Saturday, February 28, 2009
Joy texting from Miami tells me it could be my Converse All Stars, I never wear anything else, which could be not offering enough support. I have not dropped anything on it and it seems muscular more than an injury.
Walk on - as U2 would say/sing.
I was working at home yesterday, invoicing emailing writing sorting breathing but I went into town yet again to watch U2 live on a rooftop so far away. I was on the steps of the Church All Souls Langham Place, the best view, yet the band played four songs and about eight floors above me. I have not yet seen the filmed version but it was great being with the 5/6 thousand humans who stood with me for two hours waiting to see them midst the London rush hour/s.
There is lots on the BBC website to catch up on but I am in town today meting Sheila for a nice meal with Joan - just the three of us. Fortnum and Mason. It will be beautiful - beauty-full ....... and the food too.
As I am clicking this I am listening to Gilles Peterson who I captured this week as I have for years and gigabytes of years. As I listen, in Fission, an editing software, I am cutting out the unique tracks - so many so many. I will them play them on my iPod iPhone and piPhone on my blog - for you ...............
Here are some Pipturesque of the U2 gig yesterday. I filmed as much as I could and will post at least a little of it on my blog soonest.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
I have had a busy period so tomorrow I will answer some of my 100's of emails - God love you for waiting there.
I have also a week end free - well busy with work and pleasure.
Three Rugby League matches on TV. That is a treat.
Under my skin however, are beautiful humans disturbed.
How can I get through.
I yearn and ponder.
How can I get close enough for them to consider their beauty.
Close enough to encourage them to take steps for their own development.
Feel safe enough to change.
That is under my skin.
The youngsters I see in school are the same ones I see in Hostels.
They are the same ones I see in Secure Prisons for Children.
They are very same I see on the street with their Gang.
Only younger!
I need to stretch to discover new ways - methods - games - exercises - communications to be there with them.
I will take them to bed with me now zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Blob Spirituality
Printed: 55 pages, 15.59 cm x 23.39 cm, saddle-stitch binding, black and white interior ink (45805 kb) Download: 1 documents , 45805 KB Description:Blob Spirituality is a book of visual tools designed to enable deep conversations about issues which matter to people. Using the primary languages common to all people - body language and feelings - it provides the user with a means to explore issues as wide as bullying and change, through to Christmas and weddings. Take a look at the contents page to see the full range of visuals. The book comes with copyright permission for the purchaser to photocopy with their groups. |
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Great Guardian Article here about my great game::
Walking in a Wakefield wonderland
Trinity may never relive the glory days of the 50s and 60s but their triumph in adversity is every bit as appealing
When I was growing up in Wakefield, the city was famous for three things – world domination of the forced rhubarb industry, the prison and its reputation as the party capital of Yorkshire. The infamous Westgate Run, a 16-stop pub crawl, was the highlight of many people's weekends and the mayhem that regularly ensued while on it is vividly and chillingly captured by David Peace in the last part of his Red Riding Quartet, Nineteen Eighty Three. Violence was sporadic but the fear of it was always a hazard and a punch in the mouth for saying the wrong thing or the usual bogus incitement, "looking at my bird", was a fairly regular occurrence.
Back then the city's most famous institution, Wakefield Trinity, were mired in the doldrums, playing in a decrepit stadium that had fewer visitors than the adjacent Theatre Club, a poor relation of Batley Variety Club, where The Dooleys and refugees from ITV's The Comedians seemed to be in constant residence. Trinity were largely the preserve of older generations whose memories of Jonty Parkin, the Dreadnoughts and the stellar side of the late 50s and 60s that won three Challenge Cups and back-to-back league titles, contrasted so piquantly with what was on offer at Belle Vue in the mid-70s.
Little had changed at the stadium since This Sporting Life was filmed there in 1962. The key match scenes in that film were shot the morning of a Challenge Cup tie against Wigan and though some had willingly answered the call to turn up early to form a crowd of extras, the director, Lindsay Anderson, still had to thicken the numbers with wooden dummies. There were lots of jokes about the dummies for once leaving the committee room but in retrospect the fans were blessed and enjoyed a charmed decade.
Right at the beginning of the film,Trinity's then captain, Derek "Rocky" Turner, was playing the role of the opposition's loose forward and it was his job to fly off the back of what were still then contested scrums and rattle the teeth of his opposite number, the star Richard Harris, to trigger the key flashback scenes. Anderson had told Turner to make it look as authentic as possible and Rocky needed no second invitation, nailing the scene in the first take and knocking Harris unconscious. The director was happier than Harris but you can't help thinking that he should have picked someone less brutal than Turner for the role – even Billy Wilson, the teak-tough Kangaroo prop, said one tackle from Rocky left him feeling like he had been decapitated.
Stories of those bygone players permeated my youth as the club, fixated with the past and with dwindling crowds compared to local rivals Castleford and Featherstone, struggled. In 1979 there was a fleeting resurgence when the silky skills of David Topliss and the hard-tackling former England union scrum-half Mike Lampkowski were paired with great forwards such as Trevor Skerrett and Bill Ashurst but defeat at Wembley turned Trinity into a selling club again and real decline set in. Signing the great Australia stand‑off Wally Lewis for a 10-game spell at £1,000 a match in late 1983 was a bold attempt to reverse the slump but his galvanising impact, though memorable, was ephemeral and ended as soon as he left.
For much of the next decade after leaving home, Trinity played little part in my thinking. Already, in Michael Parkinson's phrase, "football daft and cricket mad", there was no time for a third sporting passion. It wasn't until I started working in Sportspages, where the rugby league diaspora would meet to buy League Express and moan about the price of the imported autobiographies of Steve Roach and Benny Elias, that the club game came back on my radar. Watching Trinity escape from fraught scrapes with relegation over the past 10 years has warmed the heart but nothing has so bonded me to my hometown club than the awful year they have just endured.
The deaths in quick succession of Topliss, Don Fox and Adam Watene should have left the team demoralised. They have no money, relatively small crowds, struggle on in a ramshackle ground with little prospect of funding a new one and know that the Super League would prefer to give a licence to a more glamorous or club, or any well‑supported club with better facilities. But despite all these setbacks they have made a thrilling start to the season winning two of their opening three games thanks to the character and skill of the players and the astuteness and grit of the coach, John Kear. The club's heyday is unmatchable but after almost 40 years in the wilderness they still make me proud.
Unknown Caller LYRICS
by U2
No Line on the Horizon
the album.
Sunshine, sunshine
Sunshine, sunshine
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
I was lost between the midnight and the dawning
In a place of no consequence or company
3:33 when the numbers fell off the clock face
Speed dialing with no signal at all
Go, shout it out, rise up
Oh, oh
Escape yourself, and gravity
Hear me, cease to speak that I may speak
Shush now
Oh, oh
Force quit and move to trash
I was right there at the top of the bottom
On the edge of the known universe where I wanted to be
I had driven to the scene of the accident
And I sat there waiting for me
Restart and re-boot yourself
You´re free to go
Oh, oh
Shout for joy if you get the chance
Password, you enter here, right now
Oh, oh
You know your name so punch it in
Hear me, cease to speak that I may speak
Shush now
Oh, oh
They don´t move or say a thing
For the Unknown Self
So much of what delights and troubles you
Happens on a surface
You take for ground.
Your mind thinks your life alone,
Your eyes consider air your nearest neighbour,
Yet it seems that a little below your heart
There houses in you an unknown self
Who prefers the patterns of the dark
And is not persuaded by the eye's affection
Or caught by the flash of thought.
It is a self that enjoys contemplative patience
With all your unfolding expression,
Is never drawn to break into light
Though you entangle yourself in unworthiness
And misjudge what you do and who you are.
It presides within like an evening freedom
That will often see you enchanted by twilight
Without ever recognizing the falling night,
It resembles the under-earth of your visible life:
All you do and say and think is fostered
Deep in its opaque and prevenient clay.
It dwells in a strange, yet rhythmic ease
That is not ruffled by disappointment;
It presides in a deeper current of time
Free from the force of cause and sequence
That otherwise shapes your life.
Were it to break forth into day,
Its dark light might quench your mind,
For it knows how your primeval heart
Sisters every cell of your life
To all your known mind would avoid,
Thus it knows to dwell in you gently,
Offering you only discrete glimpses
Of how you construct your life.
At times, it will lead you strangely,
Magnetized by some resonance
That ambushes your vigilance.
It works most resolutely at night
As the poet who draws your dreams,
Creating for you many secret doors,
Decorated with pictures of your hunger;
It has the dignity of the angelic
That knows you to your roots,
Always awaiting your deeper befriending
To take you beyond the threshold of want,
Where all your diverse strainings
Can come to wholesome ease.
John O'Donohue
From:: To Bless the Space Between Us
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Most wondrous hospitality
In a home full of Flowers.
I grow in this garden
I am accepted
I feel valued
I am becoming.
Today it has been Training Day
for staff
beautiful humans.
Tomorrow young beautiful humans too
I will be stretched
all my hours of prep
will be busking along
I will learn more than I give.
I am inspired here.
I have had such sharing
that it shatters illusions
(we have to have illusions
to be
I promise to let it all out
yo are beautyfeel
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Sorry-not blogged.
Have been so busy.
Not answered emails.
Been away a lot.
Commuting too.
Have had to focus.
Just finished the prep.
Up at 4 am
Journey to Rhinoville.
Busy on return.
Will hit some e's on Wednesday.
Friday is a day working at home.
Real catchup.
Feel good.
I need to blog propa.
Get stuff out of my soul.
Keep writing prayers in my head.
But life is the big prayer.
Writing that all the time.
My way is unclear.
All the things I like
does not
reside in a place
called comfortable
and I am uncomfortable
with that.
I pause and breathe deep ...........
Friday, February 20, 2009
U2 in the earbuds yesterday
solid 4 hours commute.
Now listening to Beatspoke.
French I think.
Today working at home.
First w/e at home for ages.
Used the car today.
First time for ages.
Are facts boring?
Not as interesting as Feelings eh?
Being made redundant triggers feelings
"You made me feel ....."
It just wrong a wrong statement - the feelings are ours
they don't belong to others
they are ours - just triggered.
A few things happening in Wilson Mansions
and the souls of the humans there.
Some are blogable
others not appropriate.
Have 21 new albums to listen to today.
My sort of music too.
And brought about 20 from Norway.
My Mac recorded 20 hours of DJ Radio while I was away.
Love this stuff
keeps my soul breathing.
What feeds your soul?
Have you heard of Parker Palmer?
Joan is cooking a new style meal.
She creates new stuff every week.
I love
I was made redundant today.
Still a freelancer though.
But my only employer has gone/going!
I started work at 15
in a factory
apprentice engineer
wanted to go to sea.
So I worked on Ship Equipment manufacture.
This will be the first time since then that I have not been employed.
But mission means I will always be employed.
But I am sad.
Emotional Literacy is relevant now.
So I was calm - collected.
I expected it to happen.
I felt drained supporting several others in the same boat.
But they are full time.
Me only part time.
Then I realised that I was disturbed because of me too!
A shitty world sometimes produces a rose .......................
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
The man on the keys::
Been a watching the Brits on TV tonight.
Joy came around because we have a joint meeting in early morning London.
Everyday since returning from Norway - I have been in the big town.
So three Wilsons watching Brits and thought it was good.
Still watching the parties on ITV2
The other Sheila was there with her presenter G*k W*n
She did the red crpet as his partner/guest for the night.
It has been text madness tonight
and good fun.
I am expecting big news tomorrow.
Will Blog it tomorrow.
Had a great meeting with my Blobmate Ian Long -
with our publisher who is turning out new stuff.
Lot's of ideas flowing and excited.
I am feeling cool.
Not worried
or tense.
Calm is the word.
A word for you
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Home from Norway.
Feel spaced out.
In recovery.
Planned day off today.
Going with Joan to Barts.
Big hospital in London.
A cervical cancer test/research.
Joan has been one of 100's
who are tested annually
as part of research.
Last time there was an abnormality
but it turned out to be an incorrect test.
After we may catch a movie or a meal.
Feel more like drifting into space myself.
Who has got tickets for the only Q Tip concert in London?
It is a premier gig
BenjiB on the decks
Semtex too.
Gilles Peterson 10th Anniversary gig.
ALSO 'Little Dragon' - a favourite band
so much so much .......
I have on my piPhone player
a mix/part of Q Tip music
It gets me in the mood.
love it love it .......
Monday, February 16, 2009
AMSTERDAM - Anne Frank called them the Helpers. They provided food, books, and good cheer while she and her family hid for two years from the Nazis in a tiny attic apartment.
Today, the last surviving helper, Miep Gies, celebrates her 100th birthday, saying she has won more accolades for helping the Frank family than she deserved.
"This is very unfair. So many others have done the same or even far more dangerous work," she wrote in an e-mail to the Associated Press last week.
It was Gies who gathered up Anne's scattered papers and notebooks after the hiding place was raided in 1944. She locked them - unread - in a desk drawer to await the teenager's return.
Anne died of typhus in the German concentration camp Bergen-Belsen seven months after her arrest. British and Canadian troops liberated the camp two weeks later.
Gies gave the collection to Anne's father, Otto, the only survivor among the eight people who hid in the concealed attic. He published it in 1947, and it was released in English in 1952 as "The Diary of a Young Girl." Retitled "The Diary of Anne Frank," it was the first book about the Holocaust to win popular appeal, and has sold tens of millions of copies in dozens of languages.
As she looked forward to a quiet birthday with her son and three grandchildren, Gies paid tribute to the "unnamed heroes" who helped Dutch Jews escape the net during the five years of Nazi occupation.
"I would like to name one, my husband, Jan. He was a resistance man who said nothing but did a lot. During the war he refused to say anything about his work, only that he might not come back one night. People like him existed in thousands but were never heard," she said.
Jan Gies, who was not one of the four office workers who supplied the Frank family with their daily needs, died in 1993.
Such people fought a lonely battle in the Netherlands. Historians say collaborators were many and anti-Nazi resistance was light. Of the prewar Jewish population of 140,000, some 107,000 were arrested and deported. The Red Cross says only 5,200 of them survived the war.
Like the Franks, about 24,000 Dutch Jews went into hiding, of which 8,000 were hunted down or betrayed in exchange for a bounty.
After the war, Gies worked for Otto Frank as he compiled and edited the diary, then devoted herself to talking about the diary and answering letters from around the world.
After Frank's death in 1980, Gies continued to campaign against Holocaust-deniers and to refute allegations that the diary was a forgery.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
I have now got iLife 09 and a fine and useful new addition it is.
For PC users, this is the new software for a mac. It is great for photos, web design for idiots like me and also iDVD and iMovie.
One simple click fro a bunch of photos on my screen and the pics are directly onto face-book.
So here I am - still in Norway.
I am homebound tomorrow.
It has been great.
Multiple gigs to do each day and varied.
The impact needs reflect - and I am only speaking about the impact on me.
I am drinking Norwegian tap water by the litre.
I am playing the new album by Common have had time to post some great new music on my blog player.
I have some music I cannot play yet grrr
but I will when I can ..............
More water ..................
My Macbook pro has been hammered.
Multiple keynote presentations.
new creative designs to have the appropriate messages for the assembled.
I feel tired.
A sleepy sort.
An emotional drain sort.
Deep below that
there is a deep and beautiful satisfaction.
Delight too.
Privilege, stretch, appreciation and
I feel I have been educated for the next leap.
The whole school goes off to ski tomorrow.
They jump skis like I jump on London Tubes.
A whole week of it and then they have a weeks holiday.
The following week a group of them visit London for a week.
Feelings - I have plenty
Will no doubt reflect at the airport tomorrow.
Thank you for adding to my life.
Thank you for clicking this way.
It would not be nice to be talking to you and you are not there!!