Saturday, July 02, 2005


Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.

............ for the first time ever the ornaments crashed off the top of the television ..... it was the occasion of Sgt Peppers Hearts Club Band ................... with U2 and I cried.
That opening and the set that followed was powerful ........ and then the doves released above the stage and .........

The LIVE 8 volume was up and I felt so excited!
Here I am at home - turning down a ticket to be at home with Joan and to make sure I am not wrecked for the full-on week ahead ........ and preparation for a big conference.

And again I wept when Will Smith in the US asked all the L8 stages and masses in attendance, to say hello to each other ......... and then the '3 seconds click of the finger - every three seconds a child dies of poverty in Africa ......

I had bought a DVD recorder yesterday so I could record the programmes for the Sheilas - and keep it for myself. I didn't plan to spend hours on my knees BEHIND the tv trying to fix it .....

....... and then, as I was getting some food, the sobs rose from my gut into my mouth as Bob Geldof replayed that 'live aid' video .......... and introduced the starving - days from death child - now a beautiful human - beautiful woman .............. here she was on stage and I emotionally fell to my knees ......... this is a vital act by many ...... for the weakest humans in the world ......

At the same time Joan was gripped but stinking cricket.
I have said how she is into her sport.
not Wimbledon!
not Live 8
not gay Pride
............ it had to be cricket-!!

I am delighted that so many people have been motivated about poverty.
Some a mere touch I guess.
Some for the first time and forever.
Anyway will do for me .....

I have worked it out in my fumbling and stumbling .....
theologically ......
I believe that we need to be active
and about the cosmos - the world .......
anyway will do ......... COME ON .....
Already I have bought a .79 pence download from iTunes of the fantastic opening song with Paul McCartney and U2 .......... isn't the world different?

It is still going and I hope the DVD recorder has worked ....... not had chance to check it yet ....