by Ian Long - an extract from the LEVEL FIVE book
NOW Pip asking direct questions to YOU ...............
Touching yourself ...................
Which body part of yours
is least fit for purpose at the moment?
(If you are not in public,
touch it
it makes the exercise more real -
motion changes emotion)
Which part of your mental health/ability
is in need of a fitness regime
at the moment?
(Even if you are in public,
touch it
it makes the exercise more real -
motion changes emotion)
Which area of your spiritual life
needs a workout
at the moment?
(If you are in public,
or not, work out where it is
and touch it,
it makes the exercise more real -
motion changes emotion)
Which human module in your
relational life needs exercise
at the moment?
(If you are not in public,
or not,
dwell on the picture
of a human person
in your mind
and whisper
'you are beautiful'
it makes the exercise more real -
motion, and words, changes emotion)
Which part of your faith is nervous
at the moment?
* does walking across the road promote fear?
* is posting a letter an act of doubt or faith?
* is driving a vehicle, driving fear or faith?
* does life with, or without, Divine presence -
disturb your comfortable
or comfort your disturbed?
(If you are not in public,
touch where it hurts -
because faith does not reside
in a place called comfortable AND
it makes the exercise more real -
motion changes emotion)
Which part of your life
and time and emotional energy
is given to others outside
your workplace
outside your own family?
(If you are not in public,
touch it,
if you are in public
touch it - it will mean
undressing your soul,
reaching beneath the layers
beneath the protection
beyond the masks
beyond your
to an inner
self -
and striving to do this
makes the exercise more real -
motion changes emotion)
Have you touched yourself?
Are you willing to write/reflect on this exercise?
Doing something is
the learning
the deepening
the journey.
Write in your journal
any where is better than nowhere.
Sharing it with another
even better
(It makes it more real
more experiential)
Consider sending to me
(It will make the exercise more real -
'motion changes emotion' and emotion
changes ........................................ )