Sunday, January 11, 2009

I was reflecting, below, about the meal out with the Sheilas, you would love these beautiful humans.
Sparky mind on diversion::
I was asked recently - what is it like when your children leave home? I said that I feel that they have never left because we relate so much. And another thing I said - I decided never to give them advice - and I don't. I believe you put the work in as parents and, when they mature, you leave life to them to live. We talk a lot but they don't ask for advice. I believe in not being an oppressive parent.
I read only today about the shattered relationship between the famous retired footballer, Bobbie Charlton, and his brother. One big reason given - was the attitude of their Mother.
I meet so many humans who feel oppressed by one or more of their own parents. God bless these relationships.

One thing amongst many buzzing free flowing chat with the Sheilas, we talked about how Joan and myself have about 15 years to live - if all goes well. Never thought that before.

It has been six years, almost, since I left my last post in community leadership - I was there for 18 years. These six years have flown. Interestingly, you have aged at the same speed as me and I guess you can reflect back about your life lived over those years. But have you thought about the forthcoming lap through life?

You will know me if we have met - or you have read this journal over the last six years. You will know I yearn for intimacy and believe in it. I believe that the journey inward - self discovery, is the deepest journey and yet can be only conducted satisfyingly and adequately with, and alongside, other humans.

Self discovery cannot be separated from spirituality and faith. Never apart from the Divine Creator.
I believe, and strive for, that call in the Bible to 'present yourself as a living sacrifice'. That too is a journey. That too is a destination. I yearn. How do we do it?
Other humans must come into it. I am am certain that it is no accident that Jesus pulled together a group of humans to give to - learn from. (Shame they were all men!!)

I think there is so much discover about ourselves and unravelling these intertwined emotions, thoughts, spirituality, relationships, secrets, shames, hopes and dreams. Think - how wondrous it would be to unravel all these with a group of humans in a climate of acceptance and 100% unconditional love. I think we are born to share and, in that sharing, we discover ourselves in others, through others, reflected in others.

So for the next lap - fifteen years, maybe,
I need you.
I can manage on my own.
But cannot become whole -
without you.
I want to relate and unravel.
I want to tell you who I am.
I would rather rot from the outside in
- than the inside out!

"We become fully conscious
only of what are able to express to someone else.
We may already have had a certain inner intuition about it,
but it must remain vague so long as it is unformulated"

Paul Tournier
from "The Meaning of Persons