Level Five
L5 communication is all about being open and honest.
It is about revealing ourselves.
It is about self revelation.
"Why am I afraid to tell you who I am"?
My favourite book
about working through why we block our revealing to others
and it is about looking at the damage done if we do not reveal.
If we don't reveal who we are
We reveal who we are NOT
A mask
or two or three or
a different one
for each occasion.
A different one for
each human
Parent mask
Partner mask
God mask
Employer mask
Friend mask x 1 x 2 x 3 ........
A lack of self revelation in communication
will lead to an unrealistic
and unproductive self image
Being aware that we are not revealing ourselves
can greatly diminish our self esteem - self worth.
If we don't reveal
let it out -
it will stay in.
The damage is interior damage.
What goes on inside
shows up on the outside.
There are two sorts of humans
The revealers
the concealers.
It is a decision
a journey
not an instant transformation.
Concealer journey?
Revealer journey?
A commitment to 'Level Five' communication
does have a potential for personal pain
....... yet it is a;
survival tool
a source of enjoyment
information bank
a tool for problem solving
A Road Less Travelled
Paul Simon sings;-
"I am a rock
I am an island
and a rock feels no pain ......."
A rock feels no pain!
because a rock
FEELS NOTHING .............