Monday, November 18, 2024


Pip Wilson, born in St Helens, Merseyside, England, was a pioneering youth worker, author, and communicator. 
The youngest of four sons, Pip left school in his early teens and pursued a career in a factory. As a young man he became involved with the local church and joined the Boys Brigade as an officer, this sparked his lifelong commitment to faith and the wellbeing of others. In the 1960’s Pip and his wife Joan took on the job of house parents at a Cheshire approved school and after 3 years moved onto running the youth club at the Y, and then the YMCA in St Helens

In the early 1970’s Pip, Joan and their two daughters moved from Merseyside to the East End of London where Pip ran a youth club and community centre in one of the most deprived areas of the city. Here he worked with young people many of which were caught up in gangs. During this period Pip realised the importance of managing his own feelings, so he was in a better position to help others. It was this insight that set the foundations for what would eventually inspire “Blob Tree.”

One of Pip’s legacies is Blob Tree which he created in the early 1980’s. Pip had a wealth of experience working with young people who found it difficult to express or articulate their feelings and emotions. With his knowledge he set about creating an easy-to-use tool to improve their emotional intelligence. He shared his ideas with primary school teacher and artist Ian Long to bring the concept to life. The Blob Tree consists of characters that are genderless, ageless and culture-less. The figures have various poses, expressions in different scenarios, each representing a variety of emotions or feelings. They are used to prompt individuals and groups to identify various emotions or to start a conversation. Pip’s idea soon took off and has become a hugely popular resource in the world of counselling, youth work, and education.

Pip has written more than twenty books - his works include Pip Wisdom & Between the Bars plus his memoir - Gutter Feelings  
 “Pip Wilson has been on the frontline of Youth Work for many years, including much intensive work and love for young offenders. He feels with the Gutter Feelings of the toughest of teenage gangs and wants, at the same time, to disturb the comfortable and comfort the disturbed. This is a book about putting Christian principles into practice and living it out - the failure, the hurt, the wounds and the hope. It is a faith journey of a human being... becoming.”

As well as writing books, Pip also ran Romford YMCA for more than 20 years (a large hostel, gym, and community centre) and also worked within the movement at an international level. By 2003 Pip was freelancing, sharing his “Pipolgy” running workshops and training courses for schools, colleges, universities and charities across the globe. He was enthusiastic about encouraging people to not only love one another but to also love themselves and believed everyone was a “Beautiful Human Person.”

Pip was also passionate about his involvement with the Greenbelt Festival. He first visited the festival with his family in the late 1970’s and went on to create the popular “Rolling Magazine” and “The Very Stinkin Late Show”, and he also served as a trustee for many years.

As well as being driven by his work, Pip was devoted to his family – wife Joan, daughters Joy & Ann, along with grand daughters Connie & Nell. He was an avid St Helens Rugby League fan and loved his music. Stevie Wonder, U2, Gil Scott-Heron, The Call and Underworld.

Pip died in 2023 leaving a wonderful legacy. The influence and impact of his ground-breaking work continues to inspire people across the world. Pip’s family are now working closely with Ian Long and Blobtree.

“I had to put my own oxygen mask on first so I could help others. “
“I started to see beyond behaviours and to see the person, love the person rather than just get blocked by the behaviour.”
 “I’m going to make everything around me beautiful and that will be my life.” 
“You can see a person’s behaviour, but you can’t see the journey.”
“You are a beautiful human person.”  

You are a Beautiful Human Person as you read this.
You are a valuable person,
You are a special person,
You are a unique person,
You are beautiful.
You are unrepeatable, you are mysterious.
You are a Beautiful Human Person.
No one will ever exist like you.
No one will ever experience the life that you have experienced.
You are a collection of specialness that has never been put together before.
You are loved.

Martin Wroe: “Pip was an influencer before the word had been invented. He taught us to think differently about other people and about ourselves.”

For more information please contact : Ann

Wednesday, November 22, 2023


Pip sadly died in September 2023.

His family will work along side Ian Long keeping alive.

For Blobtree Info please contact Ian on:

Or for enquires about Pip’s other works contact

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Adolfus mails me from Australia

Great. Friend Adolfus came to Romford YMCA as a volunteer with many other BHP’s 
Now long term in Australia with his large family

Great memories I have of him & a large team of other volunteers. 

Thank you great man
Surge of great warm memories here.     
From me 
To you. 
  For ever