Sunday, November 20, 2005

I have just cleaned my teeth in more water than some babies drank today.

And yesterday I rode my bike more miles with more thigh than some poor kids will hobble lamely from the beginning of their existence.

And before I rode my bike I had for breakfast more milk than some mothers have in their breasts to feed those babies who had less water to drink than I just cleaned my teeth in, the very same who will hobble lamely less of a distance than I cycled after I drank that milk.

And a month before this there were more than some who threw enough bricks and burnt enough energy to build a fair house for that mother and son.

And the next time it happens they all will be sprayed with just a little more water than our mother and son will drink in a year, though not nearly as much as the lake of inward tears holds cried by those burning enough energy to build more than enough houses for all those kids who hobble from the beginning of their existence.

More than enough.