1980/2008 = 28 years.
We have been meeting up for that long.
We have all changed.
Not just the wisps of gray hair.
Not just the job changes -
geographical -
relational -
but the emotional and the spiritual.
AND beautiful.
Whatever the changes - these humans enter into an environment of acceptance.
A climate of trust and confidentiality.
28 years and we know how to do it - we just open up like flowers to the sun.
We have met only twice this year for Level Five.
A few others for a meal out - that is social and not-so L5.
Once in London - once in Nottingham - we all dressed in green and played with bows and arrows for the occasion......... joking!
We eat, chat, coffee, pictures, hugs, sleep and play music but,
we are really ODD!
We pull ourselves aside and spend one hour for each person. That one has the focus for an hour. To talk. Have the experience of being listened to. Have probing loving questions, unconditional love, all directed with the aim of understanding.
It is never boring. It is interesting extreme. It is deep and a journey into the soul.
We all live away from each other. Different unique lives. Each with a story of our own. The combination would make a great book.
The experience is refreshing.
Privilege comes to mind.
Then we go home ..................
I am aware that this is most likely outside your experience. But do you get it? Can you understand, via my fumbling stumbling words, how it can be?
It is an experience beyond words which builds up year on year.
I post a few Pipturesque here. The last blog was older pix.
We meet again in the New Year for a meal - then it will be July before we L5 - but I will be there.
In the busyness of life, with feelings not wanting another w/e away, I have no hesitation of residing in the place called Level Five.
Love it love it.