A Welcome QUOTE::
" The sessions we had together really helped us bond as a group and become more united(i feel). I found myself becoming at ease with everyone and sharing some things that i wouldnt generally mention to other people, and i felt more comfortable speaking in front of a larger group while expressing my thoughts on some issues.
When leaving on saturday their was a better sense of belonging when people that i was only getting to know hugged me and said goodbye and hope to see you soon.
I just want to thank-you for coming and thank you for the time you gave to us ...."
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
had to get up this morning
just had to look out to sea
then that over bearing total blue sky
then greek honey, greek yoghurt and fruit and peppermint tea on the balcony.
Such pressure.
Then you have to go down the one street town.
Old men drinking Grek coffee and arguing loudly.
Stop at the bakery for fresh bread for lunch
the a stock up with more fruit and bits ....
It is a hard life.
After this - we will have the sea before us
A sunlounger and a book.
Gilles Peterson, BenjiB, Pete Tong, Some exciting dance music - they will all be on the beach with me. Love it love it.
Friends are friends who lock in to you and do things knowing you love it love it.
Big John has placed the webcam from our holiday venue -a widget right here on my Blog-spot.
In fact - if you read this pretty soon - we are there on camera RIGHT now.
Having a cup of coffee - checking those emails and blog-a-d-blogging.
Thanx Big John - what a friend.
Nothing much else to report.
Will post some more music on my player soon - and maybe a holiday video or two.
You are beautiful .......................
Monday, September 29, 2008
I am Sparticus
Just a little way from here is Sparta.
The home of the famous Spartans.
And of course SPARTICUS – I love that movie. The small and the brave overcoming the might of oppressive powers. Love it.
We are here in this little village with more local humans than tourist humans. This is the last week and flight to this region. The holidays end as the tourists slow up to a trickle as the sun fades.
It is a full blue sky day. Warm not hot. Windy and pleasant.
It is a one street town. Only one cab – you have to ring two days before to fix an appointment if you want to go somewhere. It has a Bank but it opens only one day a week. Last night Joan an me had a two course meal with wine for twenty pounds. No menu – just a few words from the son of the family – and his Mother cooks the food. Good eh?
Good news – the Cointreau is cheap enough to buy – it is twenty pounds in my locality - so I don't buy. Joan is happy with Mataxa 5 for a late night reflective sip at the end of the day. We sit on the balcony and view the endless sea. Love it.
We can do excursions from here to wondrous local historic site like Olympia where the Olympic games started some 700 BC – before Christ!!
The just did a few hundred years sprints in them days!!
But – we have come here to chill and music and read and food and ………. Get rid of my www.pipwilson.cough
Great Pipturesque above
Sunset here last night hmmmmm
I always remember this geezer.
Years ago when we first came to Greece, the island of Crete, I came across him.
‘F Harry Stowe’(Epharisto) is saying ‘thank you’ in Greek.
Hi – we are away in Greece. If you click here you may see us on the Webcam which refreshes every 10 seconds. I will try to be here a few times a day to do a Zorba the Greek dance just for you.
You can even click Google earth on the same page and the world will twirl before your eyes and you will start decending to land right on my lap !!
Lots to tell you about but just posting this before reflecting more with my mac on my knee hee hee
Sunday, September 28, 2008
At Gatwick Semi Awake
And wondering how you are. My mind googles my soul and stops on you. Wonder how you are feeling. The deeper sense of you. The inner you. The depth of you as indicated by feelings
I wonder how you will place your love today.
Who's eyes you will look into and beyond. Seeking their soul.
Loving not what you see - like behaviour- but their specialness often hidden behind behaviour.
I wonder
You are beautiful
Posted with LifeCast
I wonder how you will place your love today.
Who's eyes you will look into and beyond. Seeking their soul.
Loving not what you see - like behaviour- but their specialness often hidden behind behaviour.
I wonder
You are beautiful
Posted with LifeCast
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Thirty beautiful humans mixed so well and loved it.
I noticed I was saying 'we' so often.
I became one of them and loved it too!
Some great Pipturesque here.
More to follow as I reflect on this great time together.
I was flaked when I arrived back at Belfast City Airport. One hour later I began to connect with my soul again as the tiredness drained away from my brain and emotions. With the help of some music in my ears, a chocolate bar, I regained energy.
I had give my all and pumped adrenalin because I was in the place I wanted to be. Facilitating humans to connect, share and process the wondrous things they are doing - and want to do even more in the months and years ahead.
They are working on the edge. They are working with humans in need. On the street. In the clubs. In hosing estates. Giving support and a great ingredient - HOPE.
"I was once a human who couldn't
now I am a person who CAN!"
I am just about to eat some food.
As I watch Fridays Rugby League game recorded for me.
Final packing.
Then early to bed and up at 3 am to drive to Gatwick Airport.
Fly to Greece.
Catch some sun before it disappears for a year.
Read Jack Reacher.
An a book called The Shack.
Listen to hours of music.
Blog for me - and you.
Post some pix like these -
and Greece too!!
you are beautiful
thanx for clicking this way
you are beautiful
Friday, September 26, 2008
Uncertain Blogging Times
At London standsed airport and this is from my iPhone. Until I get to Greece on Sunday,I am uncertain when I can blog.
I missed yesterday but hope to when I get to Belfast.
You are beautiful
Now in N Ireland - could not post!!
Posted with LifeCast
I missed yesterday but hope to when I get to Belfast.
You are beautiful
Now in N Ireland - could not post!!
Posted with LifeCast
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The observations.
The beautiful humans.
The range of accents, colours, style, youth, different ages, taking a guess at professions and
- the lack of eye contact from everyone.
The overheated carriages - the closeness of reluctant bodies.
My feelings.
Guessing of others - their feelings.
Facial expressions.
Tired faces.
Sleeping faces.
Mouths open.
White earphones.
All sizes of iPods.
And books.
But humans beat the lot - only my feelings peak that.
The Tube ?
I love it - hate it!
Next time you walk through a crowd, enter a bus, take a journey - look at the faces and try to guess the feelings of multiple humans as you/they walk by.
Put a name to every feeling you observe.
It is a great way to practice and perfect our Emotional Literacy.
And maybe - one day
we can all be intouch with our own feelings too!!
Got a bit of a cough and chesty thing.
Want to keep the energy up all week for all things - not the least as I fly into Belfast on Friday and fly into Greece soon afterwards. The latter for abreak - just one week.
Here we have a few snaps from last night - great to be with your best friends .......

I love my Sheila. And Joy too.
Had a great evening out with them and Joan, Dave and Peter. My favourite type of pleasure. Good food, environment and buzzing conversations. Love it.
It was Anns birthday and we all could collide in the same place - a restaurant near the Barbican in the East of the city of London.
Hmmm family .........
Posted with LifeCast
Had a great evening out with them and Joan, Dave and Peter. My favourite type of pleasure. Good food, environment and buzzing conversations. Love it.
It was Anns birthday and we all could collide in the same place - a restaurant near the Barbican in the East of the city of London.
Hmmm family .........
Posted with LifeCast

Joan looking great as we headed for town from the Wilson Mansions Railway Station.
Posted with LifeCast
Monday, September 22, 2008

A 12 hour + day
loving it loving it.
I rambled on a bit last night
about my diary ahead.
No repeating now,
but had a great day talking with humans,
asking questions,
loving it,
loving them.
It is funny,
I am used to not being loved in return,
but today I was.
I don't expect humans who are working through brambles on their road less travelled,
to give me any response - affirmation - recognition,
even that I am present beside them.
Some I relate to are so blocked with their issues - I get nothing back.
That is ok.
Today, everyone who I related to gave me something.
A word,
glittering eyes,
a tear,
a leaning forward,
a question,
a listening ear,
a jest,
time .............................
Who have you given to like that today?
Say the name out loud,
it becomes more real.
Who have you not looked at in the eye?
Has your skin been shining as you relate?
Or has it been grey?
So many I know
have toothache.
Toothache preoccupies.
Blocks other agendas.
I understand if you cannot tell me who you are.
I am privileged when you can.
You are beautiful.
100% loved.
Precious ................ and as I said to the waitress tonight::
Yesh tesh sponyowa

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Now I know I have not blogged.
At the end of this last week I felt drained after a busy run of work/mission/groupwork/humans and loving it.
Then I hit a crunch and I feel
empty for half day
+ flat for half a day then
I start to read one of my 'on-the-go' books .........
......... spirit rises ...................
....... I connect with myself and a deeper purpose.
I have had some great experiences.
All pretty hard going in terms of effort
but beautiful being in that place.
Several places scattered UKwise.
I found myself being 'up' and pumping.
On one occasion I was moving around chatting to a group of humans
as they assembled to involve themselves in a group work session.
I was going around asking them 'do you feel beautiful?'
I was chirping with them and fumbling with failing to remember names -
as I do.
'Do you THINK you are beautiful?' I say.
Then I go around giving everyone a tiny little bit of stardust, I call them, placing one in each palm with gentleness.
In their hand is a sliver of glitter
in a bright shiny colour.
I say - 'here is a little surprise for you'.
The little item of glitter is stamped out in foil type of material.
Each of them spelling the word 'surprise'.
It is worthless.
It is valueless.
But it is a present from me.
It is a gift.
It is savable.
...... and aren't most things which are most valuable and precious to us -
'of no value'?
Then a young geezer says 'Have you ever run a game show?'
A genuine question - never asked before.
I smile and touch on the 'Rolling Magazine Show'
as I carry on working around the group.
To create an experience within a climate of trust.
To enable them to reflect on that experience -
and choose to develop/change/grow.
So it is a bit like - growing a seed to become a flower.
My main aim is the process and learning.
I am trying to get them to process 1: thinking, 2: feelings and 3: behaviours
and to know the difference between the three.
It is a big attempt in such a short run of sessions.
It is all about building confidence,
self esteem so that they will begin to feel better about themselves.
"I was a person who couldn't and
I became a person who could".
So I have not blogged but I have had a good week-end.
Big John stayed with me over-night following a great curry in Brick Lane.
We have hung-out all Sun-day.
Playing with iPhones and talking Rugby and,
more than I wish, that round ball game zzzzzz
The week-end started great with Saints beating Leeds in the best game of the season.
St Helens thrashed Leeds, and I think Leeds are great - I respect and like their game BUT
we thrashed them and played so well.
Joan has been away 'up North'.
Miss her and the Curry Crowd did too.
We had Matt, Emma, Steve, BJ and me.
A small group but so great to be together.
Last week-end Joan and me had a great Curry with Gill and Steve and
promising expectations of a future visit to sip Champagne in Reims hmmmmm.
This coming week ends with a flight into Belfast and great it will be.
I love working over the water and stretching myself and others.
It also butts up to a weeks holiday we have planned.
I get home on Saturday night and will be flying again at 4am Sunday morning.
We are going to Greece for one week in the Sun :-)
- we hope.
We have had one other weeks holiday this year.
A week in Venice - in the rain :-(
I lurve what I do.
I lurve the humans I work with/hang-out-with.
and ........ Tuesday it is Little Sheilas birthday!!!!
We go out on the town for a great meal together

Friday, September 19, 2008
Gifts often come wrapped differently.
delicately wrapped,
in plain brown paper,
tied in ribbons.
You are precious
Special - in extreme
A GIFT from God to this World Community
The worst thing anyone can do is to get a gift
and leave it unwrapped –
-not revealing the gift inside.
You are a gift from God and the worst thing is for you to stay
You have so much to offer –
and that is your
uniqueness –
than every other person
on the planet.
If we unwrap – feel a bit naked,
we grow
If we stay unwrapped,
un - revealed to others
we do not share our uniqueness,
we take no risks.
In a couple of my books I talk about
'Level 5 communication'
and I want to walk you through the levels ::
Level 1
Cliché ::
is when we communicate in cliché –
“lovely weather we are having” -
so natural to say to strangers
so boring with intimate friends
those we wish to relate too better.
Level 2
Facts ::
This level is when we
communicate facts only.
Retelling what we have done,
What we saw on TV,
viewed at the football match.
Interesting, maybe, but only for a little while.
Level 3
Opinions ::
This level we start to unwrap a little –
it is when we give opinions
we give something of ourselves away
(maybe about the TV programme or football).
Watch out here – others could disagree.
Level 4
Feelings ::
This is the big start of real communication – unwrapping.
Level 4 is all about feelings.
When we are honest to another about our
feelings which are active - here and now - right there in our interior self.
How we are feeling within – emotional stuff.
When, are are willing to take that step, we reveal/unwrap these –
we are taking risks
but wonderfully so.
People begin to understand our human beautifulness.
Humans begin to understand our behaviour -
our beautiful imperfection.
We become more alive to them.
The relationship becomes alive.
Level 5
Total Openness ::
This is the target.
Maybe never achieved.
It is total openness,
honesty –
fully unwrapped.
This, I believe,
is beautiful.
This is how all people best open up,
grow, develop, change.
And I believe that the better we become at this –
the warmer,
the more beautiful
we can become - in our 'becoming'.
We can ‘Level 5’ with our partners.
With our friends.
Work mates.
God too!
It all begins with taking the risk
taking off wrappings
share the gift we are
with others
not waiting for others.
or we can stay
a gift unwrapped
a beautiful human
a beautiful human
You are much more than I can see.
.......... will you take a peek?
© Pip Wilson
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