Sunday, November 27, 2005

..... domestic week-end for you as well eh?

I recover and then get restless ........... music keeps me sane and driving ...... I have transferred 8 hours of cassette tapes to digital/iPod music as I have watched the Ozzie Team get beat by the NZ Team ....... Rugby League of course. One of the best matches I have seen.

I have sat and watched late night I'm a Celeb ........ with Zig on my knee....... what a beautiful non-human ...... and read the Sunday Times today ..... a horrible Tory right wing bias on every page ......... they recommended we vote Tory at the last election - even in the mess they were in - still are from my view .....

Today we said together - me and Joan and the rest of us in our Church;
"..... through him we offer you our souls and bodies to be a living sacrifice.
Send us out in your spirit to live and work ...... "

Here It is all about;
my soul ....... that is the heart of me - all my interior life
my body ...... all the exterior life .......... putting my body on the line
as a
living ........ not a dead sacrifice but ALIVE-!!
sacrifice ........... that is all about giving until it hurts ....... I don't do comfortable ....

It spurred me on ......

"only those who risk going too far
can possibly find out how far one can go'

ts eliot

"work like you don't need the money
dance like no-one is watching
sing like no-one is listening
love like you have never been hurt"