Wednesday, August 13, 2014

I do NOT believe in sacrificing freedom for security

2003 I packed in my job as a CEO, 
Community Leader 
and residential worker
to go freelance.
I do NOT believe in sacrificing freedom for security
so I stepped out into the unknown.

11 years I have been doing the things I love
and believe I am good at - and a desire to learn more of it
for the wholistic benefit of all I had opportunities
to be with - to lead - to work with.

Group work.
Facilitating Training.
Prison Staff
Youth Workers
Corporate company teams
International teams
Hard to reach young people
Gang members
Yearning to become people
Young offenders and offenders.
Abroad and around the Uk nations
and all of them mixed together sometimes.

I never sit and write a book.
I write out of experiences.
Out of stretch.
Out of doing it.
Out of learning in preparation.
Out of learning when I busk it.
Out of failing my own objectives.
When I am surprised by Grace.

This new book has taken a few years to write.
It is handpicked stuff
from daily reflections.
Compelling me to 'write this up' feelings.
Fulfilled with satisfaction and internal motion - indescribable!

I share some stories of where I have been
group work with damaged humans
teams teams and 'would be' teams.

I share METHODS 
I have STRETCHED to discover.
The ones which OPEN UP HARD HEARTS

I share TOOLS I have used and developed
all about easing a human into development.
Blob Tree materials and how I use them.
How I use them to reach objectives
ALL about humans becoming.
Stepping out into new experiences
coming out of them more willing
to step forward into their wholeness.

I share about violent incidents.
AND facilitating learning for those
who work on the edge of this
as part of the mission and day to day work.

This is a book of experiences.
The nearest I have ever written
IN similarity to my first book called

I want people to read it.
I want it to go far and wide.
I want people to spot my weaknesses
and spot some strengths.
I want you to learn from reading
and participating with me.
I want you to journey down the
Backstreets of Heaven.

The University of Life.

Book Details HERE
'The Backstreets of Heaven'.........  HERE