Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Greenbelt Scotland
You might have missed the informal session at the Festival but we're investigating the possibility of a Scottish version of Greenbelt. Many Scots don't come to the Festival because there is no August Bank Holiday and they don't want to take their children out of school. There are no definite plans, but there was enough enthusiasm from the session to want to take a further look with anyone who might be interested in getting involved in supporting, planning, volunteering or even just attending a Greenbelt Scotland*.

You don't need to be Scottish — some at the initial meeting came from the north of England, it might also appeal to the Irish to come across the water. If you are interested and would like to be kept informed of any plans, send an email to greenbeltscotland@greenbelt.org.uk so that we can keep in touch. Another meeting is planned in the Autumn somewhere in middle Scotland--we'll keep you posted.

* If something happens it won't be in 2009 and it won't be in August