..... and hello again you most beautiful human ............... been a long day and journeying ............ but will be able to do my first reflection from Greenbelt over the w/e.
Feel a bit flat at the moment. That is ok. I will need to recover - refresh my mission and step on ........ along the road less travelled ....... I do not want another road.
I am sick of motorways ............ I need the route which has all the thorns and car-crash incidents. Growth does not reside in a place called comfortable ........
And I have some Pipturesque from today.
Always humans in my pics.
And it has been Piptastic.
Stay beautiful
Believe it.
The trouble is
we need to reach out to those around us
before we can really recognise our own beauty ............ enter the land of the becoming .......
seek out those in need
seek the Shalom of humans
in their Shalom
you will find your own Shalom ..........