Monday, February 26, 2007

I think about you.
Wonder how you are.

I don't know who clicks this way
I try to think how you are.

I sometimes say to a new human
"I don't know what it is like to be you"
(Sometimes -
most times
I don't know what it is like to be me)

Getting to know someone is walking that way
I like getting to know humans
Love that journey
I don't like,
but accept,
when I feel humans saying
"Hey - I don't want to enter intimacy"
I accept
I - in fact, have feelings when this happens
I suppose it is because the person my be slow
at opening up -
different speed
maybe in a trapped place
time out
having a bad day
never known about Level Five Communication.

I hope you feel that we are in
some sort of spiritual
emotional connective-ness?
maybe there is a special
touching of our finger tips
across cyber space?
Me like me
You like you
and that is a
beautiful place
to be
to start .........
