Tuesday, November 11, 2008

"Tell me your feelings about that ........."

When something happens in the life of any human, there are feelings inside that being.
So many won't enter that place where they reside.
Avoidance is not good it seems to me.

So many are scared of feelings which are sloshing around uncomfortably.
So often the feelings feel bad but the person just doesn't know what those feelings are.
So many cannot put words to their feelings.
Especially boys - who grow into men without learning about them.

The great unknown.
The road less travelled.

It is uncomfortable to dig into the soul and get in touch with a collection of feelings.
The great unknown.
These feeling are not buried dead.
They are buried alive.
The burst through, back to reality, if they are not managed,
But they can be managed and buried dead.

They need to be written down.
They need to be contacted.
These signals need to be seen, heard and recorded.
Then they become reality.
Not scary - sometimes not nice but
we are then in a manageable situation.
We can decide what to do with them.

AA - Alcoholics Anonymous have a good process.
The first of the 12 steps to recover is always
'I am an alcoholic'.
Without that clocking of reality we can never walk on.

Being articulate is sometimes called
Emotional Literacy.
Emotional Intelligence.
Whatever it is called - we need to develop awareness followed by skill.
Or rot from the inside out.

In 1979 I did my first study on all of this Feelings stuff.
It was called 'Emotional Deprivation'.
In 1985 my first book was published.
It was called 'Gutter Feelings'.
These feelings inside us are important.
See a great list of them:: http://eqi.org/fw.htm

You are beautiful
I hope and trust that you have feelings about this too.