Sunday, November 08, 2009


you |yoō|
pronoun [ second person singular or plural ]
1 used to refer to the person or people that the speaker is addressing : are you listening? | I love you.
• used to refer to the person being addressed together with other people regarded in the same class : you Australians.
• used in exclamations to address one or more people : you fools | hey, you!
2 used to refer to any person in general : after a while, you get used to it.

You make me sick
You make mad
You always do this
You are very irritating
You are stupid

You make me feel terrible
You make me feel ugly
You make me feel angry
You make me feel sad
You make me feel hopeless

No-one makes you feel.
You feel your own feelings
They are inside you
The feelings belong to you.
Feelings can be triggered by another.

YOU -the word
is not the best word to start a sentence
not the best chance of a positive

I feel terrible
I feel ugly
I feel angry
I feel sad
I feel hopeless.

You are sharing your feelings here
You are sharing our unique self
undressing the soul.

'I', the use of 'I',
at the front end of a sentence
is owning those feelings.
those feelings residing in your gut
those feelings rising up through the chest
those feelings desperate to spit out of the mouth
an act of fight, not flight,
unless you use emotional intelligence.

That developed skill, emotional intelligence,
develops the ability to
manage feelings
NOT letting them manage you -
and the the resulting
surge up through the chest
the spitting of words
the damaged relationship
the regret.