I have never before posted a full size Blob Tool.
If you click you will see this Blob Hospital in full size.
I am only leaving it here for one week and then I will remove it.
If you copy it -
please don't post it on a web-site or send it by email because it is © - please.
How to use it?
It is, like other such tools, a means of facilitating sharing.
Sometimes, more than that, because these tools help humans to talk about things which have never left the lips, or indeed the soul, before.
If someone shares about when they spent some time in hospital - or a member of their family did, this can be a learning experience in terms of reflecting and revealing .
Self revelation is deep, it can bless the sender and the receiver.
So try this::
(If you are with one or more humans
- this will be a more impact full sharing experience
because the verbal adds to the experience
rather than it being internalised.)
1 Looking at all the blob humans - which one is feeling most positive?
2 Which one is most distressed?
3 Put a feeling word to both - how do they feel?
(There is no right or wrong answer
- the individual interpretation
is an act of freedom to express.)
4 Which reminds you of a significant experience in hospital - either as a visitor or as a patient?
Last question::
5 Which of these Blob Humans is you - right now in terms of feelings? - and why?
You will note that I have led you through a series of questions starting with::
Observation of the Blob Humans - not personal at all.
To recalling a past personal experience.
To the final question which was about the 'here and now'.
Thanx for being there ........... and
bless you in your beautiful-ness ..........
© www.pipwilson.com