Saturday, June 30, 2007





you feel in mud
if you feel stuck
not fit for purpose
deep in it
even dirty

The tide will come in
will come in
you will rise again
you will feel a freeing
a liberation
a movement of life
a lifting of your whole

You will be able to be free again
feel the rain in your cheek
feel the wind on you lips
feel a sense of direction
a purpose

Life will not stay as it is
Life is before you not under


... hello humans from outside the UK and maybe London too.
You will have caught the news reports about the bombs in central London yesterday.

As I write there is an incident in Glasgow Airport and others maybe on their way?

The one yesterday in Haymarket, in the heart of London, is very close to my favourite Cafe called the New Piccadilly. The whole area was shut down and, by chance, I was not in that area at the time. I could have been!

It is troubled times. It seems that there are several humans who are trying to kill others. It is daily in Iraq. It is underway regularly in other nations. NOW it is becoming almost normal in London - and maybe around the UK in the coming months.

Life goes on here. Will continue to tread the paths to drive our mission in life.

I think I will look around more .......... the next time I enter a tube train ..........

Your persistent longing is your persistent voice.
But when love grows cold,
the heart grows silent.
Burning love is the outcry of the heart!
If you are filled with longing all the time,
you will keep crying out,
and if your love perseveres,
your cry will be heard without fail.


Friday, June 29, 2007

4.30 couldn't sleep
writing blogs in my head
writing a page for 'Youthwork' magazine
(did you know I do a monthly page?)
'Pearls of Wilson'
sleepless - I am out of bed
6 am
up and out for a walk
in the rain
don't care
Gilles Peterson plugged into the soul
via the ears
rain on my face
breathing deep

I am at Joy Wilson Mansions
first time
to stay
loving it
strange to be on pause

I walk to the sea-front
the day is light
no sun
the gulls scream
I love it

I walk past the The Old Neptune Pub
past the dinghy racing
past the Oyster House
past the rent-a-beach-hut-signs
past the rich persons sea-front houses
think a fleeting envy
but don't feel that envy
reality is more important than fantasy.

Jazz in my ears
fused Jazz
hip-hop jazz
funk jazz
I like my life to be fused
I like the mix
desire the new
the unexpected
uneasy comes with ease
love unease
love yearning
love uncomfortable
love change
and the music does that as I walk on

Through the harbour
the tide is out
boats on mud
yet beautiful
the gulls agree
they call it out

I man with a dog says hello - or 'morning
that does not happen in London
50 humans squashed in a commuting tube train
not one of them says hello
or 'morning

small town is waking up
and I walk and sit on the seawall
I see the mist shrouded wind farm
out at sea
I see large distant ships
journeying the world
I feel warmth inside
without the sun outside

The newspaper boys are on delivery
the newspaper shop is open
He works 13 hours a day
he tells me
then he gets the 'ump
all because I want a newspaper
with a 20 pound note
I don't apologise
But I sympathise
such wasted emotions I feel.

Back to Joy's
one hour of walking
miles of thinking
I am pleased I couldn't sleep

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Just take a deep look at this picture.
(If you click on any of my blog photos you see them large and in detail.)

Just view the passion in these faces.
Deep in attention.
Expressions of empathy.
Leaning forward with natural engagement.
Eyes capturing every drop of communication.
Stilled listeners.
Active and motion-full communicator.
Emotion swirling around four beautiful humans in that space - a world of their own.
Stinking wow.

I was there.
The picture captures it better than a moving movie.
The room was full of such groups.
The emotions riddled the air.
Uploading learning through experience in the here and now.
Kingdom coming.
Shalom .
A well.

Just have another deep look into the specialness of that space ...............

thankyouthankyouthankyou .....................


Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Dunford House

..... a beautiful setting - more than a Conference Centre ....... it is a safe space - escape from the urban and work to .........
....... re-create.

Back home now.
Two days with a bunch of beautiful humans and I feel the better for it.

The theme was 'Learning' and here I am, employed as a Training and Learning Consultant' doing my stuff.

My modules were about 'Informal Education'.
That is my scene anyway but I had to prepare well - introducing the contrast between the 'formal education' and the 'informal'.

One question I posed, and you may wish to answer this yourself - for interest, was::
What was the peak of your formal learning and what was the peak of your informal learning - noting that the latter it could be a time of vulnerability and even pain.

We learn so much from the informal - life itself is there - in that place.
It is good to reflect on this.

One other large module was an experiential exercise which involved all.
It was electric.

It was dynamic.
It was soul churning.
It was education SO informal that I could have wept.

It was a great place to be.
A community for two days and a parting to get back to reality - all the better for it.

Tomorrow Joan and me take two days to go and stay at Joy's home, the first time for us in her new home. She is prepping in Manchester and then going off to work in Venice ............ what a great place to be.
One of my special places on earth.

Saturday it is a Greenbelt Trustee Day and then .................. life ahead to look forward to ......

Hope you are feeling ok?
'I'm ok - you're ok' is the healthy state.
Hope you can feel ok about ourself and others around you.
Humans, you will note, who are Imperfection ...............
And we can all put our hand up to that one ..........


....... Blob Tree .........

I am away at a residential conference and it has been a busy day - still is.

Pix to come tomorrow.
Reflections to come too.
Think reflections are vital for this journey we are on.
If we don't, we lose much of our daily life of experiences.
Have you reflected on your day?
On the past week?


stay beautiful



Monday, June 25, 2007

....away on a two day residential as from early morning.........

.......and there will be photos coming at you ..............

..............and I will be experiencing beautiful humans opening up like flowers to the sun........

.......... I feel ok ...... will be better when I get here and get into the vibe of a new temp community which will come together and start to work in terms of changing ............... themselves and their mission ....

..............and I love being and becoming with many humans I do not know and some that I have met before ......

....................andtherewillbelevelfivetheretoo ...............

..... wondrous new Album came through the Wilson Mansions letterbox today.

Hey hey .............. you may not like it and I never recommend an album or a holiday da de da because we all have differing tastes.


It is of the Hip Hop genre. It has some real good grooves. Some catchy lyrics and I just love the first day of it.

I always reserve my judgment on an album until I have played it::
In d car
In d home sterio
In the ears - direct-plug-in-to-the-soul ................. hmmmmm
But here I jump in early ................... loveitloveit


Level Five

L5 communication is all about being open and honest.
It is about revealing ourselves.
It is about self revelation.

"Why am I afraid to tell you who I am"?
My favourite book
about working through why we block our revealing to others
and it is about looking at the damage done if we do not reveal.

If we don't reveal who we are
We reveal who we are NOT
A mask
or two or three or
a different one
for each occasion.
A different one for
each human
Parent mask
Partner mask
God mask
Employer mask
Friend mask x 1 x 2 x 3 ........

A lack of self revelation in communication
will lead to an unrealistic
and unproductive self image
Being aware that we are not revealing ourselves
can greatly diminish our self esteem - self worth.

If we don't reveal
let it out -
it will stay in.
The damage is interior damage.
What goes on inside
shows up on the outside.

There are two sorts of humans
The revealers
the concealers.

It is a decision
a journey
not an instant transformation.

Concealer journey?
Revealer journey?

A commitment to 'Level Five' communication
does have a potential for personal pain
....... yet it is a;
survival tool
a source of enjoyment
information bank
a tool for problem solving
A Road Less Travelled

Paul Simon sings;-
"I am a rock
I am an island
and a rock feels no pain ......."

A rock feels no pain!
because a rock
FEELS NOTHING .............

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Lots of rain here in the UK.
All seems to be falling on me but I see from the news that dampness is all around.

Saturday to Thetford and Sunday back to Wilson Mansions.
L5 week-end. A few pix here and they will kill me for floating these around the web of the world but - I will post many more beautiful ones in the coming days.

Was great to see the gang again. They traveled from Nottingham, Yorkshire, Kent, London of course ...... and beautiful it was.

The core activity, amongst so many other 'hanging out' kinda things, is one one hour each.
We all have an hour when we talk or answer questions about our life and hopes. Relationships figure a lot. Emotions, faith, work ...... you can imagine the range we cover.

Since 1980 the relationships have been nurtured and developed. Come August - that means 27 years!

Outstanding for me was the four hour meal on Saturday night. Don't get me wrong, it was not all feasting and drinking, it was a menu of L5 with food courses too.

Cannot tell you the detail.
Trust and L5 is only possible with humans who don't pass on confidential sharing and we have nurtured that fertile ground many years ago and it is still bearing fruit.

I have just written something about L5. I am always writing about it here but this item is more focused on the basic principle.
Talking with the Fivers over the week-end, it came to me that I could create a book about 'Level Five'.
I have many stories and exercises which I have developed over the years. I wish I had typing fingers and skills and ...............

What a great time ......

More photos coming and ......

Friday, June 22, 2007

"There is a deep beauty hidden in the luminosity at the heart of soul...
behind the dull facade of our daily lives.

Only in your solitude will you actually find it,
find the neglected beauty
of your life!"

John O'Donohue

....................this week-end we have a L5 gathering.

If you are reasonably new to the journal from Wilson Mansions you may not know what I mean - so click here.

Back in 1980 we met and we have been meeting ever since. Humans becoming. That's what we have been doing for 26, and a half years, ....... stinking wow.

So we will love reunioning ............ catching up on each other. Finding out. Accepting. Listening. Loving. Enjoying. Loving ................ I will try to blog over the w/e to express and reflect.

you are beautiful ..................... hope you feel so .......


Thursday, June 21, 2007

The same day I did the blog below about violence, the morning after really, this article was published in the Guardian.

Thought provoking for me.


......I love this photo.
Two humans,
beautiful humans,
communicating for a few moments.
In a crowded room.
A training session I led recently.

Ability to go deep.
real ...............

Your persistent longing is your persistent voice.

But when love grows cold,

the heart grows silent.

Burning love is the outcry of the heart!

If you are filled with longing all the time,

you will keep crying out,

and if your love perseveres,

your cry will be heard without fail.


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

...thought line has been about two experience I had when I was responsible to lead two groups.

On one day is was a group telling the story of their life in ten minutes in terms of how they have connected, or not, to religion or religious humans.

Another day it was a group who shared the story of their lives in terms of how they messed up - usually with the help of others.

Both group experiences have left behind a finger print on my soul.
Dwelling there, in that special place where we need touching, are a wondrous experiences from purely listening to stories.
It was like having a 'ten minute Level Five'.

These are the words I scrawled in my little book about the experiences::

"When we tell stories,
we touch hearts.

If we talk about theories
and speak about ideas,

the mind may assimilate them
but the heart remains untouched.
It is the story of a specific person
that is the way to the heart."

Jean Vanier.

is what it means to be a family.

If parents have encouraged initiative and growth to freedom,
if children have been listened to and helped to make their own decisions,
to accept and respect others, and to be open to them,
if they have been taught to live the to-and-fro of life with others,
these children will later on be able to live other forms of belonging
and grow to maturity with greater ease.
They will be more open to others
because they will have lived trust and communion of hearts. "

Jean Vanier,
Becoming Human

Aggression and violence.

..... and I have spent much time hanging out with,and working with, human persons who live a life of aggression and violence.
NOT the answer, it seems to me, is to tell them to be good, settle down, get a job ....... boring they will say.

One of the motivations for young violent humans is the fun and adventure of crime and violence.
When they look at older people and most everyday humans - they often consider them to be drab and the kind of persons they don't want to be.

The answer::
I don't know.
Only ......... I believe that we can get nowhere without human contact and developing a relationship.
Getting closer is safer.
Getting closer is theological sense and sociological sense.
Getting closer not to hate but
getting closer to love
because love does a better job.

Maybe they will consider that, getting to know someone different, will plant a seed in the soul.
A gem of a thought.
A new consideration about life.
Maybe they will meet a new network of humans where life is experienced with some considerable excitement and adventure.
Maybe they will be and become response-able.

Moving on -
..................... maybe the human contact will lead to the human discovering further options in life.
Consider a new way.
A new life.
A new purpose.
Not imposed, ........... freedom cannot be imposed.
Liberation is a choice which can only be made by the human themselves.

I am surprised regularly, really often, that humans who are midst drugs and crime, a short list as a summary,
how they do respond to the emotional life within themselves and outside themselves.
I am surprised because it always seems to be a miracle.
How these beautiful humans can connect with strong emotions, because they have them active in their interior, and that is as close as close can be.
Then seeing them connect with the emotions of others, the spirituality in others,then there is a massive release of a life unlived.
New experiences.
Blinds come up.
Doors open.
Breathing becomes deep.
Soul undressed.

Violence is scary for me and everybody.
I hate it.
During the height of the violence of the Int*r C*ty F*rm, committed by them in the name of football supporting, I worked alongside those who spent their week planning the funViolence for the coming week-end. The language they used was drilling into my soul all the time - for years.
(I am used to swearing and the foulest of language and it is of no concern to me.)
Hate, racist passion, enthusiastic boasting of violence ......... is the most foul.
Yet you work with the person and beyond their behaviour.
Love the human despite the behaviour.

From the faith perspective, there is a word called 'incarnation'.

I think, I never know, it is about God pouring all his love into one human person - known as his son, and that person spending time getting close to humans.
Flesh touching flesh.

Love in human and practical and concrete action.

It isn't bell until it is tolled
It isn't a song until it sung
It isn't love until it is given away.

I am reflecting tonight.
As always.
I cannot always tell you about some of my days.
Publish some photographs - I would love to ..........
But I must reflect
But I must stumble on towards understanding.

People tend to think of non-violence as a choice between using force and doing nothing.
But the real choice takes place at another level.
Non-violence is less a matter of "not killing" and
more a matter of showing compassion,
of saving and redeeming,
of being a healing community.
One can only choose between doing good to the person placed in one's path,
or to do him evil.
To do good is to love a person; but not to do that is as good as killing him.
To love someone is to restore that person physically, socially, and spiritually.
To neglect and postpone this restoration is already to kill.
André Trocmé

...... and I have never blogged about the evening when a young human ran in, as mad as hell, with a meat cleaver .....


Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I must hit the zedz bed tonight EARLY
........... as I am tired more than the usual at the slowing of the day.

.... post holiday catch-up ....

I feel;
Beautiful Imperfection

Tonight I feel a bit more of the latter than the former.
NOW ...... I know that this is a feeling.
Feelings are real.
And important.
What I do know - believe - own - be - is ....... I am beautiful and imperfect.

Sometimes I feel more beautiful than imperfect.
Ha ....... that is just a feeling too!
I smile at the thought ......

The worst thing ...... is when we do not accept the beautiful % in us.
That means the whole of us is 'not ok' .
It can be like freezer in our soul - with the door open.
Still beautiful but not in touch with our beautiful self.

I have no need to talk about this in a smug way.
I was around about forty years old before I could
feel and
think and
say .........
I am beautiful.

I could go on and click more ...........
....... but I think, if you have been clicking this way for any time and scrolling with me, ........ I think you will have enough clues .......

I am going to bed early ...... need my beauty sleep ........!
..... and want to end by saying::



"work like you don't need the money
dance like no-one is watching
sing like no-one is listening
love like you have never been hurt"


.... check this blog .... but before that - read this poem ... it is more than that -

.. openness ......

... so powerfullllllll ......

My Smile

Do I have to smile always?

People always says – he got a smile on his face,
What do they know?
Do I have to smile always?
Yes, I smile when I am happy.

My smile has HOPE
My smile has DREAMS
My smile has JOY
My smile has my INSECURITIES.

I smile with HAPPINESS
I Smile with PAIN
I smile with UNCERTAINTY
I smile with COMPASSION

If I am HURT I smile
If I am ANGRY I smile
If I am UPSET I smile
If I am LOST I smile

I smile when I am SUCCESSFUL
I smile when I am HELPLESS
I smile when I am VULNERABLE
I smile JUST to hide my EMOTIONS.

What do they know????
Will it make any difference?

Monday, June 18, 2007

Sunday, June 17, 2007

... sorry I have not been touching finger tips your way ...
..... I can receive mobile messages but not send ....

...... will be back at Wilson Mansions late tonight - Sunday

bBlessed today

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Seven Stages
of Rock

...... I think it is called .......

........... if you are within reach of TV in the UK you will see my mate Willie Williams on this programme tonight, repeated tomorrow.
I wouldn't be surprised to get a glimpse of U2 too.

F. Harry Stow.

Was first introduced when we first ever came to Crete some years ago, one of the best Greek Islands it seems to me.
Ever since then F. Harry Stow has cropped up in every conversation - I have said F. Harry Stow many times today.

Faristo means 'thank you'
and I only remember it because of dear old 'arry.

Home tomorrow
Thanx Richard for Zig minding .....
............ how will he
and we
ever manage without you?


Friday, June 15, 2007

Washing Day

Every year when I am on holiday I listen to Madame Butterfly.
I lurve this Opera.
I did it again today.
On the beach
So powerful
Emotions running through me
I closed the book and hung on every note
Didn't understand the words
the music is good enough ........

It is Friday
Leaving Sunday
Good holiday?
What am I doing?
Nothing ......... and I love it .........
........ and a bit of washing too ........