Wednesday, February 28, 2018

How to get people moving - development - self-disclosure, self learning.


 Just have a go at this above yourself.
Get yourself moving physically & emotionally.
You ready?

The few words above will tell you about it - the spectrum.
All you need to do is read the art-work = the Blobs.
Then decide which one is you right now?
Touch the screen with one finger - the Blob which describes you?
(Touching is movement & more powerful 
than just looking & thinking)


If you are on your own, doing this, it helps to make this little experience more concrete if you write a few feeling words - (writing is next best thing after speaking with another human)

Why did you choose that Blob?
How you feel now?

If you have done it - participated in this experience.
You will feel it within - it could be a range of feelings BUT the result is unique to you.

I guess you can imagine what it is like to share with one or two other humans about this - whilst they LISTEN...
Whilst you listen to them ..............
(This little experience always triggers our desire to listen to others - a shared experience!)

If you are up-for-it feel free to mail me about the experience.
(See CONTACT at the top of this web-page)
Or tell someone else!
Or do it with someone else?

Thanking you for your involvement.
If you have not done it now - why not later?


Why People Change ............ X 3

Tucked away in Parliament or tree lined suburbia there is no understanding of Informal Education - relational youth work - incarnation on the streets ........

This was written by me back in the day .....
I always write/reflect at the end of the day

I have paper notes from 50 years ago containing many experiences - 
books if I ever can deliver .............

The above clip was about a 'HAMMER' not in terms of 'work' !
In terms of aggression & violence = survival for many.
Daily decisions have to be made about how to handle incident - humans.
Particularly when it comes to violence.
Just as tough is when dealing with racist verbals & aggression - V I O L E N C E.

As an inner-city Youth Worker we are on the front line.
Dealing daily with incidents, interactions, dialogue, agitation ..........
Whilst in this current climate of knife crime among young urban youths - there are few Youth Workers out on the manor ....... cuts cuts cuts CUTS

I call it neglect.
Tucked away in Parliament or tree lined suburbia there is no understanding of
Informal Education - relational youth work - incarnation on the streets ........

Pip Wilson at work. Trainer Facilitator - see ABOUT on

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

It has been the broken who have challenged me.

I once wrote::
"I have decided to make my life an act of love.

It may come over to you as a bit sick - a lot of words - overkill words - too many words.
BUT I believe this.
I like to make decisions - so I have tried.
Been hurt.
Can show you the scars!

Scars are from the past
WOUNDS are what we carry now ......
........ all of us I believe.

So how do you want your live an act of?
Or are you undecided because you may never have considered such a question?
I had to - I was challenged.
Not by wordy people.
Knowledge - FULL people
It has been the broken who have challenged me.
Teens often - living life on the edge.
Drug abusers
Knife carryers
Gun holders/users
Parent - less
Hurting .............. and more
Have challenged me to get on the road to becoming
BECOMING all I can possibly BECOME

- I am only one, but I'm still someone.
- I cannot do everything, but I can still do something.
- Just because I cannot do everything 
does not give me the right to do nothing.



This is a question I have asked 54 people so far this year. Revealing indeed – and fantastic discussions sometimes…
How about posting 5 separate words of your own on our Guest 
Book – go on – it will be good for you too

Quote: Paul Tournier from the Meaning of Persons:
 "We become fully conscious only of what we are able to express to someone else. We may already have had a certain inner intuition about it, but it must remain vague so long as it is unformulated”


One corner of the universe you can certainly change .......

Monday, February 26, 2018

SUGAR HOOPED WEEKS - a moving personal story - it's me who is moved ..........


Group work with young people.

Someone has written a poem about me.

The only other poem written about me 
was from a young
beautiful human.
A long story about her/me/context ........

I regularly facilitated group work in her hostel.
Highly intelligent.
Highly scarred.
So beautiful.

I always started with a fondue of chocolate.
Always with mini donuts.
I call the gathering ‘DONUTS’
Donuts and meted chocolate to dip them in.
The we start the journey of
self discover
self disclosure
reaching inside
sharing vulnerability
each of us
in a climate of trust …...

This deeply multiply scarred human
She wrote this poem for me.


People seem to forget 
Chose to erase 
Those sugar battered priceless days 
That you 
So excitedly give 
Pumped with familiar phrases 
Which would 
Exhilarate if they felt 
Whilst others would scorn 
My sweet 
Sit and wonder 
Why their fuck off phrases 
To meet 
And dampen the torment 
The fear 
That maybe you 
My friend 
Maybe you once felt 

I once did wonder 
If I could give 
If I could touch 
That trembling hand 
That unheard heart 
That let alone 
I do 
And in them 
And these 
Sugar hooped weeks 
My friend 
Beneath the spangled words I taketh 
Simply beautiful too! 


I am inspired by this coffee shop run by ex offenders - never been yet but LOVE IT!

Our Story

We already know that prisoners are 50% more likely to reoffend if they leave prison without skills and a job. 
And we definitely know that to roast specialty coffee, people need exceptional skills.
Enter Redemption Roasters. 
We were approached by the Ministry of Justice to help address the state of reoffending by running our roastery and barista training centre at Aylesbury Prison. 
Pexels Photo 308772 B
“Redemption Roasters is a shining example of how the Prison Service works with our industry partners to teach skills in order to reduce reoffending. 
Through Redemption, the Apprentices receive top-level training in a state-of-the-art facility, gain real work experience and are introduced to employment opportunities on release.”
- Laura Boyle, Head of Reducing Reoffending, HMYOI Aylesbury
Pexels Photo 302892
As part of our mission to help the young offenders successfully reintegrate into society, we train them in professional roasting and competition-level barista skills. 
Together we roast specialty coffee in small batches for our wholesale and retail customers, and run a café for the prison community and visitors. 
On their release, we also help our now ex-offenders find work using our coffee industry contacts.
Just as our sourcing of coffee is ethical, we’re showing the whole roasting process can be socially responsible too. 
The result is a finely crafted cup of coffee that raises the bar for everyone.
Read our frequently asked questions here.


Millie Turner new single .................... VIDEO

Aurora Video ............... Norwegian singer .............. beautiful

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Toughest experience in your whole life?

Ghandi answered, 
in response to the question about his worst experience in the whole of his life, 

”The hard hardheartedness of the educated”


Fantastic project with prisoners. Coffee Creativity

Redemption Roasters

Redemption Roasters is a first: a small-batch roastery in a prison. 

In 2016, the Ministry of Justice asked coffee wholesalers Ted Rosner and Max Dubiel if they would be interested in setting up a barista academy within a prison with the aim of reducing reoffending rates.

“The connection came through a supplier," Rosner explains. 

“We thought it would be more interesting to open a roaster as there are so many skills involved”

Ten apprentices work in the roastery and small cafe at
Aylesbury Prison, an institution for 17-21-year-old men. As with any work undertaken in prison, they are paid - and the roastery is a business, not a charity, or the recipient of subsidies.

The first Redemption Roasters cafe opened on London's Lamb's Conduit Street last summer
 (a second is coming on Long Lane in Farringdon), 
offering coffee, bags of beans and, crucially, employment for apprentices after release. 

Sophie Missiiig

Grabbed with TextGrabber

From Pip's iPhone 
TWITTER @RealPipWilson

Saturday, February 24, 2018


No #RugbyLeague again in the #Guardian today. 

3 matches last night & not one inch in my #sports section of the @Guardian #SHAME on you. 

I am a regular reader over years & I feel rejected on behalf of my #sport - it’s like #racism


Reading the room - obsevation & more .............

The call to LOVE - when we can see a person & when we can't ............... See Beautiful ..........

Friday, February 23, 2018

Group Work in a hostel

If you are homeless, 
living in a hostel, 
have a range of special needs, 
mental health issues, 
low self esteem
own needs are large and in your face. 

I love these humans and they offer me so much back.
We meet on the edge of emotion and spirituality …………… 
we bare - we reveal - 
we learn from the massive amount of knowledge there in each group - 
the university of life is happening as we sit together.
I blog about my life and work almost daily 
and usually share as much as I can without breaking confidentiality. 

= it is a great privilege to meet and talk with, and know, and share with a top business man who is a shaking alcoholic.

= It is fantastic to know and love an ex heroin addict who is only an alcoholic now.

= Great to know a heroin user who has returned to methadone.

= A young woman who from a life on the street and lost in a life of chemicals 
is now moving on in life with emotional and focused stability.

= It hurts like hell to be close to a young woman 
who is hopelessly lost in inadequacy and unable to make a decision.

= it is joy to meet and share hurts in a group when they have been sleeping on the street, 
then to a night shelter, then the ymca …..
..... and to hear determination to be honest with self and step onwards.


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Thursday, February 22, 2018

I challenge you to write out a Mission Statement - even if no-one sees it it will be developmental.

“If you can walk, 
you can dance. 
If you can talk, 
you can sing,”
Zimbabwe proverb

I am still dancing in new grooves -
being inspired by all the people I meet and love. 

My mission statement stands solid 
no matter what form of missionary activities I undertake;


Pip Wilson
Mission Statement

I will be an effective lover.
I will live to love -
modeled on my developing 
commitment, understanding 
and faith in God.
I will continue to believe, behave, 
and affirm that all individual 
persons are unique, special and 
- “beautiful human persons”.  
I will demonstrate that, 
verbalise that.
I will live to love 
and active socially and cosmically.