Monday, October 31, 2005

I have been with humans today with questions flowing and I loveit loveit ...... I have been stirred with new questions today and I have shared them with a few and will with you as soon as these stubby fingers have the chance to click your way ......

I am touched by the ;
Beautiful Imperfection
in me and also in others ......
...... there s a level of communication which is special and that is when we are touched by our own vulnerability ......... in me - it moves me deep - from others it touches me like God himself is reaching out and placing his finger tip on my soul .....

Being with humans stimulates and my mind recalled this experience from a few years ago ......

........ the story. My story.......
I have sometimes communicated in this blog dipping place, and you who may have read about it if you have clicked this way before.
I have told about when I was working in the East End of London.

Working with youth street gangs giving my all beyond breaking point.
Demanding it was.

Giving it was.

My Mother was about to enter hospital to have her legs amputated - one above the knee, one below the knee.
Here I was in East London, in the most deprived community in the nation working with beautiful humans who were deep into crime and enjoying violence and .......... my Mother was due to enter hospital over 200 miles away.

I was sat near the snooker table in the club.
Back to the wall.
I always sit with my back to the wall.
The young humans I work with had heard about my Mother and of what was about to happen.
I was subdued that evening and not my usual bustling, bouncy, verbal self.

As I sat with my back to the wall near to the snooker table - one of the toughest of the gang members walked around the table a couple of times. Walking ever so slow - walking ever so closee - but not stopping .....
Then, as he walked past me again, and as he did he just stroked my hair away from my forehead and walked on.
........... that was the point when the sobs rose from my chest as I felt it - that act of beautiful tenderness ....... As I click these keys now tears fill my eyes - again.

I choked, I think, because I was at a depth of vulnerability I felt and I connected with those feelings - felt that.
Also it was because I connected with the act of non-verbal sensitivity, gentleness and kindness pouring out of an inarticulate frame of a tough and violent young man.
I remembered it now and it moves my soul ..........

I learned a lot from that incident of care.
That incident was not a chosen moment of vulnerability.

But I learned that it is a mistake to see vulnerability as a weakness.
Vulnerability is all about disclosing the authentic me.

Since then I have chosen, and tried my best, to reveal my vulnerability.
Not because I am submissive (instead of assertive) or in Child ego state (instead of Adult ego state).
It is part of the process of me 'telling you who I am'.
It has driven my sensitivity towards 'the least' 'the underside' and many beautiful humans I spend time with regularly who some say have 'special needs' .......... .......haven't we all?

So with the people we work with - some people call them clients, and those we work alongside - some say colleagues ..... it seems to me that we need to practice the naked act of sharing when we feel life experiences ...... both the roses and the thorns.

The one who came and shared and walked and hurt and wept alongside human kind ......... he who was rich became poor ....... HE was the one who, powerful enough to turn water into wine and make a blind man see, chose strategically to show his vulnerability even unto .......... Beautiful Perfection......

.......... the thorns ............


...... Jude my friend put me on to these and also Stocky who does a weekly radio show on BBC Ulster ......... I download everyweek and listen on my iPod.

see the Guardian Review ....... ***** indeed


Four Catholic ladies are having coffee together, discussing how important
their children are.

The first one tells her friends, "My son is a priest. When he walks into a
room, everyone calls him 'Father'."

The second Catholic woman chirps, "Well, my son is a bishop. Whenever he
walks into a room, people say, 'Your Grace'."

The third Catholic woman says smugly, "Well, not to put you down, but my son
is a cardinal. Whenever he walks into a room, people say 'Your Eminence'."

The fourth Catholic woman sips her coffee in silence. The first three women
give her this subtle "Well...?"

She replies, "My son is a gorgeous, 6' 2", hardbodied, well hung, male
stripper. Whenever he walks into a room, women say, "Sweet Jesus!!!....."

Sunday, October 30, 2005

..... week-end over and Zig has been under the bed with all the fireworks going off ....

Got my iMac back now, partly, and partly kicking darkness .. .. .. ............. I am desperate to forget it and just use it as normal with any hassle .... I have missed doing a eNewsletter again this month which is frustrating ....... I have about 3000 on the list and most won't know I have a new book out ....... so must do one this week sometime.

How are feeling PipDiddy you may ask .......... yes - you are right, I am going on about facts and not so much the human feelings ......

Five words to describe my life right now;

Tension/Diving for Pearls like
walking towards the spring board
Sufjan Stevens ........ (my latest hot Album)

I am feeling it ....... feeling it ......... and I have more to click but that will melt before you tomorrow.

You are beautiful ....

NO NO NO ...

.... Take the RED PILL ....

.... at least consider!

Saturday, October 29, 2005



The Sheilas .....

I love and don't hang out enough with them hmmm

Am feeling a bit brighter today after a week x 2 0f being a bit under the glass half full position ...... I know I am coming on full energy again because I am reading stuff with tears in my eyes and my soul is getting scratched and scarred from all sorts of human non-human interactions ....... and I like that.

Beautiful curry last night with beautiful friends.

New album just in;
Sufjan Stevens "Illinois"
Still being churned by the new Tom Waits album.
Now into transfering old cassette tapes from the old plasic things, remember them?, to digital on my laptop - then to iPod of course .... most are Gilles Peterson Radio Programmes. Just heard and recorded one from 2002 and it is as fresh and as exciting as the first day I recorded ....
Music touches deep emotions in me. Tears come as I click these words .......

I do a Pip Wilson 'Selection Box' every year. They are a selection of my favouritee tracks from that year - see my website home page for a link to some of previous years. I send a copy out to anyone who reads my blog .......... sent about 50 last year. I don't charge but maybe this year I need to suggest a charity which you beautiful humans may consider donating to - maybe.
If you want one - just bang me an email with your postal address ............ I usually compile between Christmas and New Year. What a choice I have this year ....... I am bursting with options ...........

I note I have not really told you about my late night BRMC gig ........ or our trip out to drink Champagne ......... but I have a priority about telling you about my soul rather than activities ...... sometimes we can hide behind activity ......

part 2

"One goal is to seek the person of high position,
the great person,
the spiritual person,
the clever person,
the fine person,
the person who because of his or her talents or achievements represents a peak, as it were, in the mountain range of humanity.

The other goal is to seek the minorities,
the physically and mentally retarded,
the prisoners,
and the despised;
the degraded,
the enslaved,
the exploited,
the weak,
and the poorest of the poor."

Eberhard Arnold
I Never use the word 'should' because I believe it is an oppressive word for me - and others ..

Friday, October 28, 2005

The Psychology of Work'

I say;
"Motion changes emotion"

Strongman says;
"Emotion also involves physiological and behavioural change ...... which we may enjoy or not."
from 'The Psychology of Work'

.... U2 did some special remembering at their concert as reported here by U2 dot com ..........
Bono on the mike;
....... Bono mentioned three times in three different songs, someone who lived and died in Detroit. Not only did Bono invoke the civil rights heroine in Pride and Streets but also in One.

'From Rosa Parks in America to Nelson Mandela in Africa,' he announced, as Larry and Adam drove us into Streets, and it was a glorious din of appreciation such as even this tour has rarely heard. And then it was cellphone time with Rosa still on his mind.
'You can do a lot of interesting stuff with a cellphone
Get yourself into trouble
Call your mother
Call the President of the United States
You in Detroit know better than anyone
Rosa died here - lived here
Middle aged woman going home on a bus
Refused to give up her seat for a younger man
Because of her quiet dignity and strength
America became a better changed country
This song is dedicated to the mother of American civil rights movement
Rosa Parks God Bless you in your rest
This is One.'
U2 then played 'ONE' a very special song .........

Rosa Parks of course made history in 1955 in Montgomery, Alabama, when she refused to give up her seat on a public bus to a white man, as law dictated. She became a potent symbol of a divided society, igniting a boycott that was one of the first successful demonstrations of the civil liberties movement - and passing away this week, aged 92.

Sleep tonight, may your dreams be realised.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

It was MUSIC .....

.... which first introduced me to Rosa .......... the story was told to me by several musicians - powerful lyrics - powerful music.

How far can a human go - to make another human stand up in a bus JUST because the other person is a different colour?
He was white
She was black
He demanded she stood
She refused
That was against the law
She was arrested
He sat down

She has said about this;
"The time had just come when I had been pushed as far as I could stand to be pushed, I suppose.
They placed me under arrest.
And I wasn't afraid.
I don't know why I wasn't, but I didn't feel afraid.
I had decided that I would have to know once and for all what rights I had as a human being and a citizen, even in Montgomery, Alabama."
Cultural transposition of that to now .......... look around you and what do you see which is worth standing up for (or sitting down for?)

It is usually minorities who get the dirty end of the laws or misuse of the laws. We only feel when we are in contact with humans who are in a minority .......... around me now - as I click - is a situation I cannot tell you about but is about those considered as 'untouchables' being disregarded and even deprived of basic human needs ......

God Bless Rosa Parks and may we learn from her life .........

‘Seek the Shalom of the city where I have sent you… and pray to the Lord on its behalf; for in its Shalom you will find your own Shalom.’

(Jeremiah 29: 6-7)

I meet ......

........... so many humans - in their beautifulness they;
have a real issue with one or more of these;-
feeling good about self
confidence about making a decision
confidence in taking a step away from routine
not having purpose
not having direction
not having a plan
feeling insecure
being addicted to what they don't want
in conflict with others
- at work
- in family
- in groups

Most humans have never considered a simple evaluation of their life.
A simple plan to tackle the future.

One tool is to write a Mission Statement ......... it is great to do it as a group because we get a buzz with the process as well as the outcome.
This one has lived alongside me for years and, even though I revisit, as yet! - I don't want to change .....

Have you got one?
Will you consider?
Or - are you not motivated ...................................


Have a look see .....

at this ..... I want one - I want one ....

... thanx Mic for the link ...

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


In the beginning, there was God, an old man with a beard who hung out with angels and made flowers grow.

Then came Bod, a bald guy who taught things to children with Auntie Flo and Farmer Barleymow.

Now there’s Pod, a new restaurant that serves fresh, homemade food fast.

Take-away meals are cooked on demand by an army of chefs, so you won’t find anything curling up on the shelves. Open from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Pod serves breakfast (organic porridge with honey, smoked salmon baguette, Devon yoghurt and granola) and lunch (creamy goat cheese salad, Sophie Conran’s pies, Pod pasta). You could even grab dinner on your way home, New York style.

No snotty waiters, no overpriced mineral water, no whopping bill?
Now that’s beating the odds.
Pod, 162-163 London Wall, EC2 (020 7256 5506 or

seen on daily candy dot com

I am level headed today -
I am dribbling out of both corners of my mouth ........


"Thanks for getting back Pip, I did a workshop for the Youth Sector and I used your Robin Hood exercise which proved really
Then I was approached by a Youth Worker who recognised the work as yours and told me his whole career had been based on the impact a conference you headed up had on him as a young boy.
That is why he joined the YMCA. So your reputation for excellence precedes you. Your workshop I attended inspired me to be more creative and just be myself when delivering sessions. Thank you, I know we will meet again one day. "

The Robin Hood exercise is found in my book 'The Very Stinking Rolling Magazine Book' which is now only available from me at £10.00 ...... and what a bargin with hundreds of exercises and mad fun games as well ........ and of course it contains the 'BLOB TREE' ...... which was first published in my first games book titled 'Games Without Frontiers'.

I have enough material for a big bumper 'Games Without Frontiers' but I don't get around to putting the work in.


Johnny Cash
last interview quote:-

"God had other plans for me.
I guess there's something more he's got for me to do, and who am I to argue?"

His voice trailed off and he stared ahead, quietly for a while.
Until I asked him if he was angry with God for being left to do it on his own.
He sat upright in his wheelchair. "Never. Never!" His dark eyes blazed.
Then he smiled. "
My arms", he said "are too short to box with God."

"only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go'
ts eliot

Look around you
there are people around you.

Maybe you will remember one of them all your life and later eat your heart out because you didn’t make use of the opportunity to ask them questions.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn


TOP TEN .....

... these are the top ten ways that humans of the world used to get to my web-site in October 2005

.......... some were after me and others more keen to discover some of the music we have in common ........

pip wilson
pip wilson blob tree
destructivness the roots
blob tree pip wilson
george clinton p-funk
jill scott golden original west coast mix lyrics
an empty belly has no ears

....' why am I afraid ..

.... to tell you who I am' is the title of my favourite book and if you read this way you will know that I strive to try to tell you who I am - because if I tell you who I am - I don't need to hide anymore -
I don't need to pretend anymore ......

I am tonight a bit frustrated and not too chilled.
Normally I am working with humans who stir me deep with their lived out emotions and I feel those - receive those - welcome those -

But sometimes the feelings come from within and I have them today because Joan my beloved has been in bed today recovering from the chesty invasion into her health ...... and I have been doing the right things and doing the other working at home things too ............ got my iMac back from the surgery and spent too long trying to install all the necessary into it's guts so it can serve the king like the servant it is - supposed to be ........... !

Five words to describe my life at the moment;


..... the last one seems to appear regularly in my words and I suppose I am glad because I want to continue to live dissatisfied - unsatisfied - unease - restless - yearning ....... yes that word again.

Like change .............. it needs to be desired and longed for rather than accepted with a groan ......... but in my beautiful imperfection I have groaned today .......... come on then ..... communication is two way and would love to know your five words ........

"work like you don't need the money
dance like no-one is watching
sing like no-one is listening
love like you have never been hurt"


Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Thanx for visiting my web-site you beautiful humans - from the following places on the globe ......
I have them in order from most visited - to least in this month only;-

United Kingdom







USA Educational







Czech Republic


Russian Federation









...... post free from play dot com ...... £7.99 Delivered

Due for release on 14/11/2005
RRP: £15.79 You save: £7.80 (49%)

seems better than the iTunes download and you get to use like you like ....... iTunes stop us rip and burning after about ten times ....

.... get a life wilson .....


.... the greatest event in my year and this is a pic from the seminar I was involve in called;

Some great pix here and some wondrous words about a range of experiences at this years festival ...... dip the toe ...... touch the finger print .... experience ......


Thinking about my life ....

............ I have been hanging out of late with humans who are able to share the deeper stuff because we have been incarnate together for sometime.
There is a mutual trust.
Trust is something deep.
Beyond feelings.
I like feelings - those feeling which are in the positive.

I like feeling being trusted.
I like the feelings of trusting another human.

I am thinking that my own untapped well is released in part by the relationships with the bruised and hesitant.

Those with me who share our damage together and gain strength from tapping the wells of deep longing. It seems that broken people release in me something significant for my wholeness - and I am supposed to be be in a helping relationship with them!

Every relationship is a helping relationship to me.

I raise my finger tip and gently press it against yours ..... .........


Monday, October 24, 2005

hmmmm ......... I am blogging and there is no groove to place the needle in right now. So here goes ...........

I am always interested in communication.
The world is.
Life cannot exist without it.
To love is to communicate, love is a doing word, and that interests me.

The normal spoken speed is about 125 words per minute. If we measured the speed of thought it is said to be four times that.
So every minute (125 words) of someone is talking to us, we have an extra 400 words of thought time/words/thinking time to manage.

That given, it is a difficult task for the listener/receiver AND pretty much a challenge for the speaker/sender too.
I am interested in communication and that means 'words out' but also 'words in'. We cannot be communicators unless we listen ....... otherwise we may-as-well talk to ourselves! Add to all this the complexity of 'non verbal communication', body language, and we have something in everyday usage open to great misunderstanding.

My work with groups is a challenge.
Not only do I aim to communicate but I aim to create an environment and opportunity for everyone there to communicate. Yes listening! Yes verbally and non-verbally expressing themselves.

One big issue here is something I have good conversations about.
The issue of our own sensitivity to ourselves.
If we are not aware of our own feelings, in touch with them, it seems to me we are in a struggle to understand other humans. So many people I know do not know how they are feeling, being able to put a word to a feeling.
I am happy.
I am frustrated.
I am angry.
I am low.
I am bitter.
I am at peace.
I am ....................... you fill in the space about your feelings now.

I believe we can then become sensitive to others better.
From that base of sensitivity we can then decide how best to communicate.

I have had some wondrous experiences of communication in the last 48 hours and my tiny inadequate clicking fingers cannot cope.
I wish I could click as fast as I could talk.
Then of course I would like to click as quick as I could think!

........ what a groove ................. bhp

Sunday, October 23, 2005

I love beautiful things - art I mean - not bling ........... but did I ever mention my first love ........

I love em .. .. .. ..

I don't know how you feel, unless you tell me, and I find that humans don't tell unless I ask them ....... and sometimes whenI ask they tell me for a long time and forget to to ask about my feelings .....

I feel I love people till I ache.

That's how I feel.

"No-one puts flowers on the flowers grave"

Another thing ....... I love music. It is something I love for myself - pure pleasure but also I find it deeply inspirational and spiritual and some of the time I get shivers down my spine ......... at the moment I am listening to the new Tom Waits album and ... that is a line above .... it is the most wondrous and powerful ........ dripping with emotion.

But the music is for private time ........ most of the time.
But humans and human contact and human interactions are the eliments of life that scratch my soul and make me kick darkness in me until it bleeds daylight ......... as Donna Summer would say ....... "I love to love you baby" ............

........ the most important thing is that you know the fact that you are beautiful because that changes all things, starting with your interior, and then all things around your exterior ....

You are beautiful ......

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Just eMail me .. .. ..

..... lots of humans are looking for details about the Blob Tree and books ....... so just email me and I will send details - and how to buy if you wish ...........

HAVE .. .. ..

Been away enjoying ourselves and shaking off chests ........ mine has gone and Joan still got hers so it is now up to the Doc ........


Disappointment and loss are a part of every life.

Many times we can put them behind us and get on with the rest of our lives.

But not everything is amenable to this approach.

Some things are too big or too deep to do this, and we will have to leave important parts of ourselves behind if we treat them in this way.

These are the places where wisdom begins to grow in us. It begins with suffering that we do not avoid or rationalize or put behind us. It starts with the realization that our loss, whatever it is, has become a part of us and has altered our lives so profoundly that we cannot go back to the way it was before.

The thing about the many strategies we use to shelter ourselves from feeling loss is that none of them leads to healing. Although denial, rationalization, substitution, avoidance, and the like may numb the pain of loss, every one of them hurts us in some far more fundamental ways. None is respectful toward life or toward process. None acknowledges our capacity for finding meaning or wisdom.

Rachel Naomi Remen

Thursday, October 20, 2005


I was not really interested in Madonna and her new single currently getting it's first radio play - and the new album due on 14/11/2005 .... called Confessions On A Dancefloor ...... but when I heard the interview with the mixer/producer, Pete Tong in Interview with Stuart Price aka Jacques Lu Cont, I am interested ......... ..... interested because the whole album runs without a gap - just like a mix album but lots of good singles I guess ......... Ilovemusic

Blob Tree friends gather around when I am working at home - doing my prep for training courses and I feel good becuase it was a great session and fun and ...... motion changes emotion ..... and it was full of laughter and meaning and development for me ...... and others ...... hmmm

... at home when the Sheilas visit ......... always passionate ......

A acorn
looks nothing like an
oak tree
but one develops from the other .. .. .. .. .

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


....... who work with humans, beautiful, who live in hostels and right now, not forever, are in need of special unique attention:-
new experiences

My favourite Cafe ...... hmmm

loveitloveitloveit ......

... beautiful humans who I did some work with ....... loveitloveit ......

The Sheilas playing with my Mactop and I loveemloveem .....

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


November 2005 edition of SNIP
(Special Needs Information Press).

Wow - I love them - innovative and practical, creative and enabling. These
posters are going to be very useful to schools looking for ways to
facilitate and develop the pupil voice.
There are four Blob posters, each depicting a tree that has over it around
twenty Blobs characters - human shaped but of no specific age, size or
gender. There is no text so no need for pupils to be limited by the need to
decode or by others' interpretations, which opens up this resource to a wide
diversity of pupil ability and interests.
The Blobs are all involved in different activities, some climbing the tree,
some sitting, some in groups or alone, with different emotional expressions
and postioning etc. The idea is to use the Blob posters to generate
questions such as "Which Blob interests you? Which Blob is the most caring?
Which Blob do you feel like when you are at school?"
Primary and special schools will find them perhaps the most valuable, but
these posters also have a place in secondary settings as well. The authors
suggest ways in which they think the posters could be used which provides a
good starting place. In my view they would be invaluable in discussion
groups such as Circle Time, in counselling, mentoring or coaching frameworks
and provide and promote particpation in Anger Management or Nurture Groups.



... what is happening here?
What feelings do the two on the right have?
The one with the fist ....
- does this blob person feel happy?
- what are the feelings inside that person right now?
The one on the left - how is this blob peson feeling?
Which of these has the nearest feelings to your own - right now - at the moment?

When are you at your most vunerable?
..... is it when you are either;-

Having picked one - how do you feel at that time?
Pick a blob figure which describes your feelings best - at that particular time?

END OF EXERCISE - hope you did it?
The experience of 'doing it' is different than just reading the words.

These are a few questions relating to one module from a full page of these blobs which tell a story. It is just one Blob Tools in the book. The story can be viewed differently by different humans present - and the reading of the story can be a beautiful moment of discovery. Reading the feelings in the blobs can help in understanding ourselves - our own feelings and go on to be better at understanding others.

Unlike words - blob tools don't tell you what to think - they cultivate discovery.
Self awareness.
Self revelation.



................ this is a tool box of great ideas for anyone who works with humans or wants to stimulate discussion with friends ....

What do you think?

Monday, October 17, 2005

Can I introduce you to Laurie?

.... he has given permission for me to show his face and a work of art he has created.
A poem.

In fact he has just completed a full book ready - and wondrously ready for publication.
The series of poems are a journey through his unique life including some major diasters which he has faced and come strong massive.

He is a beautiful human.
We need ideas of how he can get his work into print - any ideas - contacts - suggestions - thoughts?

Reading the one item below may help you think ........ there is more to come!


He’s like the sea in motion:
His anger comes in waves.
How He wishes at times He couldn’t see!

Life troubles His mind:
This world and the next;
At times He feels insane!

He searches His soul,
He climbs from pain to pain!
What are the answers He craves?

Judging by the state of our world affairs:
He thinks we may be better off in graves!

He wishes He, was blind,
But He’s not!

His truth is His,
And only His to bare:

What is yours?
Do you care?

He asks, “what is life”;
Do you?

So long as you get your paycheque,
Are you no longer Blue?

It’s not like that for Him,
He feels naked!

He doesn’t find the answers in cash!
He hates it!

He gasps!

He sees life:
He sees it all,
He sees love!
He sees shame!

He’s lived.
He knows He’s lived.

He sees fear:
He sees faith,
He sees disgrace!

His peace hides behind His pain!

And in a few occasional precious moments,
He feels His worth.

But in His life He sees dirt,
And he sees greed:

And He hates it,
But He owns it:
And it is a part of Him!

And we live!
And we die!

He’s like the sea in motion:
His anger comes in waves.
How He wishes at times He couldn’t see!

Life troubles His mind:
This world and the next;
At times He feels insane!

He searches His soul,
He climbs from pain to pain!
What are the answers He craves?

He smiles
And says, “He’s fine”:

And in return
He asks, “how are you”:
And you lie too,
And say, “I’m fine”!

He’s troubled!
But He cares!

He’s scared!
But He dares!

And Through His Pain He Grows!

Laurie Culley 2005.

thanx for reading ............


Michael McDermott

..... who played Greenbelt this year .......... this a pic from a new blogger ....

Have a glimpse ...... some sound clips here too .. ... ... here he is at the Borderline in London Town ....

I thought he was sensational in the Performance Cafe .....


..... my favourite Radio DJ for many years seen here with Amp Fiddler - have you got his album?

I have been recording Gilles for many years and have a pile ofcassette tapes which I must transfer to my iMac (when I get the stinker back) so I can take on holiday in my iPod ... .. ..... it is my Mac and iPod which gathers all the newer programmes, say the last two years, and repeatedly listen to all the exciting, always new, music ........ loveitloveit.

Now an album ...... ..... this is a clip from a US website about the up and coming .....

"On Gilles Peterson Presents: The BBC Live Sessions, due October 25, he found heart and soul just below the charts, whether it’s
N.E.R.D. giving up an expansive, mello-dic “Exclusive Jam”;
Beck finding his inner bluesman on “Round the Bend”;
Björk contrasting her sweet-and-sour voice with ominous breakbeats on “Who Is It”;
the Roots torching the studio with the up-tempo scorcher “Melting Pot”;
Common revisiting his first single, “The Corner,” with sincere passion; or
Jamie Cullum belting out a cocktail-jazz version of N.E.R.D.’s “Frontin’.”

Peterson has gone out of his way to champion black music in his Anglo nation, and Live Sessions is a tribute to his efforts, showcasing a collection of stars who came to the BBC’s legendary Maida Vale studios to give him their best. “All of the artists were really quite keen to be on the album,” Peterson says.

"..... so it is full of live music and I was there for some of it ...... soooooo ..... I never recommend a Holiday or a Album - just say what I like and ....... I LIKE DIS


Sunday, October 16, 2005

Pip Diddy here ...

.. or as my daughters would say
'Pip Daddy'

The Magazine jumped from the rack and wrestled with my throat ........ it was a Music mag. I used to get a magazine weekly called 'Muzik' but it went bust. It was a great and helped keep me up with my favourite dance music scene.
This shelf tempter mag was called 'iDJ' and on the front cover was a word which propelled it from it's place right into my soul ......... it said JAZZANOVA one of my favourite artistes/label/mixers ....... Berlin Based and really exciting stuff. They have new albums coming out this side of Christmas so I will rave to you when I get them .......

Was at the concert of BRMC last night with Daughter little She , Ann by name ........ also Wez and Martin and was great hanging out with Dan the Manager who I have not seen for ages proper.

If you know me - I always have my camera - locked in ........... last night I didn't have it so the very special human Martin will email me some of the best - for YOU!


That is a question I have been asking humans this last week and getting some great answers.
See this one.

you are beautiful.
Remember ...........