Thursday, February 04, 2021

TODAY IN LOCKDOWN - & seeing the whole person


Don't compare your insides with some else's outside .....

Another day in lockdown

what do I do?

walking yes

shopping yes


Love ................ yesyesyes

and tomorrow is world cancer day - and I ponder on how much to share about my current situation - or how little?

I have had some powerful conversations with various humans recently. I am blessed in knowing so many 'travelled' humans.

And deep sadness that we were not able to be with our granddaughter on her eleventh birthday yesterday - it hurts .................... Yes - that's a deep feeling - of loss.

Online connections were good however - she was treated to surprises and many gifts plus a rammed full of a 'birthday greetings video' from many family and friends - but I missed the hugs  ......................

In some strange way today seems to be a restart in living. Partly the above birthday & also the tech crashes I experienced because I lost my website / email / Blob Shop .... BUT now we are back on track - connected beautifully ............. apologies for any inconvenience - I am here with at least online touching (no real finger tip touching)
