Tuesday, March 16, 2010

you are a beautiful human person

This Pipology of telling others
that they are beautiful, grew out
of when I was working with gangs.
Being amongst,
living alongside,
those living with extreme behaviour -
violence, intimidation, aggression,
fear, failure, emotional deprivation
and fighting for fun.

I didn't know how to work with them.
I just lived with it.
Loved with it.
I didn't know how to love them.
I felt failure at every turn.
I felt more clearly Gods love for me.
I could see, feel, how they could not know that
God loved them.

I felt for them, with them, living under oppression.
I strove to understand their circumstances and lives.
I studied every way to get through, to love,
to understand their depth of needs.
I had extreme feelings about their feelings.
I began to believe that they are
beautiful human persons.

All this I learned,
this pinprick of awareness -
like a pinprick made on the planet we call earth.

A further big step was the realisation
that all I did with and for these young beautiful humans,
I also needed to do with, and for, myself.
I needed to strive to understand myself.
Acceptance. Value. Vulnerability.
I needed to understand my deepest needs.
I needed to be compassionate, empathetic,
with myself.

It wasn't long before I needed a further step.
To apply all this to every relationship,
every circumstance.
My most intimate relationships,
family, work relationships, teamwork,
organisations, international relationships
and beyond ............

I had decided to make my life an act of love.

You are a beautiful human person