Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Big John held the funeral of his Mother today.
I have been with him all day - and I am still.

Richard flew to India today.
With his wife, the beautiful Jen.
The day after their first wedding anniversary.
Richard phoned me from the airport.
Heading to his former home in India.
His first visit since August 2006.
All the family and friends in India
will enjoy a special event to celebrate their marriage.
Jen's Mum and Dad are also travelling -
it will be special for then and all.

I feel.
I feel for these beautiful humans
those around them too.
And you.

As the New Year approaches -
I am aware that we are in the time of repositioning.
If all we have the position of
revealing our
but .............
The things that really ensure others know us,
our uniqueness,
our beautifulness,
differences from others,
our mysteriousness,
is when we reveal
our feelings,
our emotions,
our real self.

Monday, December 29, 2008














I had a great time

Anyone else feel a bit strange after the Christmas few days?
I like what my friend Andy says on his inyourfacebook -
'Andy is lacking the energy or the will - maybe coffee and DVD's is exactly what I'm supposed to be doing today!'

Joan and me have watched a DVD tonight and last night. We are out of our usual groove but I guess that is what a holiday is for.

Tears on Sunday.
I whelmed up today when I read of the destruction inflicted upon the Gaza Strip today.
On humans of all ages. Power. Destroying.
Rockets from both sides = zilch results.
Slaughtering hundreds - worst than anything.
What about the 2nd greatest Commandment 'love one another' said the divine.
The big question I ask myself is 'How can I love you more?'
Some, it seems, are saying 'how can I hate you more'.
(I am serious - I want to learn how to love you more - can you help me?)

When I heard Andrea Bocelli singing Caruso. Full-on through my earplugs as Joan watched football.
My eyes became moist. Emotion grips me.

The mystique of belonging to God.
It captivates me - this mystique.
Like love.
And I want more.
(This belonging to God - we all do but - knowing it adds the mystique.)

God came to love us into life .......

Sunday, December 28, 2008

After a great Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day we packed up and left number 12 to Joy Peter Angie Wilf, and little Orla, to finish off the food but continue the laughter and conversations.
So this is the last Pipturesque of those great days as my head turns to settle back home, twist my head into a new direction and refresh the thinking mechanisms.
Join me in your beautifulness as we journey on ..........

Friday, December 26, 2008

Hey - how are you doing?
Become even slower today.
It is Chocolateville here.
Waistline Expansion Ltd.
Glazedeyes Street.
Really enjoying it.

We walked today by the sea. I will show you the video if it gets past the Sheila censor.
After the walk we ended up in the garden sitting around a brazier in the garden.(The brazier was a drum out of a washing machine - stainless steel brazier - try it - really good!). Roast chestnuts and Mulled Wine was on the agenda. We looked up and viewed the stars - we miss that in London due to street lighting always on.

Great day - somehow more relaxed than Christmas Day. Just five of us hanging out and giving quality time to each other.

Tomorrow we head back to Wilson Mansions and Zig. It will be time of refocusing and catching up but not full-on by any means.It has been great and I hope you have had a good time too.
If you are feeling that everyone is having a good time - read the blog linked to below.
This is our friend Richard in Seattle.
Thank you Richard for your reality blog.

Thank you for your messages.
Really appreciate and I feel a deep love for you and others because you go out to me - even in my lack of responding.
Feels to me like unconditional love.
I am glad you are practising on me ............

Another Day hey hey

Posted by ShoZu

At Joy Wilson Mansions ...................
..... we are hanging out through Christmas Day and emerging into Boxing Day.
As you would guess, it is great in many ways.
The food and drink - the goose was fab - but most of all it has been hanging out with humans who I love. Just letting the day roll. Talking and laughing - quiet and noise.
Love and life.

Love it love it.

Yo can see a selection of Pipturesque from the day/s. And a view of the Menu of Christmas Eve. More menus to come + Pipturesque.

I am thinking how you may be. It is normal to think the norm. What my experience is is what your experience is - and that I don't believe. It is all about your interior self - as it is about mine. It is all about our relationships with those around us. Sometimes these feel like hell - we want to get out asap. Sometimes it is a place where love resides. We want to pitch a tent here and stay.
But - I believe it is mainly about our own interior.
How we handle the sweet and the sour - is all down to how much we love ourselves.
That manages our interior and on to relationships, attitudes, behaviours da de da.

So I wish you wonder-full things in the days ahead and remind you, however you are feeling, that::
you are beautiful ...............

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Well - it is Christmas Eve and I have not gone to zzzedz yet.
We have friends called Ken and Eve - they called to visit this week.
Later today, Ken will say to his wife 'It is Christmas Eve'.

Here is a Pipturesque of my desk with my Nativity set.
Another of our Church window showing the Mother and Child - special humans and one of them more than human.
A mince pie - freshly baked and sampled by me! And Zig having his paw stroked - love it love it.

And here we slide into Eve and then the Day.
I will be blogging from Sheila who lives in 'Stable.
Like this one, unplanned but reflective and a few fine pix.

I have had some great messages in cards, emails, facebook and I love them and appreciate because they touch me deep. Personal.
And that is what Christmas is all about
Level Five.
God getting personal.
Sending the best message possible.
Christmas is about Level Five communication = distance v intimacy.
Intimacy wins - even 33 years later. It was a win. It is a win.
All because you are beautiful .......................

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Great Christmas Podcast.
You can get it from HERE
or better still from iTunes.
You can leave a review about it to raise the Podcast up the iTunes chart.
I am a jumble of inner goings on.

I am listening to Dub Colossus.

Watched a dvd/movie last night called 'The Lives of Others' set in E Germany before the wall came down - it was gripping.

Cannot believe that it is Christmas Day on Wednesday - only two days to go!

I am feeling for/with humans I love .................

Joan is cooking a ham.

Have a new album by Fleet Foxes - all the way from Tobias in Norway.

I am feeling ...............

Joy to the world, the Lord is come
Let earth receive her King
Let every heart prepare Him room .....................

Joan is making Mince Pies and Almond Tarts.

I am dwelling on those who are facing Christmas in fear.
Little children who are in the way.
Teenagers pregnant without a shed to sleep in.
Teenagers who have complex violent relationships.
Humans who will not chose to be - alone.

I am feeling ................

Christmas always brings back memories of our childhood.
I think that is something special about Christmas
compared with other festivals and special days.
What are your positive first memories of your Christmas?
A Christmas smell?
A Christmas visual?
A Christmas taste?
A Christmas touch?
A Christmas present?
A Christmas meal?
A Christmas gathering?
A Christmas activity?
A Christmas person?

Dance like no-one is watching
Sing like no-one is listening
Love like you have never been hurt.