I am not here to blog
I am here to feel
I am clicking and wondering what will come out from my soul
and trickle or slink down
to my stubby finger tips
and make some progress
soul undressing.
Music is playing in my study/office/work place
Late Junction
late night stuff
and I love new things.
I have had a sip of Cointreau some hours ago
and a couple of light cigars
watched Rugby League
and was sad to se our greatest rivals WIN!
Now the Wilson Mansions it quiet
Joan in bed
Zig out playing with the locals
or catching mice
I would love to put a web-cam on him
see where he goes.
I have ploughed through some catchup stuff today
feel good about that
still got 101 messages in my inbox
booked my motor in for service
booked a flight to Norway for 15/10
chased non-payers
set up new gigs
and done the diary with Joan and more .......
I feel I am learning so much
every venture is new
every gig is stretch
every invitation unique
every design for human experience - massive
for others too.
Looking back
I am sad at certain jobs passing
now I know
that moving on has helped me
I feel I have changed so much,
repertoire extended beyond myself
I am becoming ............... not so much 'being' ..............
I feel less religious than ever
and I never have
but it is less now.
I feel that my every breath is about faith
about loving inward-outward-upward
and I don't believe the upward stuff
I believe that God is all and everywhere
ten dimentional
I have decided to make my life an act of love
love it
I am thirsty
I want to journey
I don't want to stay
done it
I want to live
but I had better go to bed ............... reality ................. zzzzzzzzzzz