Wednesday, March 06, 2013

SUFH Norway VIDEO. Pip Wilson's 20th year and LOVE IT.

1993 I was first invited to SUFH, ( ) Folk-high-school in Norway - Ulsteinvik, and I have just returned from my latest visit some 20 years later.
So exhilarating. So great to be amongst friends, school staff and an annual new batch of students.

I love doing and being with these guys. They have chased to be away in this special place for a year to pursue all sorts of 'wholeness' programmes. No exams just experiences of physical social spiritual and emotional development to help them along their way into life - it is EDUCATION OF THE HEART not the head!

I worked with the student body of about 80 beautiful humans. 
I had designed an experiential journey which would be fun, active and stretching their body mind and spirit. A journey into understanding humans, communication and themselves. 
I spent most of my time with them as a body but sometime bumping into small groups and individuals to have shorter times in conversation. Loved the meal times and the sitting next to strangers and leaving as friends.

We will keep contact via Facebook and Twitter plus opportunities to meet again - maybe when they come to London independently or with family/friends.

I just loved it.
But now I must turn to the next journey - to Canada (Victoria British Columbia) .
I have never been there before BUT the exciting thing will be to meet new beautiful humans and journey with them into Feelology, personal and community development and all things 'wholeness'.