I have mentioned Mr Singh a few times in my blogging.
One of many interesting things about him is his service in the Indian Army. His Father served before him in the British Army, as had generations in his family before him.
I have just been able to 'capture' three programmes from the radio about the British-Indian Army during World War 2.
Which army, over two million men strong, had not a single conscript?
Which army bore the brunt of the Japanese attack on Burma and Malaya?
Which army fought in North Africa and took part in the assault on Monte Cassino in Italy?
The answer is the World War Two Indian Army: a remarkable fighting force of men from almost every caste, creed and corner of India, serving under both British and Indian officers. It played a crucial but forgotten role in the allied victory.
Sir Mark Tully presents a unique testimony of this special fighting force.
A fascinating one and a half hours listening for me.
The radio programme was three half hour programmes all about this era and I recorded it onto my iTunes and then burned them onto CDs for Mr Singh.