’ out for the future, waitin’ over your shoulder
Ringin’ out for the sinner
Singin’ out for the accuser
Ringin’ out for the winner
Ringin’ out for the loser
Ringin’ out for the orphan
And the disbeliever
Ringin’ out for the honest
And the deceiver
Ringin’ out for me
Ringin’ out for you
Noise from Words
Greenbelt Festival news ...........
Just two days to go
Tickets – dispatch and pick-up
Daily Diary download problems
Flickr your photos
Festival harvest collection
The weather
Channel 4 News
The F Word
Rosie Thomas comment
Events and news
Martyn Joseph – autumn tour dates
Greenbelt news
Two days to go
Pretty much all the canvas is up. The mainstage scaffold is all-but built.
It will be complete by breakfast tomorrow. The production office gets busier
each day. There's a buzz. There's a bustle. There's just two days to go!
Tickets – dispatch and pick-up
If you haven't received the wristbands you were expecting in the post, don't
panic. Just make sure you arrive with proof of your identity and your order
reference and go to the 'pre-paid' window at the Box Office.
You can still order online but you will – as above – have to collect your
wristbands onsite. (Just bring your order reference and proof of ID.)
Flickr your photos
Once again we're asking anyone who would like to contribute to a visual
collage of the Greenbelt 07 online to post their images to the Flickr
website. See for more.
Festival harvest collection
The fifth annual food collection takes place between 4.30pm on Monday and
11am on Tuesday at the end of the Festival this year. Drop off sealed
packets, tins, etc outside G-Source.
All the food is redistributed via projects working with destitute asylum
seekers and others.
Weather report – looking good for the weekend
Whichever forecast site you check, all the reports are now looking
encouraging – to say the least. It had to come good some time, after the
summer we've had. And dare we say that it looks like it's going to come good
for Greenbelt? Spread the word. The sun will shine. What did you expect?
(The postcode for the Racecourse is Gl50 4SH. Make sure you look at
forecasts for that location. It's not great everywhere!)
Channel 4 news
I've just watched one of he most powerful pieces of news magazine I've ever
seen: Krishnan Guru-Murthy interviewing Rev Julie Nicholson, the mother from
Bristol who has not been able to forgive the bombers after her daughter was
killed in the 7/7 attacks, and the Father of Kiyan Prince, who was stabbed
outside his school last year in Edgware, north-west London, who has forgiven
his son's killer.
It will be on Channel 4's 'watch again' service by tomorrow no doubt – check
out – it was the last item on
tonight's Channel 4 News. Worth checking out.
See also Krishnan Guru-Murthy's blog entry after returning from talking to
Frances Lawrence, the widow of Philip Lawrence, the murdered head-teacher –
It made me think of ...
The F-Word Exhibition
Part of the Forgiveness Project
Funded by Trust Greenbelt in 2006/7, the F Word Exhibition makes a welcome
return to Greenbelt this year. Be challenged. Be changed. See and make sure you
Martyn Joseph 'Vegas' Tour Dates
Autumn 2007
See for Martyn's
autumn tour dates.
Festival Dispatches is edited by Paul Northup.
There are now more than two thousand GB souls receiving this. Please
forward this issue to anyone who might be interested in receiving it.
For tickets go to
For lineup go to
To become a Greenbelt Angel go to
For Trust Greenbelt go to
Greenbelt Festivals Ltd
All Hallows on the Wall
83, London Wall • LONDON • EC2M 5ND
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
After the Festival sometimes people say, 'I couldn't get a handle on it, there was too much going on, I didn't know what to go to.... if only I'd realised'
I thought I'd highlight a few sessions by people who haven't been to Greenbelt before (or rarely) and that you might be interested in - in case it helps you ahead of arriving when the thinking/planning time is sometimes non-existent.
See a very good listing of general festival highlights on the website here::
see you there .......
Whatever happened to the new dawn?
Angela Sarkis
The spiritual discipline of religious satire
Becky Garrison
Does theology matter for peaceful coexistence?
Professor Mona Siddiqui
Is religion dangerous?
Professor Keith Ward
Imagination as the Path of Spirit
John O'Donohue
Living well locally
Ann Morisy
Faith with/without God: towards a heretical orthodoxy
Peter Rollins
Unholy alliance: religon and atrocity in our time
Marc Ellis
More than eyes can see; a 9 month journey throug the AIDS pandemic
Rhidian Brook
Monday Grandstand
Stand up & be Godless: on receiving the gift of faith
James Alison
The coming first world debt crisis
Ann Pettifor
Monday Talks 2
Get in there or
buy the tapes after the festival ..........