Thursday, July 14, 2011

I am sorry I have not got back online sooner.
I have had a bout of Gout in my right foot
lasting two weeks - limping crazily through life.
Followed by
my left foot with something similar.
but worse PAIN !!
This has stopped me walking for week.
It has also stopped me functioning
amazingly how the body impacts the soul.

Only this morning
has the swelling reduced some
leaving me only limping
NOT crawling around the flat
on all fours - a strange

I have not clicked keys for a week
now just starting to clear the decks
answer ignored messages
connecting with the outside world
getting out of prison.

I am not used to this.
I knw so many
who experience
live with
all the time.
I will understand better now.
I will put this experience
into being more sensitive.

So that is me
some of me
I don't really know myself
I am becoming .......
