Well - it is Christmas Eve and I have not gone to zzzedz yet.
We have friends called Ken and Eve - they called to visit this week.
Later today, Ken will say to his wife 'It is Christmas Eve'.
Here is a Pipturesque of my desk with my Nativity set.
Another of our Church window showing the Mother and Child - special humans and one of them more than human.
A mince pie - freshly baked and sampled by me! And Zig having his paw stroked - love it love it.
And here we slide into Eve and then the Day.
I will be blogging from Sheila who lives in 'Stable.
Like this one, unplanned but reflective and a few fine pix.
I have had some great messages in cards, emails, facebook and I love them and appreciate because they touch me deep. Personal.
And that is what Christmas is all about
Level Five.
God getting personal.
Sending the best message possible.
Christmas is about Level Five communication = distance v intimacy.
Intimacy wins - even 33 years later. It was a win. It is a win.
All because you are beautiful .......................