Connecting with Satellites
There is a major motorway which starts near the heart of London,
quite close to the new Wembley Stadium,
which heads north into the heart of England.
It is called the M1.
Just before we get to Birmingham, our second city,
the motorway sprouts another shoot called the M6.
As the M6 moves to by-pass Birmingham -
I veer left and drive into the edges of Sutton Coldfield
where we met in conference for the last two days.
Connecting with satellites.
As I headed south and homebound today
the washing machine of my mind was in overload
peaking was the experience of meeting
young humans with such stories to tell
and they did
connecting with satellites
When humans have experiences tough times as children
youthful times or often not full
the feelings can mount like a volcano with a cap on
to have a safe place
a safe time
a safe group of others
a challenge .............
those ugly feelings can be shared
like a parcel of pain unwrapped
brought out into the open
no negative energy any more
used up in containing those ugly experiences
can be a beautiful experience
and I experienced that happening yesterday
connecting with satellites.
To come close to an individual
transactions so personal and open
in a short time
is wondrous
almost like a massage
for me
for the other
connecting with satellites.
When addictions are 'owned'
reflected upon
as we eat together on a large table
amongst a large group
it is public intimacy
so private
so confessing yet so emotionless
matter of fact
leaving it behind
having escaped
or becoming so
connecting with satellites.
A caterpillar looks nothing like a butterfly
but one develops from another
I believe in development
I experience it
I yearn for it
I work for it
and experienced it this week
connecting with satellites.
I experience caterpillars
escaping their silken palaces
beginning to fly
connecting with satellites.
So I drive south
log-jammed vehicles
no worries
greater things on my mind
connecting with satellites.
iPod plays some great hip-hop
all from BenjiB a loved DJ
Sat Nav guides me
twists and turns
I breathe deep
I breathe deep
No journey mistakes
connecting with satellites
God'sglobal Positioning System